488 research outputs found

    Cohomology of toric line bundles via simplicial Alexander duality

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    We give a rigorous mathematical proof for the validity of the toric sheaf cohomology algorithm conjectured in the recent paper by R. Blumenhagen, B. Jurke, T. Rahn, and H. Roschy (arXiv:1003.5217). We actually prove not only the original algorithm but also a speed-up version of it. Our proof is independent from (in fact appeared earlier on the arXiv than) the proof by H. Roschy and T. Rahn (arXiv:1006.2392), and has several advantages such as being shorter and cleaner and can also settle the additional conjecture on "Serre duality for Betti numbers" which was raised but unresolved in arXiv:1006.2392.Comment: 9 pages. Theorem 1.1 and Corollary 1.2 improved; Abstract and Introduction modified; References updated. To appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Euler characteristic of coherent sheaves on simplicial torics via the Stanley-Reisner ring

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    We combine work of Cox on the total coordinate ring of a toric variety and results of Eisenbud-Mustata-Stillman and Mustata on cohomology of toric and monomial ideals to obtain a formula for computing the Euler characteristic of a Weil divisor D on a complete simplicial toric variety in terms of graded pieces of the Cox ring and Stanley-Reisner ring. The main point is to use Alexander duality to pass from the toric irrelevant ideal, which appears in the computation of the Euler characteristic of D, to the Stanley-Reisner ideal of the fan, which is used in defining the Chow ring. The formula also follows from work of Maclagan-Smith.Comment: 9 pages 1 figur

    A^1-homotopy groups, excision, and solvable quotients

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    We study some properties of A^1-homotopy groups: geometric interpretations of connectivity, excision results, and a re-interpretation of quotients by free actions of connected solvable groups in terms of covering spaces in the sense of A^1-homotopy theory. These concepts and results are well-suited to the study of certain quotients via geometric invariant theory. As a case study in the geometry of solvable group quotients, we investigate A^1-homotopy groups of smooth toric varieties. We give simple combinatorial conditions (in terms of fans) guaranteeing vanishing of low degree A^1-homotopy groups of smooth (proper) toric varieties. Finally, in certain cases, we can actually compute the "next" non-vanishing A^1-homotopy group (beyond \pi_1^{A^1}) of a smooth toric variety. From this point of view, A^1-homotopy theory, even with its exquisite sensitivity to algebro-geometric structure, is almost "as tractable" (in low degrees) as ordinary homotopy for large classes of interesting varieties.Comment: 48 pages, To appear Adv. Math, typographical and grammatical update

    Cohomology of Line Bundles: Applications

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    Massless modes of both heterotic and Type II string compactifications on compact manifolds are determined by vector bundle valued cohomology classes. Various applications of our recent algorithm for the computation of line bundle valued cohomology classes over toric varieties are presented. For the heterotic string, the prime examples are so-called monad constructions on Calabi-Yau manifolds. In the context of Type II orientifolds, one often needs to compute equivariant cohomology for line bundles, necessitating us to generalize our algorithm to this case. Moreover, we exemplify that the different terms in Batyrev's formula and its generalizations can be given a one-to-one cohomological interpretation. This paper is considered the third in the row of arXiv:1003.5217 and arXiv:1006.2392.Comment: 56 pages, 8 tables, cohomCalg incl. Koszul extension available at http://wwwth.mppmu.mpg.de/members/blumenha/cohomcalg

    Multigraded Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity

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    We develop a multigraded variant of Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity. Motivated by toric geometry, we work with modules over a polynomial ring graded by a finitely generated abelian group. As in the standard graded case, our definition of multigraded regularity involves the vanishing of graded components of local cohomology. We establish the key properties of regularity: its connection with the minimal generators of a module and its behavior in exact sequences. For an ideal sheaf on a simplicial toric variety X, we prove that its multigraded regularity bounds the equations that cut out the associated subvariety. We also provide a criterion for testing if an ample line bundle on X gives a projectively normal embedding.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure

    Bass Numbers of Semigroup-Graded Local Cohomology

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    Given a module M over a ring R which has a grading by a semigroup Q, we present a spectral sequence that computes the local cohomology of M at any Q-graded ideal I in terms of Ext modules. This method is used to obtain finiteness results for the local cohomology of graded modules over semigroup rings; in particular we prove that for a semigroup Q whose saturation is simplicial, the Bass numbers of such local cohomology modules are finite. Conversely, if the saturation of Q is not simplicial, one can find a graded ideal I and a graded R-module M whose local cohomology at I in some degree has an infinite-dimensional socle. We introduce and exploit the combinatorially defined essential set of a semigroup.Comment: 19 pages LaTeX, 1 figure (.eps) Definition 5.1 corrected; transcription error in Theorem 7.1.3 fixe

    On some local cohomology spectral sequences

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    We introduce a formalism to produce several families of spectral sequences involving the derived functors of the limit and colimit functors over a finite partially ordered set. The first type of spectral sequences involves the left derived functors of the colimit of the direct system that we obtain applying a family of functors to a single module. For the second type we follow a completely different strategy as we start with the inverse system that we obtain by applying a covariant functor to an inverse system. The spectral sequences involve the right derived functors of the corresponding limit. We also have a version for contravariant functors. In all the introduced spectral sequences we provide sufficient conditions to ensure their degeneration at their second page. As a consequence we obtain some decomposition theorems that greatly generalize the well-known decomposition formula for local cohomology modules given by Hochster.Comment: 63 pages, comments are welcome. To appear in International Mathematics Research Notice
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