9 research outputs found

    A colimit decomposition for homotopy algebras in Cat

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    Badzioch showed that in the category of simplicial sets each homotopy algebra of a Lawvere theory is weakly equivalent to a strict algebra. In seeking to extend this result to other contexts Rosicky observed a key point to be that each homotopy colimit in simplicial sets admits a decomposition into a homotopy sifted colimit of finite coproducts, and asked the author whether a similar decomposition holds in the 2-category of categories Cat. Our purpose in the present paper is to show that this is the case.Comment: Some notation changed; small amount of exposition added in intr

    Not every pseudoalgebra is equivalent to a strict one

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    We describe a finitary 2-monad on a locally finitely presentable 2-category for which not every pseudoalgebra is equivalent to a strict one. This shows that having rank is not a sufficient condition on a 2-monad for every pseudoalgebra to be strictifiable. Our counterexample comes from higher category theory: the strict algebras are strict 3-categories, and the pseudoalgebras are a type of semi-strict 3-category lying in between Gray-categories and tricategories. Thus, the result follows from the fact that not every Gray-category is equivalent to a strict 3-category, connecting 2-categorical and higher-categorical coherence theory. In particular, any nontrivially braided monoidal category gives an example of a pseudoalgebra that is not equivalent to a strict one.Comment: 17 pages; added more explanation; final version, to appear in Adv. Mat

    The Weakly Globular Double Category of Fractions of a Category

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    This paper introduces the construction of a weakly globular double category of fractions for a category and studies its universal properties. It shows that this double category is locally small and considers a couple of concrete examples.Comment: 73 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1210.405

    Codescent objects and coherence

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    AbstractWe describe 2-categorical colimit notions called codescent objects of coherence data, and lax codescent objects of lax coherence data, and use them to study the inclusion, T-Algs→Ps-T- Alg, of the 2-category of strict T-algebras and strict T-morphisms of a 2-monad T into the 2-category of pseudo T-algebras and pseudo T-morphisms; and similarly the inclusion T-Algs→Lax-T-Algℓ, where Lax-T-Algℓ has lax algebras and lax morphisms rather than pseudo ones. We give sufficient conditions under which these inclusions have left adjoints. We give sufficient conditions under which the first inclusion has left adjoint for which the components of the unit are equivalences, so that every pseudo algebra is equivalent to a strict one

    Operads as polynomial 2-monads

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    In this article we give a construction of a polynomial 2-monad from an operad and describe the algebras of the 2-monads which then arise. This construction is different from the standard construction of a monad from an operad in that the algebras of our associated 2-monad are the categorified algebras of the original operad. Moreover it enables us to characterise operads as categorical polynomial monads in a canonical way. This point of view reveals categorical polynomial monads as a unifying environment for operads, Cat-operads and clubs. We recover the standard construction of a monad from an operad in a 2-categorical way from our associated 2-monad as a coidentifier of 2-monads, and understand the algebras of both as weak morphisms of operads into a Cat-operad of categories. Algebras of operads within general symmetric monoidal categories arise from our new associated 2-monad in a canonical way. When the operad is sigma-free, we establish a Quillen equivalence, with respect to the model structures on algebras of 2-monads found by Lack, between the strict algebras of our associated 2-monad, and those of the standard one.Comment: 54 pages. References updated and paper restructured for clarity thanks to the advice of a diligent referee. To appear in Theory and Applications of Categorie

    A logical study of some 2-categorical aspects of topos theory

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    There are two well-known topos-theoretic models of point-free generalized spaces: the original Grothendieck toposes (relative to classical sets), and a relativized version (relative to a chosen elementary topos S S with a natural number object) in which the generalized spaces are the bounded geometric morphisms from an elementary topos E E to S S , and they form a 2-category BTop/S BTop/S . However, often it is not clear what a preferred choice for the base S S should be. In this work, we review and further investigate a third model of generalized spaces, based on the 2-category Con Con of ‘contexts for Arithmetic Universes (AUs)’ presented by AU-sketches which originally appeared in Vickers’ work in [Vic19] and [Vic17]. We show how to use the AU techniques to get simple proofs of conceptually stronger, base-independent, and predicative (op)fibration results in ETop ETop , the 2-category of elementary toposes equipped with a natural number object, and arbitrary geometric morphisms. In particular, we relate the strict Chevalley fibrations, used to define fibrations of AU-contexts, to non-strict Johnstone fibrations, used to define fibrations of toposes. Our approach brings to light the close connection of (op)fibration of toposes, conceived as generalized spaces, with topological properties. For example, every local homeomorphism is an opfibration and every entire map (i.e. fibrewise Stone) is a fibration