637 research outputs found

    System Concepts for Bi- and Multi-Static SAR Missions

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    The performance and capabilities of bi- and multistatic spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) are analyzed. Such systems can be optimized for a broad range of applications like frequent monitoring, wide swath imaging, single-pass cross-track interferometry, along-track interferometry, resolution enhancement or radar tomography. Further potentials arises from digital beamforming on receive, which allows to gather additional information about the direction of the scattered radar echoes. This directional information can be used to suppress interferences, to improve geometric and radiometric resolution, or to increase the unambiguous swath width. Furthermore, a coherent combination of multiple receiver signals will allow for a suppression of azimuth ambiguities. For this, a reconstruction algorithm is derived, which enables a recovery of the unambiguous Doppler spectrum also in case of non-optimum receiver aperture displacements leading to a non-uniform sampling of the SAR signal. This algorithm has also a great potential for systems relying on the displaced phase center (DPC) technique, like the high resolution wide swath (HRWS) SAR or the split antenna approach in the TerraSAR-X and Radarsat II satellites

    CubeSat-based passive bistatic radar for space situational awareness : a feasibility study

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    This paper proposes a low budget solution to detect and possibly track space debris and satellites in Low Earth Orbit. The concept consists of a space-borne radar installed on a cubeSat flying at low altitude and detecting the occultations of radio signals coming from existing satellites flying at higher altitudes. The paper investigates the feasibility and performance of such a passive bistatic radar system. Key performance metrics considered in this paper are: the minimum size of detectable objects, considering visibility and frequency constraints on existing radio sources, the receiver size and the compatibility with current cubeSat's technology. Different illuminator types and receiver altitudes are considered under the assumption that all illuminators and receivers are on circular orbits

    Passive radar based on WiFi transmissions: signal processing schemes and experimental results

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    Aim of this work is to study innovative techniques and processing strategies for a new passive sensor for short range surveillance. The principle of work of the sensor will be based on the passive radar principle, and WiFi transmissions - which usually provide Internet access within local areas - will be exploited by the passive sensor to detect, localize and classify targets

    Passive radar based on WiFi transmissions: signal processing schemes and experimental results

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    Aim of this work is to study innovative techniques and processing strategies for a new passive sensor for short range surveillance. The principle of work of the sensor will be based on the passive radar principle, and WiFi transmissions - which usually provide Internet access within local areas - will be exploited by the passive sensor to detect, localize and classify targets

    Synchronising coherent networked radar using low-cost GPS-disciplined oscillators

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    This text evaluates the feasibility of synchronising coherent, pulsed-Doppler, networked, radars with carrier frequencies of a few gigahertz and moderate bandwidths of tens of megahertz across short baselines of a few kilometres using low-cost quartz GPSDOs based on one-way GPS time transfer. It further assesses the use of line-of-sight (LOS) phase compensation, where the direct sidelobe breakthrough is used as the phase reference, to improve the GPS-disciplined oscillator (GPSDO) synchronised bistatic Doppler performance. Coherent bistatic, multistatic, and networked radars require accurate time, frequency, and phase synchronisation. Global positioning system (GPS) synchronisation is precise, low-cost, passive and covert, and appears well-suited to synchronise networked radar. However, very few published examples exist. An imperfectly synchronised bistatic transmitter-receiver is modelled. Measures and plots are developed enabling the rapid selection of appropriate synchronisation technologies. Three low-cost, open, versatile, and extensible, quartz-based GPSDOs are designed and calibrated at zero-baselines. These GPSDOs are uniquely capable of acquiring phase-lock four times faster than conventional phase-locked loops (PLLs) and a new time synchronisation mechanism enables low-jitter sub-10 ns oneway GPS time synchronisation. In collaboration with University College London, UK, the 2.4 GHz coherent pulsed-Doppler networked radar, called NetRAD, is synchronised using the University of Cape Town developed GPSDOs. This resulted in the first published example of pulsed-Doppler phase synchronisation using GPS. A tri-static experiment is set up in Simon’s Bay, South Africa, with a maximum baseline of 2.3 km. The Roman Rock lighthouse was used as a static target to simultaneously assess the range, frequency, phase, and Doppler performance of the monostatic, bistatic, and LOS phase corrected bistatic returns. The real-world results compare well to that predicted by the earlier developed bistatic model and zero-baseline calibrations. GPS timing limits the radar bandwidth to less than 37.5 MHz when it is required to synchronise to within the range resolution. Low-cost quartz GPSDOs offer adequate frequency synchronisation to ensure a target radial velocity accuracy of better than 1 km/h and frequency drift of less than the Doppler resolution over integration periods of one second or less. LOS phase compensation, when used in combination with low-cost GPSDOs, results in near monostatic pulsed-Doppler performance with a subclutter visibility improvement of about 30 dB

    Time and Frequency Transfer in a Coherent Multistatic Radar using a White Rabbit Network

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    Networks of coherent multistatic radars require accurate and stable time and frequency transfer (TFT) for range and Doppler estimation. TFT techniques based on global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), have been favoured for several reasons, such as enabling node mobility through wireless operation, geospatial referencing, and atomic clock level time and frequency stability. However, such systems are liable to GNSS-denial, where the GNSS carrier is temporarily or permanently removed. A denial-resilient system should consider alternative TFT techniques, such as the White Rabbit (WR) project. WR is an Ethernet based protocol, that is able to synchronise thousands of nodes on a fibre-optic based network with sub-nanosecond accuracy and picoseconds of jitter. This thesis evaluates WR as the TFT network for a coherent multistatic pulse-Doppler radar – NeXtRAD. To test the hypothesis that WR is suitable for TFT in a coherent multistatic radar, the time and frequency performance of a WR network was evaluated under laboratory conditions, comparing the results against a network of multi-channel GPS-disciplined oscillators (GPSDO). A WR-disciplined oscillator (WRDO) is introduced, which has the short-term stability of an ovenised crystal (OCXO), and long-term stability of the WR network. The radar references were measured using a dual mixer time difference technique (DMTD), which allows the phase to be measured with femtosecond level resolution. All references achieved the stringent time and frequency requirements for short-term coherent bistatic operation, however the GPSDOs and WRDOs had the best short-term frequency stability. The GPSDOs had the highest amount of long-term phase drift, with a peak-peak time error of 9.6 ns, whilst the WRDOs were typically stable to within 0.4 ns, but encountered transient phase excursions to 1.5 ns. The TFT networks were then used on the NeXtRAD radar, where a lighthouse, Roman Rock, was used as a static target to evaluate the time and frequency performance of the references on a real system. The results conform well to the laboratory measurements, and therefore, WR can be used for TFT in coherent radar

    Design and Realisation of a Synthetic Aperture Radar Transmitter

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    Projecte fet en col.laboració amb el centre Vrije Universiteit BrusselIn this master degree project a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) transmitter is designed and realized. This transmitter will be used in the Signal Theory and Communications lab of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya as a test transmitter because the actual transmitters, which are two satellites from the European Space Agency, only provide a few seconds of testing every few weeks. This is not su cient to continuously improve the sophisticated receiver subsystems. It was mainly focussed on the design, layout and building of the analog microwave subsystems but also some programming skills were necessary to generate the required input signal. By means of two synchronized direct digital synthesizers, two linearly frequency sweeping signals (chirps) at low-frequency band (base band) are generated and two mixers upconvert these signals to a high-frequency band around a carrier at 5.3 GHz. The carriers are provided by a quadrature hybrid, which splits the high-frequent sine wave from the local oscillator in an in-phase signal and a signal 90 degrees shifted in phase to the latter one (quadrature signal). Both outputs from the mixers are recombined by a power combiner, ltered and ampli ed by a low-noise ampli er and a power ampli er to obtain the required test signal. The testing of the transmitter was a great success in which theory went hand in hand with practice. The realization of this project will be one of the required assets for further groundbreaking developments in the SAR research domain

    Advanced signal processing techniques for WiFi-based Passive Radar for short-range surveillance

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    In this work, advanced signal processing techniques for a Passive Radar (PR) based on WiFi transmissions are considered. The possibility to exploit such a ubiquitous and accessible source is shown to be an appropriate choice for the detection, localization and imaging of vehicles, people and aircrafts within short ranges in both outdoor and indoor environments

    Advanced signal processing tools for ballistic missile defence and space situational awareness

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    The research presented in this Thesis deals with signal processing algorithms for the classification of sensitive targets for defence applications and with novel solutions for the detection of space objects. These novel tools include classification algorithms for Ballistic Targets (BTs) from both micro-Doppler (mD) and High Resolution Range Profiles (HRRPs) of a target, and a space-borne Passive Bistatic Radar (PBR) designed for exploiting the advantages guaranteed by the Forward Scattering (FS) configuration for the detection and identification of targets orbiting around the Earth.;Nowadays the challenge of the identification of Ballistic Missile (BM) warheads in a cloud of decoys and debris is essential in order to optimize the use of ammunition resources. In this Thesis, two different and efficient robust frameworks are presented. Both the frameworks exploit in different fashions the effect in the radar return of micro-motions exhibited by the target during its flight.;The first algorithm analyses the radar echo from the target in the time-frequency domain, with the aim to extract the mD information. Specifically, the Cadence Velocity Diagram (CVD) from the received signal is evaluated as mD profile of the target, where the mD components composing the radar echo and their repetition rates are shown.;Different feature extraction approaches are proposed based on the estimation of statistical indices from the 1-Dimensional (1D) Averaged CVD (ACVD), on the evaluation of pseudo-Zerike (pZ) and Krawtchouk (Kr) image moments and on the use of 2-Dimensional (2D) Gabor filter, considering the CVD as 2D image. The reliability of the proposed feature extraction approaches is tested on both simulated and real data, demonstrating the adaptivity of the framework to different radar scenarios and to different amount of available resources.;The real data are realized in laboratory, conducting an experiment for simulating the mD signature of a BT by using scaled replicas of the targets, a robotic manipulator for the micro-motions simulation and a Continuous Waveform (CW) radar for the radar measurements.;The second algorithm is based on the computation of the Inverse Radon Transform (IRT) of the target signature, represented by a HRRP frame acquired within an entire period of the main rotating motion of the target, which are precession for warheads and tumbling for decoys. Following, pZ moments of the resulting transformation are evaluated as final feature vector for the classifier. The features guarantee robustness against the target dimensions and the initial phase and the angular velocity of its motion.;The classification results on simulated data are shown for different polarization of the ElectroMagnetic (EM) radar waveform and for various operational conditions, confirming the the validity of the algorithm.The knowledge of space debris population is of fundamental importance for the safety of both the existing and new space missions. In this Thesis, a low budget solution to detect and possibly track space debris and satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) is proposed.;The concept consists in a space-borne PBR installed on a CubeSaT flying at low altitude and detecting the occultations of radio signals coming from existing satellites flying at higher altitudes. The feasibility of such a PBR system is conducted, with key performance such as metrics the minimumsize of detectable objects, taking into account visibility and frequency constraints on existing radio sources, the receiver size and the compatibility with current CubeSaT's technology.;Different illuminator types and receiver altitudes are considered under the assumption that all illuminators and receivers are on circular orbits. Finally, the designed system can represent a possible solution to the the demand for Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) systems able to provide early warning and classification and its potential has been assessed also for this purpose.The research presented in this Thesis deals with signal processing algorithms for the classification of sensitive targets for defence applications and with novel solutions for the detection of space objects. These novel tools include classification algorithms for Ballistic Targets (BTs) from both micro-Doppler (mD) and High Resolution Range Profiles (HRRPs) of a target, and a space-borne Passive Bistatic Radar (PBR) designed for exploiting the advantages guaranteed by the Forward Scattering (FS) configuration for the detection and identification of targets orbiting around the Earth.;Nowadays the challenge of the identification of Ballistic Missile (BM) warheads in a cloud of decoys and debris is essential in order to optimize the use of ammunition resources. In this Thesis, two different and efficient robust frameworks are presented. Both the frameworks exploit in different fashions the effect in the radar return of micro-motions exhibited by the target during its flight.;The first algorithm analyses the radar echo from the target in the time-frequency domain, with the aim to extract the mD information. Specifically, the Cadence Velocity Diagram (CVD) from the received signal is evaluated as mD profile of the target, where the mD components composing the radar echo and their repetition rates are shown.;Different feature extraction approaches are proposed based on the estimation of statistical indices from the 1-Dimensional (1D) Averaged CVD (ACVD), on the evaluation of pseudo-Zerike (pZ) and Krawtchouk (Kr) image moments and on the use of 2-Dimensional (2D) Gabor filter, considering the CVD as 2D image. The reliability of the proposed feature extraction approaches is tested on both simulated and real data, demonstrating the adaptivity of the framework to different radar scenarios and to different amount of available resources.;The real data are realized in laboratory, conducting an experiment for simulating the mD signature of a BT by using scaled replicas of the targets, a robotic manipulator for the micro-motions simulation and a Continuous Waveform (CW) radar for the radar measurements.;The second algorithm is based on the computation of the Inverse Radon Transform (IRT) of the target signature, represented by a HRRP frame acquired within an entire period of the main rotating motion of the target, which are precession for warheads and tumbling for decoys. Following, pZ moments of the resulting transformation are evaluated as final feature vector for the classifier. The features guarantee robustness against the target dimensions and the initial phase and the angular velocity of its motion.;The classification results on simulated data are shown for different polarization of the ElectroMagnetic (EM) radar waveform and for various operational conditions, confirming the the validity of the algorithm.The knowledge of space debris population is of fundamental importance for the safety of both the existing and new space missions. In this Thesis, a low budget solution to detect and possibly track space debris and satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) is proposed.;The concept consists in a space-borne PBR installed on a CubeSaT flying at low altitude and detecting the occultations of radio signals coming from existing satellites flying at higher altitudes. The feasibility of such a PBR system is conducted, with key performance such as metrics the minimumsize of detectable objects, taking into account visibility and frequency constraints on existing radio sources, the receiver size and the compatibility with current CubeSaT's technology.;Different illuminator types and receiver altitudes are considered under the assumption that all illuminators and receivers are on circular orbits. Finally, the designed system can represent a possible solution to the the demand for Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) systems able to provide early warning and classification and its potential has been assessed also for this purpose

    Surveillance of Space with Passive Radar using the Murchison Widefield Array

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    This thesis investigates the use of the Murchison Widefield Array as a passive radar receiver for the surveillance of space. Using FM radio as the transmitter source, the MWA is able to surveil a large volume of space to detect and track satellites, space debris and other objects in orbit. This thesis covers orbital-specific signal processing methods for radar product formation, as well as orbit determination, and culminates in an Australia-wide observation campaign
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