611 research outputs found

    A non-partitionable Cohen-Macaulay simplicial complex

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    A long-standing conjecture of Stanley states that every Cohen-Macaulay simplicial complex is partitionable. We disprove the conjecture by constructing an explicit counterexample. Due to a result of Herzog, Jahan and Yassemi, our construction also disproves the conjecture that the Stanley depth of a monomial ideal is always at least its depth.Comment: Final version. 13 pages, 2 figure

    Chip firing and all-terminal network reliability bounds

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    AbstractThe (all-terminal) reliability of a graph G is the probability that all vertices are in the same connected component, given that vertices are always operational but edges fail independently each with probability p. Computing reliability is #P-complete, and hence is expected to be intractable. Consequently techniques for efficiently (and effectively) bounding reliability have been the major thrust of research in the area. We utilize a deep connection between reliability and chip firings on graphs to improve previous bounds for reliability

    A balanced non-partitionable cohen-macaulay complex

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    In a recent article, Duval, Goeckner, Klivans and Martin disproved the longstanding conjecture by Stanley, that every Cohen–Macaulay simplicial complex is partitionable. We construct counterexamples to this conjecture that are even balanced, i.e. their underlying graph has a minimal coloring. This answers a question by Duval et al. in the negative

    The Partitionability Conjecture

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    This is the authors' accepted manuscript. First published in Notices of the American Mathematical Society Volume 64 Issue 2, 2017, published by the American Mathematical Society.In 1979 Richard Stanley made the following conjecture: Every Cohen-Macaulay simplicial complex is partitionable. Motivated by questions in the theory of face numbers of simplicial complexes, the Partitionability Conjecture sought to connect a purely combinatorial condition (partitionability) with an algebraic condition (Cohen-Macaulayness). The algebraic combinatorics community widely believed the conjecture to be true, especially in light of related stronger conjectures and weaker partial results. Nevertheless, in a 2016 paper [DGKM16], the three of us (Art, Carly, and Jeremy), together with Jeremy's graduate student Bennet Goeckner, constructed an explicit counterexample. Here we tell the story of the significance and motivation behind the Partitionability Conjecture and its resolution. The key mathematical ingredients include relative simplicial complexes, nonshellable balls, and a surprise appearance by the pigeonhole principle. More broadly, the narrative theme of modern algebraic combinatorics: to understand discrete structures through algebraic, geometric, and topological lenses

    Polarization and depolarization of monomial ideals with application to multi-state system reliability

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    Polarization is a powerful technique in algebra which provides combinatorial tools to study algebraic invariants of monomial ideals. We study the reverse of this process, depolarization which leads to a family of ideals which share many common features with the original ideal. Given a squarefree monomial ideal, we describe a combinatorial method to obtain all its depolarizations, and we highlight their similar properties such as the graded Betti numbers. We show that even though they have many similar properties, their differences in dimension make them distinguishable in applications in system reliability theory. In particular, we apply polarization and depolarization tools to study the reliability of multistate coherent systems via binary systems and vice versa. We use depolarization as a tool to reduce the dimension and the number of variables in coherent systems

    An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Network Reliability in Small Treewidth

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    We consider the classic problem of Network Reliability. A network is given together with a source vertex, one or more target vertices, and probabilities assigned to each of the edges. Each edge appears in the network with its associated probability and the problem is to determine the probability of having at least one source-to-target path. This problem is known to be NP-hard. We present a linear-time fixed-parameter algorithm based on a parameter called treewidth, which is a measure of tree-likeness of graphs. Network Reliability was already known to be solvable in polynomial time for bounded treewidth, but there were no concrete algorithms and the known methods used complicated structures and were not easy to implement. We provide a significantly simpler and more intuitive algorithm that is much easier to implement. We also report on an implementation of our algorithm and establish the applicability of our approach by providing experimental results on the graphs of subway and transit systems of several major cities, such as London and Tokyo. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first exact algorithm for Network Reliability that can scale to handle real-world instances of the problem.Comment: 14 page
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