7,057 research outputs found

    Cognitive Systems in Intelligent Vehicles - A New Frontier for Autonomous Driving

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    This position paper introduces the concept of "artificial co-pilot" (that is, a driver model), with a focus on driver's oriented cognitive cars, in order to illustrate a new approach for future intelligent vehicles, which overcomes the limitations of nowadays models. The core consists in adopting the human cognitive framework for vehicles, following an artificial intelligent approach to take decisions. This paper illustrates in details these concepts, as they are under development in the EU co-funded project HOLIDES

    Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is a digital technology that will be of major importance for the development of humanity in the near future. AI has raised fundamental questions about what we should do with such systems, what the systems themselves should do, what risks they involve and how we can control these. - After the background to the field (1), this article introduces the main debates (2), first on ethical issues that arise with AI systems as objects, i.e. tools made and used by humans; here, the main sections are privacy (2.1), manipulation (2.2), opacity (2.3), bias (2.4), autonomy & responsibility (2.6) and the singularity (2.7). Then we look at AI systems as subjects, i.e. when ethics is for the AI systems themselves in machine ethics (2.8.) and artificial moral agency (2.9). Finally we look at future developments and the concept of AI (3). For each section within these themes, we provide a general explanation of the ethical issues, we outline existing positions and arguments, then we analyse how this plays out with current technologies and finally what policy conse-quences may be drawn

    Journey of Artificial Intelligence Frontier: A Comprehensive Overview

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    The field of Artificial Intelligence AI is a transformational force with limitless promise in the age of fast technological growth This paper sets out on a thorough tour through the frontiers of AI providing a detailed understanding of its complex environment Starting with a historical context followed by the development of AI seeing its beginnings and growth On this journey fundamental ideas are explored looking at things like Machine Learning Neural Networks and Natural Language Processing Taking center stage are ethical issues and societal repercussions emphasising the significance of responsible AI application This voyage comes to a close by looking ahead to AI s potential for human-AI collaboration ground-breaking discoveries and the difficult obstacles that lie ahead This provides with a well-informed view on AI s past present and the unexplored regions it promises to explore by thoroughly navigating this terrai

    Umjetna inteligencija i robotika kao pokretačka snaga modernog društva

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    In synergy with other technologies, the AI significantly accelerates the scientific and technological development of human society. New possibilities of the application of technological achievements are constantly opening up – in industry, healthcare and everyday life. AI-based robotics is the main driver of the present industrial revolution. Robots have already played an important role in production and changed the production economy over the past decade. New generations of smart robots, or smart technical systems in general, are turning to new applications, especially in service industries, medicine and home use. In the future, autonomous and mobile robots will be able to assist the elderly and immobile, help with household chores, act as caregivers and perform repetitive, tedious or dangerous jobs in nursing homes, hospitals, military environments, disaster sites and schools. The potential benefits are great, but they pose significant ethical challenges too. Our autonomy may be compromised and social interaction obstructed. Expanded use of robots can lead to reduced contact among people and possible restrictions on personal freedoms. Machines of these kinds shape the new world radically, leading to significant economic and cultural changes, creating both winners and losers on a global scale.U sinergiji s drugim tehnologijama AI značajno ubrzava znanstveni i tehnološki razvoj ljudskog društva. Neprestano se otvaraju nove mogućnosti primjene tehnoloških dostignuća, kako u industriji, zdravstvu tako i u svakodnevnom životu. Robotika temeljena na umjetnoj inteligenciji glavni je pokretač sadašnje industrijske revolucije. Roboti su već odigrali važnu ulogu u proizvodnji i promijenili proizvodnu ekonomiju tijekom posljednjih desetak godina. Nove generacije pametnih robota, ili općenito pametnih tehničkih sustava, okreću se novim primjenama, posebno u uslužnim djelatnostima, medicini i kućnoj uporabi. Autonomni i mobilni roboti u budućnosti će moći pomagati starijim i nepokretnim osobama, pomagati u kućanskim poslovima, djelovati kao njegovatelji i obavljati ponavljajuće, dosadne ili opasne poslove u staračkim domovima, bolnicama, vojnim okruženjima, mjestima katastrofe i školama. Potencijalne prednosti su velike, ali također predstavljaju značajne etičke izazove. Naša autonomija može biti ugrožena, a društvena interakcija opstruirana. Prošireno korištenje robota može dovesti do smanjenog kontakta među ljudima i mogućih ograničenja osobnih sloboda. Strojevi ove vrste oblikuju radikalno novi svijet, što dovodi do značajnih ekonomskih i kulturoloških promjena, stvarajući jednako pobjednike kao i gubitnike na globalnoj svjetskoj razini

    Research Priorities for Robust and Beneficial Artificial Intelligence

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    Success in the quest for artificial intelligence has the potential to bring unprecedented benefits to humanity, and it is therefore worthwhile to investigate how to maximize these benefits while avoiding potential pitfalls. This article gives numerous examples (which should by no means be construed as an exhaustive list) of such worthwhile research aimed at ensuring that AI remains robust and beneficial.Comment: This article gives examples of the type of research advocated by the open letter for robust & beneficial AI at http://futureoflife.org/ai-open-lette