12 research outputs found

    Understanding the Roles of Different Transport Modes in Logistics Market: Content Analysis for an Online Logistics Forum

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    For the purpose of meeting customer requirements at minimum cost, different transport modes need to be coordinated to make full use of their respective advantages in logistics market. A critical challenge lies in the lack of understanding for the roles of different transport modes in the dynamic logistics market with uncertainties. Online logistics forums provide user-generated content representing real-time market information. In this paper, a content analysis based method is presented to explore the logistics market. Text content in logistics forums is processed by word segmentation and stop word filtering. Then the LDA topic model is derived representing the most probable words for each transport mode. On this basis, the market areas and the cargo types can be investigated for the different modes of transportation. The method is demonstrated using a case study

    Service level, cost and environmental optimization of collaborative transportation

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    Less than truckload is an important type of road-based transportation. Based on real data and on a collaboration with industry, we show that a collaborative approach between companies offers important benefits. We propose to develop partnerships between shipping companies and to synchronize their shipments. Four operational collaborative schemes with different objectives are developed. The first one focuses on minimizing shipping costs for shippers. The second and third ones minimize the carrier’s costs and the environmental cost, respectively. The fourth one is a combination of all three. The results of our computational experiments demonstrate that collaboration lead to significant cost reductions

    Horizontal collaboration in the freight transport sector: barrier and decision-making frameworks

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    Abstract In the freight transport sector, competing companies horizontally collaborate through establishing Collaborative Transport Networks (CTNs). Fruitful implementation of CTNs will leverage environmental and socio-economic goals of sustainable development in the freight transport sector. The benefits of CTNs in horizontal collaborative settings have been widely demonstrated through several modelling approaches. However, in practice, the real applications of CTNs have been challenging and most did not achieve satisfactory performances. Some studies have addressed this issue by identifying different barriers to CTN implementation. However, a conceptual framework for the barriers is not well-established. In addition, the literature lacks a decision-making framework for the CTN implementation which considers the different barriers. To address this gap, this paper conducted a literature review of the barriers to CTN implementation. In total, 31 different barriers were identified. A conceptual barrier framework is developed by grouping the 31 barriers into five categories: the business model, information sharing, the human factors, the Collaborative Decision Support Systems (CDSSs), and the market. The paper additionally proposes a stage-gate model integrating the conceptual barrier framework into the CTN implementation decision-making process. The current work contributes to the existing literature by developing both theoretical and practical understandings of the barriers to implementing CTNs and will support decision makers in CTN implementation to maximize the CTN benefits and minimize the risk of CTN failure

    Model for Collaboration among Carriers to Reduce Empty Container Truck Trips

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    In recent years, intermodal transport has become an increasingly attractive alternative to freight shippers. However, the current intermodal freight transport is not as efficient as it could be. Oftentimes an empty container needs to be transported from the empty container depot to the shipper, and conversely, an empty container needs to be transported from the receiver to the empty container depot. These empty container movements decrease the freight carrier’s profit, as well as increase traffic congestion, decrease roadway safety, and add unnecessary emissions to the environment. To this end, our study evaluates a potential collaboration strategy to be used by carriers for domestic intermodal freight transport based on an optimization approach to reduce the number of empty container trips. A binary integer-linear programming model is developed to determine each freight carrier’s optimal schedule while minimizing its operating cost. The model ensures that the cost for each carrier with collaboration is less than or equal to its cost without collaboration. It also ensures that average savings from the collaboration are shared equally among all participating carriers. Additionally, two stochastic models are provided to account for uncertainty in truck travel times. The proposed collaboration strategy is tested using empirical data and is demonstrated to be effective in meeting all of the shipment constraints. Document type: Articl

    Shipment consolidation with two demand classes: Rationing the dispatch capacity

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.03.016 © 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/We analyze the problem faced by a logistics provider that dispatches shipment orders (parcels or larger packages) of two order classes, viz. expedited and regular. Shipment orders arrive according to a compound Poisson process for each class. Upon an arrival, the logistics provider may continue consolidating arriving orders by paying a holding cost. Alternatively, the provider may dispatch, at a fixed cost, a vehicle containing (a portion of) the load consolidated so far. In addition, the provider must specify the composition of each dispatch by allocating (rationing) the volume of the vehicle between expedited and regular shipment orders. We model this problem as a continuous-time Markov Decision Process and minimize the expected discounted total cost. We prove the existence of quantity-based optimal threshold policies under particular conditions. We also structurally analyze the thresholds of these optimal policies. Based on these structural properties, we develop an efficient solution approach for large problem instances which are difficult to solve using the conventional policy-iteration method. For two real-life applications, we show that the quantity-based threshold policies derived using the proposed approach outperform the time policies used in practice.Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştirma Kurumu [1059B191400567

    An Intelligent Multi-Agent Based Model for Collaborative Logistics Planning

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    Efficient freight distribution is indispensable for sustaining customer demand in modern times. In recent years, there has been a steady growth in the use of information systems in the logistics domain towards facilitating an agile distribution process. This study investigates the problem of collaboration planning in logistics and proposes an agent based approach for better management of collaborative logistics. Based on the approach, a decision support system is designed that utilizes RFID technology for ensuring inventory accuracy and monitoring carriers’ delivery movements. The proposed approach involves three steps. In the first step, a conceptual framework is designed. Afterwards, a simulation agent based model is developed including six autonomous agents namely (RFIDG, Supplier, Retailer, Carrier, Network, and City Administrator) interacting with each other, as well as, with the surrounding environment. In the second step, game theory is utilized to study and analyze suppliers’ collaboration and carriers’ collaboration behavior in detail. Modeled games are solved using Nash Equilibrium. Finally, correctness of the games is verified by formulating them mathematically. Developed optimization equations are fundamental to the operations research field. They employ the simplex and goal algorithms of linear programming. Results prove that there are plethora of advantages such as automatism and real time response, cost reduction, increased suppliers’ profits, time management, and a collaborative framework for implementing the proposed agent based model where suppliers, retailers, and carriers will receive immediate benefits. Major contributions of the thesis stems from considering future technologies such as RFID and agent oriented strategies to provide fast quality services to customers

    Kerjasama Pemanfaatan Prasarana dan Sarana Terminal Dalam Upaya Mengurangi Waktu Pelayanan Kapal Di Terminal Peti Kemas

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    Berth allocation problem merupakan permasalahan yang kompleks karena adanya faktor ketidakpastian (uncertainty) yang menyebabkan kedatangan kapal di pelabuhan sulit untuk diprediksi dan seringkali terlambat dari jadwal yang telah ditentukan. Keterlambatan kedatangan kapal mengakibatkan sumber daya yang sudah dipersiapkan menjadi menganggur. Operator terminal harus menyusun jadwal ulang untuk mengalokasikan kapal yang mengalami keterlambatan. Apabila sumber daya tidak tersedia maka kapal harus menunggu (antri) sampai dermaga tersedia. Berth allocation tidak semata-mata hanya mengalokasikan kapal ke dermaga, tetapi juga mengalokasikan sumber daya lainnya seperti crane, yard, RTG, dan alat transportasi. Untuk pelabuhan yang memiliki lebih dari satu terminal yang dioperasikan oleh operator berbeda dimana setiap terminal menerapkan sistem windows slot, setiap terminal memiliki potensi pada saat yang sama di satu terminal terjadi kekurangan (shortage) dan terminal lain terjadi kelebihan (surplus) sumber daya. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan strategi untuk menghadapi kondisi tersebut. Salah satu strategi yang diusulkan adalah dengan melakukan kerja sama atau kolaborasi. Pada kondisi eksisting shipping lines yang memiliki windows slot di satu terminal hanya bisa berthing dan bongkar muat menggunakan sumber daya yang dimiliki terminal tersebut. Apabila seluruh dermaga dan sumber daya di terminal tersebut sedang digunakan, maka kapal yang datang harus menunggu dan antri sampai dermaga tersedia, meskipun di terminal lain terdapat dermaga yang tidak digunakan, demikian juga sebaliknya. Strategi kolaborasi memungkinkan setiap kapal bisa berthing di setiap terminal meskipun kapal tersebut memiliki windows di terminal yang berbeda. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan model simultaneous berth allocation problem dengan strategi kolaborasi. Karena sistem yang dimodelkan relatif kompleks dan mengandung unsur ketidakpastian maka dalam studi ini digunakan permodelan discrete event simulation. Beberapa skenario diusulkan dan dipilih skenario terbaik yang terbaik. Skenario ditentukan berdasarkan kombinasi empat faktor, yaitu service order, berth-yard, crane dan strategy, dimana setiap faktor memiliki 2 level. Dengan menggunakan konsep full factorial design (2k factorial design) dihasilkan sebanyak 16 skenario. Skenario pertama merupakan kondisi eksisting yang dijadikan sebagai baseline untuk menentukan skenario terbaik yang ditentukan berdasarkan dua respon, yaitu waktu (waiting time, handling time, turnaround time) dan jumlah kapal yang menunggu. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi diperoleh skenario terbaik dengan kombinasi service order secara menggunakan sistem prioritas, berth-yard secara independent, alokasi crane secara fixed, dan strategi yang digunakan adalah kolaborasi. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa kolaborasi dapat menciptakan keseimbangan operasi di terminal dengan load tinggi dan terminal dengan load rendah. Waiting time dan turnaround time di terminal dengan load tinggi menjadi lebih pendek, sedangkan di terminal dengan load rendah menjadi lebih panjang. Strategi kolaborasi dapat mengurangi jumlah kapal menunggu hingga 43.82 % per tahun, menurunkan waiting time sebesar 46.82%, dan menurunkan turnaround time sebesar 10.60% per kapal per kedatangan. Kolaborasi menimbulkan terjadinya shifting kapal dan container dari terminal load tinggi ke terminal load rendah. Pergeseran kapal dan container menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan performa finansial bagi kedua terminal. Untuk menghindarkan terjadinya kerugian bagi salah satu pihak, maka dibuat skema profit sharing atau profit redistribution. ================================================================================================================== Berth allocation problem is a complex problem because of the uncertainty factor that causes the arrival of the ship in the port is difficult to predict and often the arrival of the ship is late from the schedule.The ship's delays result in the resources already allocated for the vessel cannot be utilized. If the ship comes out of schedule, the terminal operator should re-schedule the ship, so the ship must wait until the berth is available. Berth allocation does not solely allocate ships to berth, but also allocates other resources such as cranes, yards, RTG and transportation. For ports that have more than one terminal operated by different operators and each terminal implements a windows system, each terminal has the potential at the same time in one terminal to have a shortage of resources and another terminal overload (surplus). Strategy is needed to deal with the condition. One of the proposed strategies is to collaborate between terminals. In the existing condition of shipping lines that have windows in one terminal can only berthing, loading and unloading using resources in the terminal. If all the resources at the terminal are in use, the arriving vessel will have to wait and queue until the berth is available, even in other terminals there are unused docks, and vice versa. The collaboration strategy allows each ship to berthing in every terminal even though it has windows in different terminals. The allocation of berth, crane and yard is an interrelated process so that the allocation cannot be done partially or gradually (multiphase). Partial and multiphase solutions are generally accomplished by completing the berth allocation in the first phase, and continued with the crane or yard allocation in the next phase. Multiphase solutions have drawbacks because they do not always result in optimal completion. The allocation of berth, crane and yard is an interrelated process so that the allocation cannot be done partially or gradually (multiphase). Partial and multiphase solutions are generally accomplished by completing the berth allocation in the first phase, and continued with the crane or yard allocation in the next phase. Multiphase solutions have drawbacks because they do not always result in optimal completion. The optimal crane allocation in the second phase can change the optimal berth allocation in the first phase. This research develops simultaneous berth allocation problem model with collaboration strategy. Because the modeled system is relatively complex and contains uncertainty factor, this study uses discrete event simulation model. In this simulation, 16 scenarios were obtained using the full factorial design concept (2k factorial design) from a combination of four factors: service order, berth-yard, crane and strategy, each factor has two levels. The first scenario is an existing condition that is used as a baseline to determine the best scenario. The best scenario is determined based on two responses, namely time (waiting time, handling time, turnaround time) and the number of ships waiting. Simulation results show that collaboration can create a balance of operations in terminals with high load and terminals with low load. Waiting time and turnaround time in terminals with high load becomes shorter, while in terminals with low load becomes longer. The collaboration strategy can reduce the number of ships waiting up to 43.82% per year, while the waiting time is reduced by 46.82%. Turnaround time decreased by 10.60% per ship per arrival. Collaboration creates unavoidable consequences of shifting ships and containers from high load terminals to low load terminals. Shifting vessels and containers leads to changes in financial performance for both terminals. In this research also created profit sharing scheme or profit redistribution to avoid losses for either party

    Horizontal logistics collaboration : cases from agri-food supply chains in Morocco

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    This thesis explores different aspects of Horizontal Logistics Collaboration (HLC) to increase our understanding of how to successfully implement it. The research draws on theories and concepts from different areas of operations management and makes use of different methodological approaches to capture the multidimensional aspect of HLC. The results show that HLC can take different forms, with each form resulting in specific operational requirements in terms of the types of assets to share and the kind of information to exchange. In addition, the research indicates that HLC outcomes, which are measured by the partners’ satisfaction, are affected by operational factors (e.g. information sharing, joint relationship efforts) through the mediation of relational factors (e.g. trust and commitment). The relationship between these factors is influenced by the characteristics of the industry and country in which the collaboration in undertaken. Finally, the conducted research reveals the existence of several barriers that limit the development of collaborative behaviour and decreases the collaboration chances to succeed.</p