14 research outputs found

    Kinetic energy fluctuation-driven locomotor transitions on potential energy landscapes of beam obstacle traversal and self-righting

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    Despite contending with constraints imposed by the environment, morphology, and physiology, animals move well by physically interactingwith the environment to use and transition between modes such as running, climbing, and self-righting. By contrast, robots struggle to do so in real world. Understanding the principles of how locomotor transitions emerge from constrained physical interaction is necessary for robots to move robustly using similar strategies. Recent studies discovered that discoid cockroaches use and transition between diverse locomotor modes to traverse beams and self-right on ground. For both systems, animals probabilistically transitioned between modes via multiple pathways, while its self-propulsion created kinetic energy fluctuation. Here, we seek mechanistic explanations for these observations by adopting a physics-based approach that integrates biological and robotic studies. We discovered that animal and robot locomotor transitions during beam obstacle traversal and ground self-righting are barrier-crossing transitions on potential energy landscapes. Whereas animals and robot traversed stiff beams by rolling their body betweenbeam, they pushed across flimsy beams, suggesting a concept of terradynamic favorability where modes with easier physical interaction are more likely to occur. Robotic beam traversal revealed that, system state either remains in a favorable mode or transitions to one when energy fluctuation is comparable to the transition barrier. Robotic self-righting transitions occurred similarly and revealed that changing system parameters lowers barriers over which comparable fluctuation can induce transitions. Thetransitionsof animalsin both systems mostly occurred similarly, but sensory feedback may facilitate its beam traversal. Finally, we developed a method to measure animal movement across large spatiotemporal scales in a terrain treadmill.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2006.1271

    Towards understanding of climbing, tip-over prevention and self-righting behaviors in Hexapoda

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    Die vorliegende Dissertation mit dem Titel “Towards understanding of climbing, tip-over prevention and self-righting behaviors in Hexapoda” untersucht in drei Studien exemplarisch, wie (i) Wüstenameisen ihre Beine einsetzen um An- und Abstiege zu überwinden, wie (ii) Wüsten- und Waldameisen ein Umkippen an steilen Anstiegen vermeiden, und wie sich (iii) Madagaskar-Fauchschaben, Amerikanische Großschaben und Blaberus discoidalis Audinet-Servill, 1839 aus Rückenlagen drehen und aufrichten. Neuartige biomechanischen Beschreibungen umfassen unter anderem: Impuls- und Kraftwirkungen einzelner Ameisenbeine auf den Untergrund beim Bergauf- und Bergabklettern, Kippmomente bei kletternden Ameisen, Energiegebirge-Modelle (energy landscapes) zur Quantifizierung der Körperform für die funktionelle Beschreibung des Umdrehens aus der Rückenlage

    Kinetic energy fluctuation-driven locomotor transitions on potential energy landscapes of beam obstacle traversal and ground self-righting

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    Animals’ physical interaction with their environment, although often difficult, is effective and enables them to move robustly by using and transitioning between different modes such as running and climbing. Although robots exhibit some of these transitions, we lack a principled approach to generating and controlling them using effective physical interaction. Bridging this knowledge gap, in addition to advancing our understanding of animal locomotion, will improve robotic mobility. Recent studies of physical interaction with environment discovered that during beam obstacle traversal and ground self-righting, discoid cockroaches use and transition between diverse locomotor modes probabilistically and via multiple pathways. To traverse beams, the animal first pushes against them, but eventually pitches up due to beam restoring forces, following which it either pushes across beams (pitch mode) or rolls into the gap (roll mode). To self-right, the animal opens and pushes its wings against the ground, which pitches its body forward (metastable mode), and then rolls sideways (roll mode). Here, we seek to begin to explain these observations by integrating biological, robotic, and physics studies. We focus on pitch-to-roll and metastable-to-roll transitions of cockroaches during escape and emergency responses and feedforward-controlled robots. We discovered that across both systems, physical interaction is stochastic, with animals showing more variability. Animal and robot system states are strongly attracted to basins of their potential energy landscape, resulting in stereotyped locomotor modes. Locomotor transitions are probabilistic barrier-crossing transitions between landscape basins. Whereas the animal and robot traversed stiff beams via roll mode, they pushed across flimsy beams, suggesting that modes with easier physical interaction are more probable to occur (more favorable). Varying potential energy barriers by changing beam torsional stiffness (in the animal and robot) and kinetic energy fluctuation by changing body oscillation (in the robot) in both beam traversal and self-righting revealed that kinetic energy fluctuation comparable to the barrier facilitates probabilistic transition to the more favorable mode. Changing the system configuration (self-righting robot's wing opening) facilitates transitions by lowering the barrier. The animal's pitch-to-roll transition during beam traversal occurred even with insufficient kinetic energy fluctuation, suggesting that sensory feedback may be involved. These discoveries support the use of potential energy landscapes as a framework to understand locomotor transitions. Finally, we implemented methods for tracking and 3-D reconstruction of small animal locomotion in an existing terrain treadmill

    Design, Modeling, and Control of a Flying-Insect-Inspired Quadrotor with Rotatable Arms

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    Aerial manipulation and delivery using quadrotors are becoming more and more popular in recent years. However, the displacement of the center of gravity (CoG) is a common issue experienced by these applications due to various eccentric payloads carried. Conventional quadrotors with eccentric payloads are usually stabilized by robust control strategies through adjusting rotation speeds of BLDC motors, which has negative effects on stability and energy efficiency of quadrotors. In this thesis, a flying-insect-inspired quadrotor with rotatable arms is proposed. With four rotatable arms, the proposed quadrotor can automatically estimate the displacement of the CoG and drive the four arms to their optimal positions during flight. In this way, the proposed quadrotor can move its symmetric center to the CoG of the quadrotor with the eccentric payload to increase its stability and energy efficiency. The design, dynamics modeling, and control strategy of the proposed quadrotor are presented in this thesis. Both calculation and experiment results show that the proposed quadrotor with rotatable arms has better flight performance of stability and energy efficiency than the conventional quadrotor with fixed arms