846 research outputs found

    The SLH framework for modeling quantum input-output networks

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    Many emerging quantum technologies demand precise engineering and control over networks consisting of quantum mechanical degrees of freedom connected by propagating electromagnetic fields, or quantum input-output networks. Here we review recent progress in theory and experiment related to such quantum input-output networks, with a focus on the SLH framework, a powerful modeling framework for networked quantum systems that is naturally endowed with properties such as modularity and hierarchy. We begin by explaining the physical approximations required to represent any individual node of a network, eg. atoms in cavity or a mechanical oscillator, and its coupling to quantum fields by an operator triple (S,L,H)(S,L,H). Then we explain how these nodes can be composed into a network with arbitrary connectivity, including coherent feedback channels, using algebraic rules, and how to derive the dynamics of network components and output fields. The second part of the review discusses several extensions to the basic SLH framework that expand its modeling capabilities, and the prospects for modeling integrated implementations of quantum input-output networks. In addition to summarizing major results and recent literature, we discuss the potential applications and limitations of the SLH framework and quantum input-output networks, with the intention of providing context to a reader unfamiliar with the field.Comment: 60 pages, 14 figures. We are still interested in receiving correction

    Quantum Information at the Interface of Light with Atomic Ensembles and Micromechanical Oscillators

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    This article reviews recent research towards a universal light-matter interface. Such an interface is an important prerequisite for long distance quantum communication, entanglement assisted sensing and measurement, as well as for scalable photonic quantum computation. We review the developments in light-matter interfaces based on room temperature atomic vapors interacting with propagating pulses via the Faraday effect. This interaction has long been used as a tool for quantum nondemolition detections of atomic spins via light. It was discovered recently that this type of light-matter interaction can actually be tuned to realize more general dynamics, enabling better performance of the light-matter interface as well as rendering tasks possible, which were before thought to be impractical. This includes the realization of improved entanglement assisted and backaction evading magnetometry approaching the Quantum Cramer-Rao limit, quantum memory for squeezed states of light and the dissipative generation of entanglement. A separate, but related, experiment on entanglement assisted cold atom clock showing the Heisenberg scaling of precision is described. We also review a possible interface between collective atomic spins with nano- or micromechanical oscillators, providing a link between atomic and solid state physics approaches towards quantum information processing

    Continuous joint measurement and entanglement of qubits in remote cavities

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    We present a first-principles theoretical analysis of the entanglement of two superconducting qubits in spatially separated microwave cavities by a sequential (cascaded) probe of the two cavities with a coherent mode, that provides a full characterization of both the continuous measurement induced dynamics and the entanglement generation. We use the SLH formalism to derive the full quantum master equation for the coupled qubits and cavities system, within the rotating wave and dispersive approximations, and conditioned equations for the cavity fields. We then develop effective stochastic master equations for the dynamics of the qubit system in both a polaronic reference frame and a reduced representation within the laboratory frame. We compare simulations with and analyze tradeoffs between these two representations, including the onset of a non-Markovian regime for simulations in the reduced representation. We provide conditions for ensuring persistence of entanglement and show that using shaped pulses enables these conditions to be met at all times under general experimental conditions. The resulting entanglement is shown to be robust with respect to measurement imperfections and loss channels. We also study the effects of qubit driving and relaxation dynamics during a weak measurement, as a prelude to modeling measurement-based feedback control in this cascaded system.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures. Published versio

    Propagating Quantum Microwaves: Towards Applications in Communication and Sensing

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    The field of propagating quantum microwaves has started to receive considerable attention in the past few years. Motivated at first by the lack of an efficient microwave-to-optical platform that could solve the issue of secure communication between remote superconducting chips, current efforts are starting to reach other areas, from quantum communications to sensing. Here, we attempt at giving a state-of-the-art view of the two, pointing at some of the technical and theoretical challenges we need to address, and while providing some novel ideas and directions for future research. Hence, the goal of this paper is to provide a bigger picture, and -- we hope -- to inspire new ideas in quantum communications and sensing: from open-air microwave quantum key distribution to direct detection of dark matter, we expect that the recent efforts and results in quantum microwaves will soon attract a wider audience, not only in the academic community, but also in an industrial environment

    Long-lived non-classical correlations for scalable quantum repeaters at room temperature

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    Heralded single-photon sources with on-demand readout are promising candidates for quantum repeaters enabling long-distance quantum communication. The need for scalability of such systems requires simple experimental solutions, thus favouring room-temperature systems. For quantum repeater applications, long delays between heralding and single-photon readout are crucial. Until now, this has been prevented in room-temperature atomic systems by fast decoherence due to thermal motion. Here we demonstrate efficient heralding and readout of single collective excitations created in warm caesium vapour. Using the principle of motional averaging we achieve a collective excitation lifetime of 0.27±0.040.27\pm 0.04 ms, two orders of magnitude larger than previously achieved for single excitations in room-temperature sources. We experimentally verify non-classicality of the light-matter correlations by observing a violation of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality with R=1.4±0.1>1R=1.4\pm 0.1>1. Through spectral and temporal analysis we identify intrinsic four-wave mixing noise as the main contribution compromising single-photon operation of the source.Comment: 21 pages total, the first 17 pages are the main article and the remaining pages are supplemental materia

    Correlation Plenoptic Imaging With Entangled Photons

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    Plenoptic imaging is a novel optical technique for three-dimensional imaging in a single shot. It is enabled by the simultaneous measurement of both the location and the propagation direction of light in a given scene. In the standard approach, the maximum spatial and angular resolutions are inversely proportional, and so are the resolution and the maximum achievable depth of focus of the 3D image. We have recently proposed a method to overcome such fundamental limits by combining plenoptic imaging with an intriguing correlation remote-imaging technique: ghost imaging. Here, we theoretically demonstrate that correlation plenoptic imaging can be effectively achieved by exploiting the position-momentum entanglement characterizing spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) photon pairs. As a proof-of-principle demonstration, we shall show that correlation plenoptic imaging with entangled photons may enable the refocusing of an out-of-focus image at the same depth of focus of a standard plenoptic device, but without sacrificing diffraction-limited image resolution.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure
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