59 research outputs found

    Coded Adaptive Linear Precoded Discrete Multitone Over PLC Channel

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    Discrete multitone modulation (DMT) systems exploit the capabilities of orthogonal subcarriers to cope efficiently with narrowband interference, high frequency attenuations and multipath fadings with the help of simple equalization filters. Adaptive linear precoded discrete multitone (LP-DMT) system is based on classical DMT, combined with a linear precoding component. In this paper, we investigate the bit and energy allocation algorithm of an adaptive LP-DMT system taking into account the channel coding scheme. A coded adaptive LPDMT system is presented in the power line communication (PLC) context with a loading algorithm which accommodates the channel coding gains in bit and energy calculations. The performance of a concatenated channel coding scheme, consisting of an inner Wei's 4-dimensional 16-states trellis code and an outer Reed-Solomon code, in combination with the proposed algorithm is analyzed. Theoretical coding gains are derived and simulation results are presented for a fixed target bit error rate in a multicarrier scenario under power spectral density constraint. Using a multipath model of PLC channel, it is shown that the proposed coded adaptive LP-DMT system performs better than coded DMT and can achieve higher throughput for PLC applications

    Importance of Symbol Equity in Coded Modulation for Power Line Communications

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    The use of multiple frequency shift keying modulation with permutation codes addresses the problem of permanent narrowband noise disturbance in a power line communications system. In this paper, we extend this coded modulation scheme based on permutation codes to general codes and introduce an additional new parameter that more precisely captures a code's performance against permanent narrowband noise. As a result, we define a new class of codes, namely, equitable symbol weight codes, which are optimal with respect to this measure

    Turbo-coding and Bit-loading Algorithms for a HomePlug-like DMT PLC System

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    Loading Algorithms for Adaptive SS-MC-MA Systems over Wireline Channels: Comparison with DMT

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    In this paper, we propose to combine adaptive loading principles with the spread-spectrum multicarrier multiple access (SS-MC-MA) scheme. Such an approach has particular interests in the context of powerline communications (PLC), where the transmitter has not only to exploit robust transmission techniques, but has also to adapt the waveform to the channel response. We introduce finite-granularity loading algorithms that dynamically handle the configuration of the system under power spectral density constraints. The presented algorithms assign subcarriers, spreading codes, bits and energy to each user in order to maximize either the data rate or the noise margin at a given target symbol error rate. These algorithms can actually be viewed as a widening of the classical waterfilling approach in the case of an hybrid spread-spectrum multicarrier system. Simulation results of the new scheme are presented for different measured PLC channels and are compared with those of the classical discrete multitone modulation (DMT) approach. It is shown that the adaptive SS-MC-MA scheme performs significantly better than DMT, due to its natural energy gathering capability. Adaptive SS-MC-MA then leads to a more efficient bits and energies distribution and constitutes a simple solution to reduce the quantification loss induced by the use of finite order modulation

    Širokopojasni prijenos podataka elektroenergetskom mrežom

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    The paper presents an overview to broadband over powe lines. Over the past few years advances in signal processing technology have enabled the advent of modem chips that are able to overcome the transmission difficulties associated with sending communications signals over electrical power lines. There are two predominant types of BPL communications configurations: Access BPL and In-Home BPL. One of the largest commercial markets for BPL is the ability to provide Internet Services by means of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) protocols. Another significant benefit of BPL is the ability to employ “intelligent” power line networks that make use of SCADA devices.U radu je opisan pregled širokopojasnog prijenosa podataka elektroenergetskom mrežom. Razvoj tehnologije prijenosa signala omogućio je prevladavanje problema prijenosa komunikacijskih signala putem elektroenergetske mreže. Time je omogućen širokopojasni prijenos podataka kojim se osigurava pristup Internetu koristeći postojeću infrastrukturu. Ovakva komunikacija dijeli se na: pristupnu i kućnu. Najveći ekonomski značaj ove tehnologije je mogućnost pružanja pristupa Internetu TCP/IP protokolom. Osim pristupa Internetu omogućava i implementaciju pametne elektroenergetske mreže (SCADA)

    Business Analytics and IT in Smart Grid – Part 2: The Qualitative Mitigation Impact of Piecewise Monotonic Data Approximations on the iSHM Class Map Footprints of Overhead Low-Voltage Broadband over Power Lines Topologies Contaminated by Measurement Differences

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    Business analytics and IT infrastructure preserve the integrity of the smart grid (SG) operation against the flood of big data that may be susceptible to faults, such as measurement differences. In [1], the impact of measurement differences that follow continuous uniform distributions (CUDs) of different magnitudes has been investigated via initial Statistical Hybrid Model (iSHM) footprints during the operation of overhead low-voltage broadband over power lines (OV LV BPL) networks. In this companion paper, the mitigation efficiency of piecewise monotonic data approximations, such as L1PMA and L2WPMA, is qualitatively assessed in terms of iSHM footprints when the aforementioned measurement difference CUD of different intensities are applied.Citation: Lazaropoulos, A. G. (2020). Business Analytics and IT in Smart Grid – Part 2: The Qualitative Mitigation Impact of Piecewise Monotonic Data Approximations on the iSHM Class Map Footprints of Overhead Low-Voltage Broadband over Power Lines Topologies Contaminated by Measurement Differences. Trends in Renewable Energy, 6, 177-203. DOI: 10.17737/tre.2020.6.2.0011