412 research outputs found

    Examining Student Coding Behaviours in Creative Computing Lessons using Abstract Syntax Trees and Vocabulary Analysis

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    Creative computing is an approach to computing education which emphasises the creation of interactive audiovisual software and an art-school influenced pedagogy. Given this emphasis on Dewey’s "learning by doing”, we set out to investigate the processes students use to develop their programs. We refer to these processes as the students’ ‘coding behaviour’, and we expect that understanding it will provide us with valuable information about how students learn in our creative computing classes. As existing metrics were not sufficient, we introduce a new set of quantitative metrics to describe coding behaviours. The metrics consider factors such as students’ vocabulary use and development, how fast and how much they alter the functionality of code over time and how they iterate on their code through text insert and delete operations. Many of our lessons involve providing students with demonstrator code which they use as a base for the development of their programs, so we use demo code as an entry point to our dataset. We look at programs students have written through developing the demo code in a dataset of over 16,000 programs. We clustered the demo code using the set of descriptive metrics. This lead to a set of clusters containing programs which are associated with distinct coding behaviours. Four was the ideal number of clusters for cluster density and separation. We found that the clusters had distinct behaviour patterns, that they were associated with different instructors and that they contained demo programs with different lengths

    Student Assessment in Cybersecurity Training Automated by Pattern Mining and Clustering

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    Hands-on cybersecurity training allows students and professionals to practice various tools and improve their technical skills. The training occurs in an interactive learning environment that enables completing sophisticated tasks in full-fledged operating systems, networks, and applications. During the training, the learning environment allows collecting data about trainees' interactions with the environment, such as their usage of command-line tools. These data contain patterns indicative of trainees' learning processes, and revealing them allows to assess the trainees and provide feedback to help them learn. However, automated analysis of these data is challenging. The training tasks feature complex problem-solving, and many different solution approaches are possible. Moreover, the trainees generate vast amounts of interaction data. This paper explores a dataset from 18 cybersecurity training sessions using data mining and machine learning techniques. We employed pattern mining and clustering to analyze 8834 commands collected from 113 trainees, revealing their typical behavior, mistakes, solution strategies, and difficult training stages. Pattern mining proved suitable in capturing timing information and tool usage frequency. Clustering underlined that many trainees often face the same issues, which can be addressed by targeted scaffolding. Our results show that data mining methods are suitable for analyzing cybersecurity training data. Educational researchers and practitioners can apply these methods in their contexts to assess trainees, support them, and improve the training design. Artifacts associated with this research are publicly available.Comment: Published in Springer Education and Information Technologies, see https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10639-022-10954-

    Measuring Five Accountable Talk Moves to Improve Instruction at Scale

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    Providing consistent, individualized feedback to teachers on their instruction can improve student learning outcomes. Such feedback can especially benefit novice instructors who teach on online platforms and have limited access to instructional training. To build scalable measures of instruction, we fine-tune RoBERTa and GPT models to identify five instructional talk moves inspired by accountable talk theory: adding on, connecting, eliciting, probing and revoicing students' ideas. We fine-tune these models on a newly annotated dataset of 2500 instructor utterances derived from transcripts of small group instruction in an online computer science course, Code in Place. Although we find that GPT-3 consistently outperforms RoBERTa in terms of precision, its recall varies significantly. We correlate the instructors' use of each talk move with indicators of student engagement and satisfaction, including students' section attendance, section ratings, and assignment completion rates. We find that using talk moves generally correlates positively with student outcomes, and connecting student ideas has the largest positive impact. These results corroborate previous research on the effectiveness of accountable talk moves and provide exciting avenues for using these models to provide instructors with useful, scalable feedback

    EDM 2011: 4th international conference on educational data mining : Eindhoven, July 6-8, 2011 : proceedings

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    Innovative Learning Environments in STEM Higher Education

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    As explored in this open access book, higher education in STEM fields is influenced by many factors, including education research, government and school policies, financial considerations, technology limitations, and acceptance of innovations by faculty and students. In 2018, Drs. Ryoo and Winkelmann explored the opportunities, challenges, and future research initiatives of innovative learning environments (ILEs) in higher education STEM disciplines in their pioneering project: eXploring the Future of Innovative Learning Environments (X-FILEs). Workshop participants evaluated four main ILE categories: personalized and adaptive learning, multimodal learning formats, cross/extended reality (XR), and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). This open access book gathers the perspectives expressed during the X-FILEs workshop and its follow-up activities. It is designed to help inform education policy makers, researchers, developers, and practitioners about the adoption and implementation of ILEs in higher education

    Plus 50 Students and Their Experiences with Technology in Undergraduate Classes

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    As adult learners over 50 continue to pursue higher education, postsecondary institutions should have resources and services available to support this demographic. Previous research often combines Plus 50 students with all nontraditional students 24 years and older, making it difficult to understand the unique needs and learning experiences of older adult students in the academic environment. The use of technology for curriculum has increased significantly over the years and may present challenges for Plus 50 learners as they are introduced to it and learn to navigate it. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of Plus 50 students when they used technology in undergraduate courses. This phenomenological research study employed a purposeful homogenous sampling method to identify 10 Plus 50 participants at a 4-year institution in the Midwest. Malcolm Knowles’ theories of andragogy and self-directed learning served as appropriate frameworks for this study allowing the researchers to gain a more holistic understanding of how Plus 50 students used technology in their classes. The data from this research will contribute to the body of scholarship regarding the experiences of Plus 50 students and their use of technology in undergraduate classes. In addition, institutional stakeholders can use the findings from this study as a guide when reviewing curriculum and policy to support the needs of this unique student demographic. This research can also serve as a resource for Plus 50 students and provide them with insights on how to advocate for their learning needs and be adequately prepared when enrolling in courses that use technology

    Ohjelmointitehtävien klusterointi tarkistuksen ja tutkimisen tehostamiseksi

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    Programming courses often receive large quantities of program code submissions to exercises which, due to their large number, are graded and students provided feedback automatically. Teachers might never review these submissions therefore losing a valuable source of insight into student programming patterns. This thesis researches how these submissions could be reviewed efficiently using a software system, and a prototype, CodeClusters, was developed as an additional contribution of this thesis. CodeClusters' design goals are to allow the exploration of the submissions and specifically finding higher-level patterns that could be used to provide feedback to students. Its main features are full-text search and n-grams similarity detection model that can be used to cluster the submissions. Design science research is applied to evaluate CodeClusters' design and to guide the next iteration of the artifact and qualitative analysis, namely thematic synthesis, to evaluate the problem context as well as the ideas of using software for reviewing and providing clustered feedback. The used study method was interviews conducted with teachers who had experience teaching programming courses. Teachers were intrigued by the ability to review submitted student code and to provide more tailored feedback to students. The system, while still a prototype, is considered worthwhile to experiment on programming courses. A tool for analyzing and exploring submissions seems important to enable teachers to better understand how students have solved the exercises. Providing additional feedback can be beneficial to students, yet the feedback should be valuable and the students incentivized to read it

    School Design: Leveraging Talent, Time, and Money

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    One of a series of guides for school district leaders on resource allocation, outlines a strategic design including before- and after-school small-group instruction, block schedules, and integrated curricula to optimize student loads and planning time