1,091 research outputs found

    Identifying the community structure of the international food-trade multi network

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    Achieving international food security requires improved understanding of how international trade networks connect countries around the world through the import-export flows of food commodities. The properties of food trade networks are still poorly documented, especially from a multi-network perspective. In particular, nothing is known about the community structure of food networks, which is key to understanding how major disruptions or 'shocks' would impact the global food system. Here we find that the individual layers of this network have densely connected trading groups, a consistent characteristic over the period 2001 to 2011. We also fit econometric models to identify social, economic and geographic factors explaining the probability that any two countries are co-present in the same community. Our estimates indicate that the probability of country pairs belonging to the same food trade community depends more on geopolitical and economic factors -- such as geographical proximity and trade agreements co-membership -- than on country economic size and/or income. This is in sharp contrast with what we know about bilateral-trade determinants and suggests that food country communities behave in ways that can be very different from their non-food counterparts.Comment: 47 pages, 19 figure

    Understanding Coarsening for Embedding Large-Scale Graphs

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    A significant portion of the data today, e.g, social networks, web connections, etc., can be modeled by graphs. A proper analysis of graphs with Machine Learning (ML) algorithms has the potential to yield far-reaching insights into many areas of research and industry. However, the irregular structure of graph data constitutes an obstacle for running ML tasks on graphs such as link prediction, node classification, and anomaly detection. Graph embedding is a compute-intensive process of representing graphs as a set of vectors in a d-dimensional space, which in turn makes it amenable to ML tasks. Many approaches have been proposed in the literature to improve the performance of graph embedding, e.g., using distributed algorithms, accelerators, and pre-processing techniques. Graph coarsening, which can be considered a pre-processing step, is a structural approximation of a given, large graph with a smaller one. As the literature suggests, the cost of embedding significantly decreases when coarsening is employed. In this work, we thoroughly analyze the impact of the coarsening quality on the embedding performance both in terms of speed and accuracy. Our experiments with a state-of-the-art, fast graph embedding tool show that there is an interplay between the coarsening decisions taken and the embedding quality.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted to 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Dat

    Detecting hierarchical and overlapping network communities using locally optimal modularity changes

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    Agglomerative clustering is a well established strategy for identifying communities in networks. Communities are successively merged into larger communities, coarsening a network of actors into a more manageable network of communities. The order in which merges should occur is not in general clear, necessitating heuristics for selecting pairs of communities to merge. We describe a hierarchical clustering algorithm based on a local optimality property. For each edge in the network, we associate the modularity change for merging the communities it links. For each community vertex, we call the preferred edge that edge for which the modularity change is maximal. When an edge is preferred by both vertices that it links, it appears to be the optimal choice from the local viewpoint. We use the locally optimal edges to define the algorithm: simultaneously merge all pairs of communities that are connected by locally optimal edges that would increase the modularity, redetermining the locally optimal edges after each step and continuing so long as the modularity can be further increased. We apply the algorithm to model and empirical networks, demonstrating that it can efficiently produce high-quality community solutions. We relate the performance and implementation details to the structure of the resulting community hierarchies. We additionally consider a complementary local clustering algorithm, describing how to identify overlapping communities based on the local optimality condition.Comment: 10 pages; 4 tables, 3 figure

    Hypergraph Partitioning With Embeddings

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    Problems in scientific computing, such as distributing large sparse matrix operations, have analogous formulations as hypergraph partitioning problems. A hypergraph is a generalization of a traditional graph wherein "hyperedges" may connect any number of nodes. As a result, hypergraph partitioning is an NP-Hard problem to both solve or approximate. State-of-the-art algorithms that solve this problem follow the multilevel paradigm, which begins by iteratively "coarsening" the input hypergraph to smaller problem instances that share key structural features. Once identifying an approximate problem that is small enough to be solved directly, that solution can be interpolated and refined to the original problem. While this strategy represents an excellent trade off between quality and running time, it is sensitive to coarsening strategy. In this work we propose using graph embeddings of the initial hypergraph in order to ensure that coarsened problem instances retrain key structural features. Our approach prioritizes coarsening within self-similar regions within the input graph, and leads to significantly improved solution quality across a range of considered hypergraphs. Reproducibility: All source code, plots and experimental data are available at https://sybrandt.com/2019/partition