32,441 research outputs found

    Prohibited Floor Trading Activities Under the Commodity Exchange Act

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    In algorithmic graph theory, a classic open question is to determine the complexity of the Maximum Independent Set problem on Pt -free graphs, that is, on graphs not containing any induced path on t vertices. So far, polynomial-time algorithms are known only for t≤5 (Lokshtanov et al., in: Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms, SODA 2014, Portland, OR, USA, January 5–7, 2014, pp 570–581, 2014), and an algorithm for t=6 announced recently (Grzesik et al. in Polynomial-time algorithm for maximum weight independent set on P6 -free graphs. CoRR, arXiv:1707.05491, 2017). Here we study the existence of subexponential-time algorithms for the problem: we show that for any t≥1 , there is an algorithm for Maximum Independent Set on Pt -free graphs whose running time is subexponential in the number of vertices. Even for the weighted version MWIS, the problem is solvable in 2O(tnlogn√) time on Pt -free graphs. For approximation of MIS in broom-free graphs, a similar time bound is proved. Scattered Set is the generalization of Maximum Independent Set where the vertices of the solution are required to be at distance at least d from each other. We give a complete characterization of those graphs H for which d-Scattered Set on H-free graphs can be solved in time subexponential in the size of the input (that is, in the number of vertices plus the number of edges): If every component of H is a path, then d-Scattered Set on H-free graphs with n vertices and m edges can be solved in time 2O(|V(H)|n+m√log(n+m)) , even if d is part of the input. Otherwise, assuming the Exponential-Time Hypothesis (ETH), there is no 2o(n+m) -time algorithm for d-Scattered Set for any fixed d≥3 on H-free graphs with n-vertices and m-edges

    Bias adjustment of infrared-based rainfall estimation using Passive Microwave satellite rainfall data

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    This study explores using Passive Microwave (PMW) rainfall estimation for spatial and temporal adjustment of Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks-Cloud Classification System(PERSIANN-CCS). The PERSIANN-CCS algorithm collects information from infrared images to estimate rainfall. PERSIANN-CCS is one of the algorithms used in the IntegratedMultisatellite Retrievals for GPM (Global Precipitation Mission) estimation for the time period PMW rainfall estimations are limited or not available. Continued improvement of PERSIANN-CCS will support Integrated Multisatellite Retrievals for GPM for current as well as retrospective estimations of global precipitation. This study takes advantage of the high spatial and temporal resolution of GEO-based PERSIANN-CCS estimation and the more effective, but lower sample frequency, PMW estimation. The Probability Matching Method (PMM) was used to adjust the rainfall distribution of GEO-based PERSIANN-CCS toward that of PMW rainfall estimation. The results show that a significant improvement of global PERSIANN-CCS rainfall estimation is obtained

    Digital image correlation (DIC) analysis of the 3 December 2013 Montescaglioso landslide (Basilicata, Southern Italy). Results from a multi-dataset investigation

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    Image correlation remote sensing monitoring techniques are becoming key tools for providing effective qualitative and quantitative information suitable for natural hazard assessments, specifically for landslide investigation and monitoring. In recent years, these techniques have been successfully integrated and shown to be complementary and competitive with more standard remote sensing techniques, such as satellite or terrestrial Synthetic Aperture Radar interferometry. The objective of this article is to apply the proposed in-depth calibration and validation analysis, referred to as the Digital Image Correlation technique, to measure landslide displacement. The availability of a multi-dataset for the 3 December 2013 Montescaglioso landslide, characterized by different types of imagery, such as LANDSAT 8 OLI (Operational Land Imager) and TIRS (Thermal Infrared Sensor), high-resolution airborne optical orthophotos, Digital Terrain Models and COSMO-SkyMed Synthetic Aperture Radar, allows for the retrieval of the actual landslide displacement field at values ranging from a few meters (2–3 m in the north-eastern sector of the landslide) to 20–21 m (local peaks on the central body of the landslide). Furthermore, comprehensive sensitivity analyses and statistics-based processing approaches are used to identify the role of the background noise that affects the whole dataset. This noise has a directly proportional relationship to the different geometric and temporal resolutions of the processed imagery. Moreover, the accuracy of the environmental-instrumental background noise evaluation allowed the actual displacement measurements to be correctly calibrated and validated, thereby leading to a better definition of the threshold values of the maximum Digital Image Correlation sub-pixel accuracy and reliability (ranging from 1/10 to 8/10 pixel) for each processed dataset
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