111 research outputs found

    Coding Strategies for Noise-Free Relay Cascades with Half-Duplex Constraint

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    Two types of noise-free relay cascades are investigated. Networks where a source communicates with a distant receiver via a cascade of half-duplex constrained relays, and networks where not only the source but also a single relay node intends to transmit information to the same destination. We introduce two relay channel models, capturing the half-duplex constraint, and within the framework of these models capacity is determined for the first network type. It turns out that capacity is significantly higher than the rates which are achievable with a straightforward time-sharing approach. A capacity achieving coding strategy is presented based on allocating the transmit and receive time slots of a node in dependence of the node's previously received data. For the networks of the second type, an upper bound to the rate region is derived from the cut-set bound. Further, achievability of the cut-set bound in the single relay case is shown given that the source rate exceeds a certain minimum value.Comment: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 6 - 11, 200

    Capacity for Half-Duplex Line Networks with Two Sources

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    The focus is on noise-free half-duplex line networks with two sources where the first node and either the second node or the second-last node in the cascade act as sources. In both cases, we establish the capacity region of rates at which both sources can transmit independent information to a common sink. The achievability scheme presented for the first case is constructive while the achievability scheme for the second case is based on a random coding argument.Comment: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Austin, TX, USA, June 12 - 18, 201

    Upper Bounds to the Performance of Cooperative Traffic Relaying in Wireless Linear Networks

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    Wireless networks with linear topology, where nodes generate their own traffic and relay other nodes' traffic, have attracted increasing attention. Indeed, they well represent sensor networks monitoring paths or streets, as well as multihop networks for videosurveillance of roads or vehicular traffic. We study the performance limits of such network systems when (i) the nodes' transmissions can reach receivers farther than one-hop distance from the sender, (ii) the transmitters cooperate in the data delivery, and (iii) interference due to concurrent transmissions is taken into account. By adopting an information-theoretic approach, we derive analytical bounds to the achievable data rate in both the cases where the nodes have full-duplex and half-duplex radios. The expressions we provide are mathematically tractable and allow the analysis of multihop networks with a large number of nodes. Our analysis highlights that increasing the number of coop- erating transmitters beyond two leads to a very limited gain in the achievable data rate. Also, for half-duplex radios, it indicates the existence of dominant network states, which have a major influence on the bound. It follows that efficient, yet simple, communication strategies can be designed by considering at most two cooperating transmitters and by letting half-duplex nodes operate according to the aforementioned dominant state

    On implementation aspects of decode and forward and compress and forward relay protocols

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    In this work, the common relay protocols Decode-and-Forward and Compress-and-Forward (CF) are investigated from a practical point of view: This involves on the one hand the impact of imperfections like channel and carrier phase stimation errors and on the other hand, the question of how to implement relay protocol specific signal processing like quantization for CF which is modeled in information theory simply by additive quantizer noise. To evaluate the performance, achievable rates are determined either numerically with the help of the Max-Flow Min-Cut theorem or by link level simulations.Diese Arbeit untersucht die Relay-Protokolle Decode-and-Forward und Compress-and-Forward (CF) mit dem Fokus auf einer praktischen Umsetzung. Es werden sowohl StöreinflĂŒsse wie Kanal- und PhasenschĂ€tzfehler betrachtet als auch spezielle Kompressionsverfahren fĂŒr das CF Protokoll implementiert. Von großer Bedeutung ist hier die Kompression in Form der Quantisierung, weil diese in der Informationstheorie lediglich durch Quantisierungsrauschen modelliert wird. Zur Auswertung der LeistungsfĂ€higkeit der Protokolle werden die erzielbaren Raten entweder numerisch oder durch Simulation bestimmt

    Study of Techniques For Reliable Data Transmission In Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This thesis addresses the problem of traffic transfer in wireless sensor networks (WSN). In such networks, the foremost challenge in the design of data communication techniques is that the sensor's transceiver circuitry consumes the major portion of the available power. Thus, due to stringent limitations on the nodes' hardware and power resources in WSN, data transmission must be power-efficient in order to reduce the nodes' power consumption, and hence to maximize the network lifetime while satisfying the required data rate. The transmit power is itself under the influence of data rate and source-destination distance. Thanks to the dense deployment of nodes in WSN, multi-hop communication can be applied to mitigate the transmit power for sending bits of information, i.e., gathered data by the sensor nodes to the destination node (gateway) compared to single-hop scenarios. In our approach, we achieve a reasonable trade-off between power-efficiency and transmission data rate by devising cooperative communication strategies through which the network traffic (i.e. nodes' gathered information) is relayed hop-by-hop to the gateway. In such strategies, the sensor nodes serve as data originator as well as data router, and assist the data transfer from the sensors to the gateway. We develop several data transmission schemes, and we prove their capability in transmitting the data from the sensor nodes at the highest possible rates allowed by the network limitations. In particular, we consider that (i) network has linear or quasi-linear topology, (ii) nodes are equipped with half-duplex radios, implying that they cannot transmit and receive simultaneously, (iii) nodes transmit their traffic at the same average rate. We compute the average data rate corresponding to each proposed strategy. Next, we take an information-theoretic approach and derive an upper bound to the achievable rate of traffic transfer in the networks under consideration, and analyze its tightness. We show that our proposed strategies outperform the conventional multi-hop scheme, and their average achievable rate approaches the upper bound at low levels of signal to noise ratio

    Communication Schemes with Constrained Reordering of Resources

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