2 research outputs found

    Constructivism, Curiosity, and Metacognitive Bias in the Age of Google

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    The purpose of this experimental, posttest-only control-group study was to determine if there are differences in levels of metacognitive bias between those who do and do not use Google on a practice activity prior to the administration of a general knowledge test, when controlling for epistemic curiosity. The study seeks to help fill the gap in the literature by examining differences in metacognitive bias across not only the experimental variable of Google access, but also by participant variables, providing a more thorough understanding of how differences in individuals may moderate the relationship between Google use and bias. A sample of 140 participants was selected randomly from a population comprised of the student body of two public high schools, both in the state of South Carolina. The study found that Google access resulted in significantly greater metacognitive bias, even after controlling for epistemic curiosity, indicating that Google, and the internet at large, represent a potentially significant pedagogical threat to the prior knowledge and metacognitive accuracy needed to learn. These results highlight the need for further research into instructional practices which utilize internet search tools, curiosity as a state versus curiosity as a trait, and the societal ramifications of unchecked cognitive offloading

    Künstliche Intelligenz, Demokratie und Privatheit

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    Dieser Sammelband enthält ausgewählte Beiträge der Jahrestagung des "Forum Privatheit" 2021. Darin werden die aktuelle Herausforderungen analysiert, die durch die Entwicklung der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) für Privatheit, informationelle Selbstbestimmung, und Demokratie entstehen und wie diese durch Governancemechanismen adressiert werden können. Die Beiträge fokussieren dabei auf den KI-Einsatz zu Zwecken des Profiling und der Überwachung, auf Fragen der Verbreitung und Entdeckung von Desinformation durch KI sowie die Nutzung von KI im Gesundheits- und Pflegebereich.This volume contains selected papers from the 2021 annual conference affiliated to 'Forum Privatheit', which analyse the current challenges posed by the development of artificial intelligence (AI) to privacy, informational self-determination and democracy, and how they can be addressed through governance mechanisms. The contributions focus on the use of AI for profiling and surveillance purposes, on issues related to the dissemination and detection of disinformation through AI, and on the use of AI in the health and care sectors