4 research outputs found

    Hybrid approach for spam email detection

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    On this era, email is a convenient way to enable the user to communicate everywhere in the world which it has the internet. It is because of the economic and fast method of communication. The email message can send to the single user or distribute to the group. Majority of the users does not know the life exclusive of e-mail. For this issue, it becomes an email as the medium of communication of a malicious person. This project aimed at Spam Email. This project concentrated on a hybrid approach namely Neural Network (NN) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) designed to detect the spam emails. The comparisons between the hybrid approach for NN_PSO with GA algorithm and NN classifiers to show the best performance for spam detection. The Spambase used contains 1813 as spams (39.40%) and 2788 as non-spam (60.6%) implemented on these algorithms. The comparisons performance criteria based on accuracy, false positive, false negative, precision, recall and f-measure. The feature selection used by applying GA algorithm to reducing the redundant and irrelevant features. The performance of F-Measure shows that the hybrid NN_PSO, GA_NN and NN are 94.10%, 92.60% and 91.39% respectively. The results recommended using the hybrid of NN_PSO with GA algorithm for the best performance for spam email detection

    Design of Multi-View Based Email Classification for IoT Systems via Semi-Supervised Learning

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    Suspicious emails are one big threat for Internet of Things (IoT) security, which aim to induce users to click and then redirect them to a phishing webpage. To protect IoT systems, email classification is an essential mechanism to classify spam and legitimate emails. In the literature, most email classification approaches adopt supervised learning algorithms that require a large number of labeled data for classifier training. However, data labeling is very time consuming and expensive, making only a very small set of data available in practice, which would greatly degrade the effectiveness of email classification. To mitigate this problem, in this work, we develop an email classification approach based on multi-view disagreement-based semi-supervised learning. The idea behind is that multi-view method can offer richer information for classification, which is often ignored by literature. The use of semi-supervised learning can help leverage both labeled and unlabeled data. In the evaluation, we investigate the performance of our proposed approach with datasets and in real network environments. Experimental results demonstrate that multi-view can achieve better classification performance than single view, and that our approach can achieve better performance as compared to the existing similar algorithms

    Personal Email Spam Filtering with Minimal User Interaction

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    This thesis investigates ways to reduce or eliminate the necessity of user input to learning-based personal email spam filters. Personal spam filters have been shown in previous studies to yield superior effectiveness, at the cost of requiring extensive user training which may be burdensome or impossible. This work describes new approaches to solve the problem of building a personal spam filter that requires minimal user feedback. An initial study investigates how well a personal filter can learn from different sources of data, as opposed to user’s messages. Our initial studies show that inter-user training yields substantially inferior results to intra-user training using the best known methods. Moreover, contrary to previous literature, it is found that transfer learning degrades the performance of spam filters when the source of training and test sets belong to two different users or different times. We also adapt and modify a graph-based semi-supervising learning algorithm to build a filter that can classify an entire inbox trained on twenty or fewer user judgments. Our experiments show that this approach compares well with previous techniques when trained on as few as two training examples. We also present the toolkit we developed to perform privacy-preserving user studies on spam filters. This toolkit allows researchers to evaluate any spam filter that conforms to a standard interface defined by TREC, on real users’ email boxes. Researchers have access only to the TREC-style result file, and not to any content of a user’s email stream. To eliminate the necessity of feedback from the user, we build a personal autonomous filter that learns exclusively on the result of a global spam filter. Our laboratory experiments show that learning filters with no user input can substantially improve the results of open-source and industry-leading commercial filters that employ no user-specific training. We use our toolkit to validate the performance of the autonomous filter in a user study