1,426 research outputs found

    Preprocessing of microcirculatory images.

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    This thesis project consists of the development of a computerized image processing system to preprocess microvascular images of the mouse Latisimus Dorsi Muscle (LDM). This research has been conducted in association with the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Louisville. The input to the system is a set of 35 or more overlapping microscopic fields or sub_images containing segments of the LDM microcirculation, the output is an adjacent single montage encompassing the entire LDM microvasculature. The developed system presents practical solutions to the problems of image registration, overlap resolution, and image segmentation, in addition, the results of this project include simple geometrical measurements of the microvascular system such as length, tortuosity, and directionality. In future projects, the measurements should be further analyzed to study the LDM microcirculation. The entire system was written in C/C++ languages, and the Bluestone\u27s UIM/X GUI builder. The system was implemented on the Speed School\u27s HP-9000 Unix system. The system also takes advantage of the image processing libraries (ImageMagick) available on the system

    Development and characterization of techniques for neuro-imaging registration

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    Three automated techniques were developed for the alignment of Neuro-Images acquired during distinct scanning periods and their performance were characterized. The techniques are based on the assumption that the human brain is a rigid body and will assume different positions during different scanning periods. One technique uses three fiducial markers, while the other two uses eigenvectors of the inertia matrix of the Neuro-Image, to compute the three angles (pitch, yaw and roll) needed to register the test Neuro-Image to the reference Neuro-Image. A rigid body transformation is computed and applied to the test Neuro-Image such that it results aligned to the reference Neuro-Image. These techniques were tested by applying known rigid body transformations to given Neuro-Images. The transformations were retrieved automatically on the basis of unit vectors or eigenvectors. The results show that the precision of two techniques is dependent on the axial resolution of the Neuro-Images and for one of them also on the imaging modality, while the precision of one technique is also dependent on the interpolation. Such methods can be applied to any Neuro-Imaging modality and have been tested for both fMRI and MRI

    The Mark 3 Haploscope

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    A computer-operated binocular vision testing device was developed as one part of a system designed for NASA to evaluate the visual function of astronauts during spaceflight. This particular device, called the Mark 3 Haploscope, employs semi-automated psychophysical test procedures to measure visual acuity, stereopsis, phoria, fixation disparity, refractive state and accommodation/convergence relationships. Test procedures are self-administered and can be used repeatedly without subject memorization. The Haploscope was designed as one module of the complete NASA Vision Testing System. However, it is capable of stand-alone operation. Moreover, the compactness and portability of the Haploscope make possible its use in a broad variety of testing environments

    A Pyramid Approach to Subpixel Registration Based on Intensity

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    We present an automatic sub-pixel registration algorithm that minimizes the mean square difference of intensities between a reference and a test data set, which can be either tri-dimensional (3-D) volumes or bi-dimensional (2-D) images. It uses spline processing, is based on a coarse-to-fine strategy (pyramid approach), and performs minimization according to a new variation of the iterative Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm for non-linear least-square optimization (MLA). The geometric deformation model is a global 3-D affine transformation, which one may restrict to the case of rigid-body motion (isometric scale, rotation and translation). It may also include a parameter to adjust for image contrast differences. We obtain excellent results for the registration of intra-modality Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data. We conclude that the multi-resolution refinement strategy is more robust than a comparable single-scale method, being less likely to get trapped into a false local optimum. In addition, it is also faster

    The IPAC Image Subtraction and Discovery Pipeline for the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory

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    We describe the near real-time transient-source discovery engine for the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF), currently in operations at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC), Caltech. We coin this system the IPAC/iPTF Discovery Engine (or IDE). We review the algorithms used for PSF-matching, image subtraction, detection, photometry, and machine-learned (ML) vetting of extracted transient candidates. We also review the performance of our ML classifier. For a limiting signal-to-noise ratio of 4 in relatively unconfused regions, "bogus" candidates from processing artifacts and imperfect image subtractions outnumber real transients by ~ 10:1. This can be considerably higher for image data with inaccurate astrometric and/or PSF-matching solutions. Despite this occasionally high contamination rate, the ML classifier is able to identify real transients with an efficiency (or completeness) of ~ 97% for a maximum tolerable false-positive rate of 1% when classifying raw candidates. All subtraction-image metrics, source features, ML probability-based real-bogus scores, contextual metadata from other surveys, and possible associations with known Solar System objects are stored in a relational database for retrieval by the various science working groups. We review our efforts in mitigating false-positives and our experience in optimizing the overall system in response to the multitude of science projects underway with iPTF.Comment: 66 pages, 21 figures, 7 tables, accepted by PAS

    Feasibility of using Lodox to perform digital subtraction angiography

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    Bibliography: leaves 150-157.Many cases in trauma involve vessel imaging to determine integrity and the origin of lesions or blockages. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is a tool used to improve the clarity of the vessels being imaged for better and easier decision making in diagnostics and planning. Lodox, a low dose x-ray system developed by Debex (Pty) Ltd, a subsidiary of de Beers, was designed specifically for the trauma environment. It therefore follows that, if possible, a function so readily used in trauma, such as DSA, should be added to the imaging repertoire of an x-ray system designed for use in this environment. In this dissertation the feasibility of using Lodox to perform DSA is therefore explored. In doing so, the requirements of a trauma unit and the theory behind DSA were researched so as to obtain a better understanding into what would be required

    The Burst Cluster: Dark Matter in a Cluster Merger Associated with the Short Gamma Ray Burst, GRB 050509B

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    We have identified a merging galaxy cluster with evidence of two distinct sub-clusters. The X-ray and optical data suggest that the subclusters are moving away from each other after closest approach. This cluster merger was discovered from observations of the well localized short-duration gamma-ray burst (GRB), GRB 050509B. The Swift/Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) source position is coincident with a cluster of galaxies ZwCl 1234.0+02916. The subsequent Swift/X-Ray Telescope (XRT) localization of the X-ray afterglow found the GRB coincident with 2MASX J12361286+2858580, a giant red elliptical galaxy in the cluster. Deep multi-epoch optical images were obtained to constrain the evolution of the GRB afterglow, including a 27480s exposure in the F814W band with Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), among the deepest imaging ever obtained towards a known galaxy cluster in a single passband. We perform a weak gravitational lensing analysis, including mapping the total mass distribution of the merger system. Combined with Chandra X-ray Observatory and Swift/XRT observations, we investigate the dynamical state of the merger to probe the nature of the dark matter component. Our weak gravitational lensing measurements reveal a separation of the X-ray centroid of the western subcluster from the center of the mass and galaxy light distributions, similar to that of the famous "Bullet cluster". We conclude that the "Burst cluster" is another candidate merger system for determining the nature of dark matter and for studying the environment of short GRBs. We discuss connections between the cluster dynamical state and/or matter composition and compact object mergers, the leading model for the origin of short GRBs. Finally, we present results from a weak lensing survey based on archival Very Large Telescope (VLT) images in the areas of 5 other short GRBs.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Ap

    Continuity of Landsat Obersvations: Short Term Considerations

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    As of writing in mid-2010, both Landsat-5 and -7 continue to function, with sufficient fuel to enable data collection until the launch of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) scheduled for December of 2012. Failure of one or both of Landsat-5 or -7 may result in a lack of Landsat data for a period of time until the 2012 launch. Although the potential risk of a component failure increases the longer the sensor\u27s design life is exceeded, the possible gap in Landsat data acquisition is reduced with each passing day and the risk of Landsat imagery being unavailable diminishes for all except a handful of applications that are particularly data demanding. Advances in Landsat data compositing and fusion are providing opportunities to address issues associated with Landsat-7 SLC-off imagery and to mitigate a potential acquisition gap through the integration of imagery from different sensors. The latter will likely also provide short-term, regional solutions to application-specific needs for the continuity of Landsat-like observations. Our goal in this communication is not to minimize the community\u27s concerns regarding a gap in Landsat observations, but rather to clarify how the current situation has evolved and provide an up-to-date understanding of the circumstances, implications, and mitigation options related to a potential gap in the Landsat data record

    Application of advanced technology to space automation

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    Automated operations in space provide the key to optimized mission design and data acquisition at minimum cost for the future. The results of this study strongly accentuate this statement and should provide further incentive for immediate development of specific automtion technology as defined herein. Essential automation technology requirements were identified for future programs. The study was undertaken to address the future role of automation in the space program, the potential benefits to be derived, and the technology efforts that should be directed toward obtaining these benefits