16 research outputs found

    Cover Contact Graphs

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    Es una ponencia presentada al 15th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (2007)We study problems that arise in the context of covering certain geometric objects (so-called seeds, e.g., points or disks) by a set of other geometric objects (a so-called cover, e.g., a set of disks or homothetic triangles). We insist that the interiors of the seeds and the cover elements are pairwise disjoint, but they can touch. We call the contact graph of a cover a cover contact graph (CCG). We are interested in two types of tasks: (a) deciding whether a given seed set has a connected CCG, and (b) deciding whether a given graph has a realization as a CCG on a given seed set. Concerning task (a) we give efficient algorithms for the case that seeds are points and covers are disks or triangles. We show that the problem becomes NP-hard if seeds and covers are disks. Concerning task (b) we show that it is even NP-hard for point seeds and disk covers (given a fixed correspondence between vertices and seeds).German Research Foundation WO 758/4-

    Cover Contact Graphs.

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    We study problems that arise in the context of covering certain geometric objects (so-called seeds, e.g., points or disks) by a set of other geometric objects (a so-called cover, e.g., a set of disks or homothetic triangles). We insist that the interiors of the seeds and the cover elements are pair wise disjoint, but they can touch. We call the contact graph of a cover a cover contact graph (CCG). We are interested in two types of tasks: (a) deciding whether a given seed set has a connected CCG, and (b) deciding whether a given graph has a realization as a CCG on a given seed set. Concerning task (a) we give efficient algorithms for the case that seeds are points and covers are disks or triangles. We show that the problem becomes NP-hard if seeds and covers are disks. Concerning task (b) we show that it is even NP-hard for point seeds and disk covers (given a fixed correspondence between vertices and seeds)

    On Comparable Box Dimension

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    Two boxes in ℝ^d are comparable if one of them is a subset of a translation of the other one. The comparable box dimension of a graph G is the minimum integer d such that G can be represented as a touching graph of comparable axis-aligned boxes in ℝ^d. We show that proper minor-closed classes have bounded comparable box dimension and explore further properties of this notion

    Rectangular Layouts and Contact Graphs

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    Contact graphs of isothetic rectangles unify many concepts from applications including VLSI and architectural design, computational geometry, and GIS. Minimizing the area of their corresponding {\em rectangular layouts} is a key problem. We study the area-optimization problem and show that it is NP-hard to find a minimum-area rectangular layout of a given contact graph. We present O(n)-time algorithms that construct O(n2)O(n^2)-area rectangular layouts for general contact graphs and O(nlogn)O(n\log n)-area rectangular layouts for trees. (For trees, this is an O(logn)O(\log n)-approximation algorithm.) We also present an infinite family of graphs (rsp., trees) that require Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) (rsp., Ω(nlogn)\Omega(n\log n)) area. We derive these results by presenting a new characterization of graphs that admit rectangular layouts using the related concept of {\em rectangular duals}. A corollary to our results relates the class of graphs that admit rectangular layouts to {\em rectangle of influence drawings}.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, 55 references, 1 appendi

    Quasiconvex Programming

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    We define quasiconvex programming, a form of generalized linear programming in which one seeks the point minimizing the pointwise maximum of a collection of quasiconvex functions. We survey algorithms for solving quasiconvex programs either numerically or via generalizations of the dual simplex method from linear programming, and describe varied applications of this geometric optimization technique in meshing, scientific computation, information visualization, automated algorithm analysis, and robust statistics.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figure

    Cover contact graphs

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    We study problems that arise in the context of covering certain geometric objects called seeds (e.g., points or disks) by a set of other geometric objects called cover (e.g., a set of disks or homothetic triangles). We insist that the interiors of the seeds and the cover elements are pairwise disjoint, respectively, but they can touch. We call the contact graph of a cover a cover contact graph (CCG). We are interested in three types of tasks, both in the general case and in the special case of seeds on a line: (a) deciding whether a given seed set has a connected CCG, (b) deciding whether a given graph has a realization as a CCG on a given seed set, and (c) bounding the sizes of certain classes of CCG’s. Concerning (a) we give efficient algorithms for the case that seeds are points and show that the problem becomes hard if seeds and covers are disks. Concerning (b) we show that this problem is hard even for point seeds and disk covers (given a fixed correspondence between graph vertices and seeds). Concerning (c) we obtain upper and lower bounds on the number of CCG’s for point seeds