145 research outputs found

    A comprehensive survey of wireless body area networks on PHY, MAC, and network layers solutions

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    Recent advances in microelectronics and integrated circuits, system-on-chip design, wireless communication and intelligent low-power sensors have allowed the realization of a Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN). A WBAN is a collection of low-power, miniaturized, invasive/non-invasive lightweight wireless sensor nodes that monitor the human body functions and the surrounding environment. In addition, it supports a number of innovative and interesting applications such as ubiquitous healthcare, entertainment, interactive gaming, and military applications. In this paper, the fundamental mechanisms of WBAN including architecture and topology, wireless implant communication, low-power Medium Access Control (MAC) and routing protocols are reviewed. A comprehensive study of the proposed technologies for WBAN at Physical (PHY), MAC, and Network layers is presented and many useful solutions are discussed for each layer. Finally, numerous WBAN applications are highlighted

    WiCop: Engineering WiFi Temporal White-Spaces for Safe Operations of Wireless Body Area Networks in Medical Applications

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    Fault tolerance in WBAN applications

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    One of the most promising applications of IoT is Wireless Body Area Net-works (WBANs) in medical applications. They allow physiological signals monitoring of patients without the presence of nearby medical personnel. Furthermore, WBANs enable feedback action to be taken either periodically or event-based following the Networked Control Systems (NCSs) techniques. This thesis first presents the architecture of a fault tolerant WBAN. Sensors data are sent over two redundant paths to be processed, analyzed and monitored. The two main communication protocols utilized in this system are Low power Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11n) and Long Term Evolution (LTE). Riverbed Modeler is used to study the system’s behavior. Simulation results are collected with 95% confidence analysis on 33 runs on different initial seeds. It is proven that the system is fully operational. It is then shown that the system can withstand interference and system’s performance is quantified. Results indicate that the system succeeds in meeting all required control criteria in the presence of two different interference models. The second contribution of this thesis is the design of an FPGA-based smart band for health monitoring applications in WBANs. This FPGA-based smart band has a softcore processor and its allocated SRAM block as well as auxiliary modules. A novel scheme for full initial configuration and Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration through the WLAN network is integrated into this design. Fault tolerance techniques are used to mitigate transient faults such as Single Event Upsets (SEUs) and Multiple Event Upsets (MEUs). The system is studied in a normal environment as well as in a harsh environment. System availability is then obtained using Markov Models and a case study is presented

    A Novel Framework for Software Defined Wireless Body Area Network

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    Software Defined Networking (SDN) has gained huge popularity in replacing traditional network by offering flexible and dynamic network management. It has drawn significant attention of the researchers from both academia and industries. Particularly, incorporating SDN in Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) applications indicates promising benefits in terms of dealing with challenges like traffic management, authentication, energy efficiency etc. while enhancing administrative control. This paper presents a novel framework for Software Defined WBAN (SDWBAN), which brings the concept of SDN technology into WBAN applications. By decoupling the control plane from data plane and having more programmatic control would assist to overcome the current lacking and challenges of WBAN. Therefore, we provide a conceptual framework for SDWBAN with packet flow model and a future direction of research pertaining to SDWBAN.Comment: Presented on 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulatio

    Evaluation of the aggregate interference in 2.4 GHz ISM band in home, office and hospital environments

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    Abstract. In the last years, the wireless body area network (WBAN) research has grown considerably and the idea to apply WBAN to the medical and healthcare issues could materialize. A possible WBAN could exploit the ISM (industrial, scientific and medical) band, clustered around 2.4 GHz. The ISM band is just used by other communication systems and non-communication systems. These systems transmit signals, defined aggregate interference, that could hinder the WBAN communications. In this thesis, the ISM band is investigated in order to understand if the amount of interference is too high to allow implementation of a new WBAN or if the coexistence between WBAN and the other systems is still possible. The ISM band analyses are carried out using data collected in real-life measurements, in environments where a patient monitored by a WBAN could usually stay. Data was collected in an office and a home environments, situated in Florence, Italy, in “San Giuseppe” hospital located in Empoli, Italy and in Oulu University Hospital, situated in Oulu, Finland. In each location, data are collected during a week using a spectrum analyzer (SA). The information measured by the SA is the power, expressed in dBm. In this work, a spectrum occupancy evaluation (SOE) has been developed to analyze the occupancy percentage of every frequency channel of the ISM band. The occupancy value is determined by a threshold, which divides the interference samples from the noise samples. In this work, the occupancy is evaluated using both a fixed threshold and a dynamic threshold, which value directly depends on the samples’ values. The results achieved using fixed and dynamic thresholds are discussed and compared. In addition, a time domain analysis has been carried out in order to know the amplitude, the time distribution and the size of the interference contributions. The time domain results allow to predict the interference behavior, making possible the extraction of a statistical interference modelling. The final results of the analyses depend strongly on the measurement location, the time and the measurement equipment. However, in most cases, the occupancy value is below 10%. Hence, the amount of interference is not so high as to prevent the implementation of a new WBAN or to determine an added smartness to the WBAN

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Literature Reported Mac and Phy Enhancements of Zigbee and its Alliances

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    Wireless communication is one of the most required technologies by the common man. The strength of this technology is rigorously progressing towards several novel directions in establishing personal wireless networks mounted over on low power consuming systems. The cutting-edge communication technologies like bluetooth, WIFI and ZigBee significantly play a prime role to cater the basic needs of any individual. ZigBee is one such evolutionary technology steadily getting its popularity in establishing personal wireless networks which is built on small and low-power digital radios. Zigbee defines the physical and MAC layers built on IEEE standard. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of literature reported MAC and PHY enhancements of ZigBee and its contemporary technologies with respect to performance, power consumption, scheduling, resource management and timing and address binding. The work also discusses on the areas of ZigBee MAC and PHY towards their design for specific applications

    A Review on Requirement of Wireless Sensor Network in Healthcare Applications

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    An assortment of uses depend on Wireless AdHoc and Sensor Networks (WASN) which has pulled in individuals from a wide number of regions demonstrating its utility extents from protection to farming, climate guaging to pre-fiasco discovery, geography to mineralogy, catastrophe alleviation frameworks to medicinal care, vehicle following to territory checking, and a considerable measure many. In the field of therapeutic sciences the uses of WASN are new however have left an incredible effect on the psyches of the two analysts and specialists. Medicinal determination and test examination like observing the patients, detecting exceptional and basic indications physically and rationally should be possible utilizing sensor systems for the therapeutic care. The potential restorative utilizations of WASN are 'Constant, nonstop patient observing', 'Home checking for interminable and elderly patients', 'Gathering of long haul databases of clinical information'. Alternate applications can be giving therapeutic supervision to individuals in remote zones and for detecting vast mischances, fires, fear based oppressor assaults and remote crucial sign checking facilitating the activity of specialists. In this paper we have attempted to make an overview of all the conceivable utilizations of WASN in the field of therapeutic Sciences

    高信頼ミリ波帯 WBAN の研究

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    Tohoku University末松憲治課

    LIPADE's Research Efforts Wireless Body Sensor Networks

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    SNR-based evaluation of coexistence in wireless system of hospital

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    Abstract. The wireless system (IEEE Std. 802.11) of North Karelian Central Hospital (NKCH) has been studied in the newly opened J2 building of the hospital. The measurements have been carried out using Ekahau Sidekick spectrum analyser and Ekahau Pro software. Signal propagation has been modelled in the control ward of the Emergency department because many coexisting systems are used with critical requirements of data communication over there. The analytical models have been developed to understand the radio-frequency (RF) signal propagation in the entire building. Measurements have also been carried out on the entire first floor, in the Department of the Abdominal Diseases on the ground floor and in the Children’s wards on the third floor. The multi-slope path-loss propagation models with shadowing have been generated based on the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) measurements for typical hospital environment at the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band. The measurements have been carried out within the two predefined routes. The models have also been compared to the empirically derived path-loss models. The probability of signal outage has been calculated for both measured routes. The aggregate interference has been measured within the routes that cover the area where remarkable signal variations and the high level of interference has been indicated based on the heatmaps of Ekahau. The use of Ekahau Sidekick and Ekahau Pro software in the coexistence study has been described. The noise floor has been determined based on the averaged values of the six measurement campaigns. The local changes in signal strength of the desired signal and aggregated power of interference have been studied. The Signal-to-Interference Ratio (SIR) models have been generated within the measured routes. The rapid decreases of Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) have been indicated on all measured floors of building J2. They have been studied and their effect on the network performance has been evaluated. The evaluation has been done by comparing the measured values of RSSI, SNR and SIR to the requirements of the respective Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS). The link margins have been calculated based on the chosen bit error probability and the given SNR requirement of the respective MCS. The comparison between the measured RSSI readings and the required threshold of the respective MCS has been done using the defined shadowing as a link margin. It has been shown that the measured difference between the signal strength of the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands has been caused by the reduced transmit power at the 2.4 GHz band. Based on the SIR measurements, it has been shown that the access points of the neighbouring building have contributed locally to the measured aggregate interference in the Control ward. However, the primary reason for the decrease of SIR at the 2.4 GHz band has been the decrease of desired signal power that has been contributed by the above mentioned reduced transmit power. The strong SNR drops have been indicated on every measured floor before the roaming has occurred.Sairaalan langattoman järjestelmän arviointi signaali-kohina-suhteen avulla. Tiivistelmä. Tässä diplomityössä on tutkittu Pohjois-Karjalan keskussairaalan (PKKS) langatonta verkkoa (IEEE Std. 802.11) äskettäin avatussa sairaalan laajennusosassa (J2-rakennus). Mittaukset on toteutettu käyttäen Ekahau Sidekick spektrianalysaattoria ja Ekahau Pro -ohjelmaa. Päivystyksen valvontaosasto on valittu tutkimuskohteeksi, koska siellä käytetään paljon eri teknologioihin perustuvia järjestelmiä, joiden välinen tiedonsiirto on luonteeltaan kriittistä. Luotujen mallien avulla rakennuksen langatonta toimintaympäristöä tutkitaan RF-järjestelmän (Radio-Frequency) näkökulmasta myös muissa mittausten kohteina olleissa tiloissa. Mittauksia on tehty myös valvontaosaston ulkopuolella 1. kerroksessa sekä 3. kerroksen lastenosastoilla ja Vatsakeskuksen tiloissa pohjakerroksessa. RSSI-mittausten perusteella on luotu radiotiehäviöihin perustuvat etenemismallit molemmilla käytössä olevilla ISM-taajuuskaistoilla (Industrial, Scientific and Medical bands). Varjostuminen ja etenemishäviökertoimen muutokset on otettu huomioon etenemismalleissa. Mittaukset on suoritettu ennalta määritellyillä reiteillä. Luotuja malleja on verrattu myös tutkimuskirjallisuudessa esitettyihin, empiirisesti johdettuihin etenemishäviömalleihin. Signaalikatkoksen todennäköisyys on laskettu molemmille reiteille 2.4 GHz:n taajuuskaistalla. Vastaanotetun häiriötehon summa on mitattu koko mallinnettavan tilan alueelle ulottuvien mittausreittien pohjalta. Mittausreitit on määritelty Ekahau Pron tuottamien kuuluvuus- ja häiriökarttojen avulla ottaen huomioon havaitut signaalitason vaihtelut. Ekahau Sidekick -spektrianalysaattorin ja Ekahau Pro -ohjelman käyttöä on kuvattu tämän tutkimuksen kontekstissa. Kohinataso on määritelty kaikissa kuudessa mittauskampanjassa mitattujen kohina-tehoarvojen keskiarvona. Paikallisten hyötysignaalinvoimakkuus- ja häiriötehovaihteluiden vaikutusta verkon suorituskykyyn on tutkittu ja molemmat mittausreitit kattavat SIR-mallit (Signal-to-Interference Ratio) on luotu. Kaikissa tutkituissa kerroksissa havaittuja äkillisiä signaali-kohinasuhteen vaihteluita on tutkittu ja niiden vaikutusta järjestelmän suorituskykyyn on arvioitu. Mitattujen hyöty- ja häiriösignaalivaihteluiden arviointi on toteutettu vertaamalla mittaamalla saatuja SNR- (Signal-to-Noise ratio), SIR- ja RSSI-arvoja (Received Signal Strength Indicator) eri tiedonsiirtonopeuksia käyttävien MCS-indeksien vaatimiin signaalinvoimakkuus- ja signaali-kohina-suhteen arvoihin. Kynnysarvoille on laskettu linkkimarginaalit käyttäen mitoitusvaatimuksena valittua bittivirhetodennäköisyyden arvoa. Mitattuja RSSI-arvoja on verrattu käyttäen linkkimarginaalina etenemismallinnuksessa määritettyjä varjostumisvaikutuksen arvoja. 2.4 ja 5 GHz:n taajuusalueiden välillä mitatun signaalinvoimakkuuseron on tutkimuksessa saatujen tulosten perusteella osoitettu olevan seurausta alennetusta lähetystehosta 2.4 GHz:n kaistalla. SIR-mittausten perusteella on todettu viereisen rakennuksen tukiasemien kasvattaneen vastaanotettua häiriötehosummaa valvontaosastolla paikallisesti. Ensisijainen syy mitattuihin SIR-arvojen vaihteluihin ovat kuitenkin alhainen signaalinvoimakkuus 2.4 GHz:n kaistalla, mikä osittain johtuu edellä kuvatusta alennetusta lähetystehosta. Voimakkaita SNR-vaihteluita on mitattu kaikissa kerroksissa ennen kuin päätelaite kytkeytyy uuteen tukiasemaan