60 research outputs found

    On Evaluating Commercial Cloud Services: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Cloud Computing is increasingly booming in industry with many competing providers and services. Accordingly, evaluation of commercial Cloud services is necessary. However, the existing evaluation studies are relatively chaotic. There exists tremendous confusion and gap between practices and theory about Cloud services evaluation. Aim: To facilitate relieving the aforementioned chaos, this work aims to synthesize the existing evaluation implementations to outline the state-of-the-practice and also identify research opportunities in Cloud services evaluation. Method: Based on a conceptual evaluation model comprising six steps, the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method was employed to collect relevant evidence to investigate the Cloud services evaluation step by step. Results: This SLR identified 82 relevant evaluation studies. The overall data collected from these studies essentially represent the current practical landscape of implementing Cloud services evaluation, and in turn can be reused to facilitate future evaluation work. Conclusions: Evaluation of commercial Cloud services has become a world-wide research topic. Some of the findings of this SLR identify several research gaps in the area of Cloud services evaluation (e.g., the Elasticity and Security evaluation of commercial Cloud services could be a long-term challenge), while some other findings suggest the trend of applying commercial Cloud services (e.g., compared with PaaS, IaaS seems more suitable for customers and is particularly important in industry). This SLR study itself also confirms some previous experiences and reveals new Evidence-Based Software Engineering (EBSE) lessons

    Stealth databases : ensuring user-controlled queries in untrusted cloud environments

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    Sensitive data is increasingly being hosted online in ubiquitous cloud storage services. Recent advances in multi-cloud service integration through provider multiplexing and data dispersion have alleviated most of the associated risks for hosting files which are retrieved by users for further processing. However, for structured data managed in databases, many issues remain, including the need to perform operations directly on the remote data to avoid costly transfers. In this paper, we motivate the need for distributed stealth databases which combine properties from structure-preserving dispersed file storage for capacity-saving increased availability with emerging work on structure-preserving encryption for on-demand increased confidentiality with controllable performance degradation. We contribute an analysis of operators executing in map-reduce or map-carry-reduce phases and derive performance statistics. Our prototype, StealthDB, demonstrates that for typical amounts of personal structured data, stealth databases are a convincing concept for taming untrusted and unsafe cloud environments

    Consumer Acceptance of Personal Cloud: Integrating Trust and Risk with the Technology Acceptance Model

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    This paper conducts a conceptual replication of Pavlou (2003) which studied factors that impacted consumer’s behavioral intentions to make online transactions by integrating trust and perceived risk with the technology acceptance model (TAM). We test the generalizability of the model by replicating the study a decade later using a different online setting—personal cloud computing. Our results that are based on 240 observations, confirm the original study’s research model except perceived ease of use lost its direct predictive power to trust, perceived risk and perceived usefulness. Trust continues to be an important factor in perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness and should be an area of focus in online marketing strategies. Perceived usefulness continued to have a significant relationship for consumer’s intentions to use, but perceived ease of use did not affect consumer’s intention to use. Thus, more online businesses should focus on the usefulness of their service(s). Future studies are encouraged to methodologically replicate this study in different contexts and after another period in time to examine whether results hold. *This article has been revised to correct an error (September 2016)

    Consumer Acceptance of Personal Cloud: Integrating Trust and Risk with the Technology Acceptance Model

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    This paper conducts a conceptual replication of Pavlou (2003) which studied factors that impacted consumer’s behavioral intentions to make online transactions by integrating trust and perceived risk with the technology acceptance model (TAM). We test the generalizability of the model by replicating the study a decade later using a different online setting—personal cloud computing. Our results that are based on 240 observations, confirm the original study’s research model except perceived ease of use lost its direct predictive power to trust, perceived risk and perceived usefulness. Trust continues to be an important factor in perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness and should be an area of focus in online marketing strategies. Perceived usefulness continued to have a significant relationship for consumer’s intentions to use, but perceived ease of use did not affect consumer’s intention to use. Thus, more online businesses should focus on the usefulness of their service(s). Future studies are encouraged to methodologically replicate this study in different contexts and after another period in time to examine whether results hold. *This article has been revised to correct an error (September 2016)

    A platform to deploy customized scientific virtual infrastructures on the cloud

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    This paper presents a software platform to dynamically deploy complex scientific virtual computing infrastructures, on top of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Clouds. The platform orchestrates different services to provision the virtual computing resources. It dynamically installs the appropriate software to satisfy the requirements of a researcher, both on public and on-premise Clouds. The platform provides a web interface to enable the users to easily management of the lifecycle of virtual infrastructures. It enables users to define infrastructures, share them with other users, deploy and relinquish them, add or remove resources dynamically, create and share application recipes, etc. The paper also describes three case studies to deploy complex infrastructures, namely a Hadoop cluster, a single-node to perform NGS sequencing and a gateway for users to access the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI). This platform promotes a better use of on-premise hardware resources of a research center by allocating the computing resources just-in-time to the specific life time of the virtual infrastructures as well as the deployment of the very same infrastructures on a public Cloud.The authors would to thank the Spanish "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" for the project "Clusters Virtuales Elasticos y Migrables sobre Infraestructuras Cloud Hibridas" with reference TIN2013-44390-R.Caballer Fernández, M.; Segrelles Quilis, JD.; Moltó, G.; Blanquer Espert, I. (2015). A platform to deploy customized scientific virtual infrastructures on the cloud. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 27(16):4318-4329. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.3518S431843292716Mell P Grance T The NIST definition of Cloud computing. NIST Special Publication 800-145 (Final) Technical Report 2011 http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-145/SP800-145.pdfBuyya, R., Broberg, J., & Goscinski, A. (Eds.). (2011). Cloud Computing. doi:10.1002/9780470940105Sahoo J Mohapatra S Lath R Virtualization: a survey on concepts, taxonomy and associated security issues 2010 Second International Conference on Computer and Network Technology Bangkok, Thailand 2010 222 226OpenStack OpenStack 2013 http://openstack.orgNurmi D Wolski R Grzegorczyk C Obertelli G Soman S Youseff L Zagorodnov D The Eucalyptus open-source Cloud-computing system Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid Shanghai, China 2009 124 131Amazon Web Services AWS CloudFormation http://aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/Amazon Web Services AWS OpsWorks http://aws.amazon.com/opsworks/Keahey K Freeman T Contextualization: providing one-click virtual clusters Fourth IEEE International Conference on eScience Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 2008 301 308Keahey K Freeman T Architecting a large-scale elastic environment: recontextualization and adaptive Cloud services for scientific computing 2012Marshall P Keahey K Freeman T Elastic site: using Clouds to elastically extend site resources Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/ACM 10th International Conference on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing CCGRID '10 IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA 2010 43 52Bresnahan J Freeman T LaBissoniere D Keahey K Managing appliance launches in infrastructure Clouds Proceedings of the 2011 TeraGrid Conference: Extreme Digital Discovery TG '11 ACM, New York, NY, USA 2011 12:1 12:7Apache Whirr 2013 from:http://whirr.apache.org/Juve G Deelman E Automating application deployment in infrastructure clouds Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Third International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science CLOUDCOM '11 IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA 2011 658 665OASIS Topology and orchestration specification for cloud applications version 1.0 2013 http://docs.oasis-open.org/tosca/TOSCA/v1.0/TOSCA-v1.0.htmlBinz T Breitenbcher U Haupt F Kopp O Leymann F Nowak A Wagner S OpenTOSCA - a runtime for TOSCA-based cloud applications ICSOC, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8274 Springer 2013 692 695Puppet Labs IT automation software for system administrators 2013 http://www.puppetlabs.com/Opscode Chef 2013 http://www.opscode.com/chef/DeHaan M Ansible 2013 http://ansible.cc/Vogels, W. (2008). Beyond server consolidation. Queue, 6(1), 20. doi:10.1145/1348583.1348590Carrión JV Moltó G De Alfonso C Caballer M Hernández V A generic catalog and repository service for virtual machine images 2nd International ICST Conference on Cloud Computing (CloudComp 2010) Barcelona, Spain 2010 1 15de Alfonso C Caballer M Alvarruiz F Molto G Hernández V Infrastructure deployment over the Cloud 2011 IEEE Third International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science Athens, Greece 2011 517 521Caballer, M., Blanquer, I., Moltó, G., & de Alfonso, C. (2014). Dynamic Management of Virtual Infrastructures. Journal of Grid Computing, 13(1), 53-70. doi:10.1007/s10723-014-9296-5Dean, J., & Ghemawat, S. (2008). MapReduce. Communications of the ACM, 51(1), 107. doi:10.1145/1327452.1327492Shvachko K Kuang H Radia S Chansler R The Hadoop distributed file system 2010 IEEE 26th Symposium on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST) Incline Village, NV, USA 2010 1 10Altschul, S. F., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E. W., & Lipman, D. J. (1990). Basic local alignment search tool. Journal of Molecular Biology, 215(3), 403-410. doi:10.1016/s0022-2836(05)80360-
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