5 research outputs found


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    We aim to construct a reflection on the place of strategic networks in the appropriation of the entrepreneurial culture mediated by digital platforms. The study is justified by the gap observed in what concerns the formation of strategic networks mediated by digital platforms in Creative Industry. Therefore, we have built theoretical framework on the use of strategic networks in Creative Industry, mainly mediated by ICTs. We start defining this as discipline that deals with economic activity of Creative Sectors acting through Social Networks, making extensive use of ICTs. We structure the research in three sections: 1) Creative Industry, Social and Strategic Networks; 2) Strategic Networks in Creative Industry; 3) Strategic Networks mediated by ICTs. We build theoretical framework on economic performance in strategic networks in the Creative Industry, from the field of Administration. We adopt methodology based on exploratory research, of a bibliographic nature. We conclude by presenting reflection on the performance of strategic networks mediated by digital platforms, based on the proposed theoretical framework.Objetivamos la construcción de reflexión sobre lugar de redes estratégicas en apropiación de cultura emprendedora mediada por plataformas digitales. El estudio se justifica por lacuna observada en lo que concierne a formación de redes estratégicas mediadas por plataformas digitales en industria creativa. Para ello, construimos un marco teórico sobre el uso de redes estratégicas en Industria Creativa, principalmente mediadas por TIC. Partimos de definición de esta como disciplina que trata de actividad económica de Sectores Creativos actuantes por medio de Redes Sociales, haciendo amplio uso de TIC. Estructuramos la investigación en tres secciones: 1) Industria Creativa, Redes Sociales y Estratégicas; 2) Redes Estratégicas en la Industria Creativa; 3) Redes Estratégicas mediadas por TIC. Construimos marco teórico sobre actuación económica en redes estratégicas en Industria Creativa, a partir del campo de Administración. Adoptamos metodología balizada en investigación exploratoria, de cuño bibliográfico. Concluimos presentando reflexión sobre actuación en redes estratégicas mediadas por plataformas digitales, a partir de marco teórico propuesto.Objetivamos construção de reflexão sobre lugar de redes estratégicas na apropriação da cultura empreendedora mediada por plataformas digitais. O estudo justifica-se pela lacuna observada no que concerne formação de redes estratégicas mediadas por plataformas digitais na Indústria Criativa. Para tanto, construímos quadro teórico sobre uso de redes estratégicas em Indústria Criativa, principalmente mediadas por TICs. Partimos de definição desta como disciplina que trata da atividade econômica de Setores Criativos atuantes por meio de Redes Sociais, fazendo largo uso de TICs. Estruturamos a investigação em três seções: 1) Indústria Criativa, Redes Sociais e Estratégicas; 2) Redes Estratégicas na Indústria Criativa; 3) Redes Estratégica mediadas por TICs. Construimos quadro teórico sobre atuação econômica em redes estratégicas na Indústria Criativa, a partir do campo da Administração. Adotamos metodologia balizada em pesquisa exploratória, de cunho bibliográfico. Concluímos apresentando reflexão sobre atuação em redes estratégicas mediadas por plataformas digitais, a partir de quadro teórico proposto.DOI: 10.21714/2178-8030gep.v19.467

    O uso da tecnologia digital na valorização da herança cultural dos refugiados

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    A presente dissertação – tendo por base o uso das tecnologias digitais, como sejam as plataformas digitais, crowdsourcing, e, eventualmente, a realidade virtual e a realidade aumentada – tem em vista uma proposta concreta e inovadora às questões decorrentes dos fenómenos migratórios e comunidades refugiadas. Para o efeito, procuramos desenvolver um edifício conceptual que lhe sirva de base e direção, privilegiando três núcleos essenciais: as referidas tecnologias digitais, a herança cultural (e, mais especificamente, o Património Imaterial), e a comunidade refugiada (designadamente a Síria). Com igual objetivo, empreendemos um mapeamento de projetos existentes no mesmo universo temático e com objetivos similares.This dissertation - based on the use of digital technologies such as digital platforms, crowdsourcing, and eventually virtual reality and augmented reality - aims at a concrete and innovative proposal to the issues arising from migratory phenomena and refugee communities. To this end, we seek to develop a conceptual building that will serve as its basis and direction, focusing on three core areas: digital technologies, cultural heritage (and, more specifically, Intangible Heritage), and the refugee community (namely Syria). With the same objective, we undertake a mapping of existing projects in the same thematic universe and with similar objectives

    Collaborative animation over the network

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    The continuously increasing complexity of computer animations makes it necessary to rely on the knowledge of various experts to cover the different areas of computer graphics and animation. This fact, which can be noted in many areas of scientific working, leads to increasing effort being put into research concerning cooperative working over the internet. However, it still requires substantialeffort and time to combine different animation techniques in a common virtual environment. When trying to perform collaborative animation over a network, we often face the problem of having to combine animation systems and applications based on different software and hardware and using incompatible data structures. We present an approach, based on a client-server architecture and employing a VRML-based language as common interchange format, that allows inhomogeneous systems to be easily incorporated into a collaborative animation. The applications can be freed from employing plug-ins or libraries to link into a common animation platform; they keep a local copy of the global scene and only need the ability to export the internal data representation into the so called "PaVRML" language, the language we use use to exchange data and synchronize the clients. This approach does not only allow a number of practitioners to share their know-how within a common animation without requiring the huge amount of work necessary to port their application to a common platform. It also makes it often possible in the first place to combine the capabilities of different animation systems into a single complex animation. Additionally, we investigate solutions to optimize the network load for real-time applications. In this paper we present preliminary results and discuss the future developments of thi..