83 research outputs found

    Information theoretic approach to interactive learning

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    The principles of statistical mechanics and information theory play an important role in learning and have inspired both theory and the design of numerous machine learning algorithms. The new aspect in this paper is a focus on integrating feedback from the learner. A quantitative approach to interactive learning and adaptive behavior is proposed, integrating model- and decision-making into one theoretical framework. This paper follows simple principles by requiring that the observer's world model and action policy should result in maximal predictive power at minimal complexity. Classes of optimal action policies and of optimal models are derived from an objective function that reflects this trade-off between prediction and complexity. The resulting optimal models then summarize, at different levels of abstraction, the process's causal organization in the presence of the learner's actions. A fundamental consequence of the proposed principle is that the learner's optimal action policies balance exploration and control as an emerging property. Interestingly, the explorative component is present in the absence of policy randomness, i.e. in the optimal deterministic behavior. This is a direct result of requiring maximal predictive power in the presence of feedback.Comment: 6 page

    Agnostic Active Learning Without Constraints

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    We present and analyze an agnostic active learning algorithm that works without keeping a version space. This is unlike all previous approaches where a restricted set of candidate hypotheses is maintained throughout learning, and only hypotheses from this set are ever returned. By avoiding this version space approach, our algorithm sheds the computational burden and brittleness associated with maintaining version spaces, yet still allows for substantial improvements over supervised learning for classification

    Multi-View Active Learning in the Non-Realizable Case

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    The sample complexity of active learning under the realizability assumption has been well-studied. The realizability assumption, however, rarely holds in practice. In this paper, we theoretically characterize the sample complexity of active learning in the non-realizable case under multi-view setting. We prove that, with unbounded Tsybakov noise, the sample complexity of multi-view active learning can be O~(log1ϵ)\widetilde{O}(\log\frac{1}{\epsilon}), contrasting to single-view setting where the polynomial improvement is the best possible achievement. We also prove that in general multi-view setting the sample complexity of active learning with unbounded Tsybakov noise is O~(1ϵ)\widetilde{O}(\frac{1}{\epsilon}), where the order of 1/ϵ1/\epsilon is independent of the parameter in Tsybakov noise, contrasting to previous polynomial bounds where the order of 1/ϵ1/\epsilon is related to the parameter in Tsybakov noise.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    SoftwareTesting with Active Learning in a Graph

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    Motivated by Structural Statistical Software Testing (SSST), this paper is interested in sampling the feasible execution paths in the control flow graph of the program being tested. For some complex programs, the fraction of feasible paths becomes tiny, ranging in [1010,105][10^{-10}, 10^{-5}]. When relying on the uniform sampling of the program paths, SSST is thus hindered by the non-Markovian nature of the ``feasible path\u27\u27 concept, due to the long-range dependencies between the program nodes. A divide and generate approach relying on an extended Parikh Map representation is proposed to address this limitation; experimental validation on real-world and artificial problems demonstrates gains of orders of magnitude compared to the state of the art

    Adaptive sensing performance lower bounds for sparse signal detection and support estimation

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    This paper gives a precise characterization of the fundamental limits of adaptive sensing for diverse estimation and testing problems concerning sparse signals. We consider in particular the setting introduced in (IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 57 (2011) 6222-6235) and show necessary conditions on the minimum signal magnitude for both detection and estimation: if xRn{\mathbf {x}}\in \mathbb{R}^n is a sparse vector with ss non-zero components then it can be reliably detected in noise provided the magnitude of the non-zero components exceeds 2/s\sqrt{2/s}. Furthermore, the signal support can be exactly identified provided the minimum magnitude exceeds 2logs\sqrt{2\log s}. Notably there is no dependence on nn, the extrinsic signal dimension. These results show that the adaptive sensing methodologies proposed previously in the literature are essentially optimal, and cannot be substantially improved. In addition, these results provide further insights on the limits of adaptive compressive sensing.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/13-BEJ555 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm