118 research outputs found

    Earth observations from DSCOVR EPIC instrument

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    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) spacecraft was launched on 11 February 2015 and in June 2015 achieved its orbit at the first Lagrange point (L1), 1.5 million km from Earth toward the sun. There are two National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Earth-observing instruments on board: the Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology Advanced Radiometer (NISTAR). The purpose of this paper is to describe various capabilities of the DSCOVR EPIC instrument. EPIC views the entire sunlit Earth from sunrise to sunset at the backscattering direction (scattering angles between 168.5° and 175.5°) with 10 narrowband filters: 317, 325, 340, 388, 443, 552, 680, 688, 764, and 779 nm. We discuss a number of preprocessing steps necessary for EPIC calibration including the geolocation algorithm and the radiometric calibration for each wavelength channel in terms of EPIC counts per second for conversion to reflectance units. The principal EPIC products are total ozone (O3) amount, scene reflectivity, erythemal irradiance, ultraviolet (UV) aerosol properties, sulfur dioxide (SO2) for volcanic eruptions, surface spectral reflectance, vegetation properties, and cloud products including cloud height. Finally, we describe the observation of horizontally oriented ice crystals in clouds and the unexpected use of the O2 B-band absorption for vegetation properties.The NASA GSFC DSCOVR project is funded by NASA Earth Science Division. We gratefully acknowledge the work by S. Taylor and B. Fisher for help with the SO2 retrievals and Marshall Sutton, Carl Hostetter, and the EPIC NISTAR project for help with EPIC data. We also would like to thank the EPIC Cloud Algorithm team, especially Dr. Gala Wind, for the contribution to the EPIC cloud products. (NASA Earth Science Division)Accepted manuscrip

    Earth reflector type classification based on multispectral remote sensing image

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    Earth’s reflectivity is one of the key parameters of climate change, Earth’s radiation budget research and so on. It is determined by the characteristic of Earth atmosphere components. Earth atmosphere components vary strongly in both spatially and temporally, thus complete spatial mosaics and/or richer time series information are needed. In this study, we developed an Earth Reflector Type Index (ERTI) to discriminate major Earth atmosphere components: clouds, cloud-free ocean, bare and vegetated land. Results show that the probability of the ERTI method with selected thresholds being able to discriminate between cloudy and cloud-free scenes is about 82%. ERTI can be used to interpret global Earth’s reflectivity and its temporal variation.Accepted manuscrip

    First observations of volcanic eruption clouds from the L1 Earth-Sun Lagrange point by DSCOVR/EPIC

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    Volcanic sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions have been measured by ultraviolet sensors on polar‐orbiting satellites for several decades but with limited temporal resolution. This precludes studies of key processes believed to occur in young (~1–3 hr old) volcanic clouds. In 2015, the launch of the Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) aboard the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) provided an opportunity for novel observations of volcanic eruption clouds from the first Earth‐Sun Lagrange point (L1). The L1 vantage point provides continuous observations of the sunlit Earth, offering up to eight or nine observations of volcanic SO2 clouds in the DSCOVR/EPIC field of view at ~1‐hr intervals. Here we demonstrate DSCOVR/EPIC\u27s sensitivity to volcanic SO2 using several volcanic eruptions from the tropics to midlatitudes. The hourly cadence of DSCOVR/EPIC observations permits more timely measurements of volcanic SO2 emissions, improved trajectory modeling, and novel analyses of the temporal evolution of volcanic clouds

    Operational Detection of Sun Glints in DSCOVR EPIC Images

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    Satellite images often feature sun glints caused by the specular reflection of sunlight from water surfaces or from horizontally oriented ice crystals occurring in clouds. Such glints can prevent accurate retrievals of atmospheric and surface properties using existing algorithms, but the glints can also be used to infer more about the glint-causing objects—for example about the microphysical properties and radiative effects of ice clouds. This paper introduces the recently released operational glint product of the Earth Polychromatic Camera (EPIC) onboard the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) spacecraft. Most importantly, the paper describes the algorithm used for generating the key component of the new product: a glint mask indicating the presence of sun glint caused by the specular reflection of sunlight from ice clouds and smooth water surfaces. After describing the glint detection algorithm and glint product, the paper shows some examples of the detected glints and discusses some basic statistics of the glint population in a yearlong dataset of EPIC images. These statistics provide insights into the performance of glint detection and point toward possibilities for using the glint product to gain scientific insights about ice clouds and water surfaces

    Using Deep Space Climate Observatory Measurements to Study the Earth as An Exoplanet

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    Even though it was not designed as an exoplanetary research mission, the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) has been opportunistically used for a novel experiment, in which Earth serves as a proxy exoplanet. More than two years of DSCOVR Earth images were employed to produce time series of multi-wavelength, single-point light sources, in order to extract information on planetary rotation, cloud patterns, surface type, and orbit around the Sun. In what follows, we assume that these properties of the Earth are unknown, and instead attempt to derive them from first principles. These conclusions are then compared with known data about our planet. We also used the DSCOVR data to simulate phase angle changes, as well as the minimum data collection rate needed to determine the rotation period of an exoplanet. This innovative method of using the time evolution of a multi-wavelength, reflected single-point light source, can be deployed for retrieving a range of intrinsic properties of an exoplanet around a distant star

    Terrestrial glint seen from deep space: Oriented ice crystals detected from the Lagrangian point

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    The Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) spacecraft resides at the first Lagrangian point about one million miles from Earth. A polychromatic imaging camera onboard delivers nearly hourly observations of the entire sunlit face of the Earth. Many images contain unexpected bright flashes of light over both ocean and land. We construct a yearlong time series of flash latitudes, scattering angles, and oxygen absorption to demonstrate conclusively that the flashes over land are specular reflections off tiny ice platelets floating in the air nearly horizontally. Such deep space detection of tropospheric ice can be used to constrain the likelihood of oriented crystals and their contribution to Earth albedo. These glint observations also support proposals for detecting starlight glints off faint companions in our search for habitable exoplanets

    Using ESA’s MERIS as a Proxy for DSCOVR-EPIC

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    Medium Spectral Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) oxygen A band measurements were used as a proxy for the Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC),to be launched on NASA’s Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR). The high spatial resolution of MERIS (1 × 1 km2) is exploited to study the effects of subscale spatialheterogeneity of clouds on the cloud-top pressure retrieved at the coarser spatial resolutionof EPIC (10 × 10 km2). In general, for a sub- scale cloud fraction less than 1, a shift of cloud-top pressure toward the middle atmosphere is found, with a low-bias for highclouds and a high-bias for low clouds. In addition, the deviation is found to be a function of surface reflectance. The subscale variability of fully clouded EPIC pixels causes a weak underestimation of cloud-top pressure, when compared to averaged high- resolution retrievals. View Full-Tex

    Deep Space Observations of Terrestrial Glitter

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    Deep space climate observatory (DSCOVR) spacecraft drifts about the Lagrangian point ≈1.4–1.6 × 10 km from Earth, where its Earth polychromatic imaging camera (EPIC) observes the sun-lit face of the Earth every 1 to 2 hours. At any instance, there is a preferred (specular) spot on the globe, where a glint may be observed by EPIC. While monitoring reflectance at these spots (terrestrial glitter), we observe occasional intense glints originating from neither ocean surface nor cloud ice and we argue that mountain lakes high in the Andes are among the causes. We also examine time-averaged reflectance at the spots and find it exceeding that of neighbors, with the excess monotonically increasing with separation distance. This specular excess is found in all channels and is more pronounced in the latest and best-calibrated version of EPIC data, thus opening the possibility of testing geometric calibration by monitoring distant glitter

    Terrestrial glint seen from deep space: Oriented ice crystals detected from the Lagrangian point

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    The Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) spacecraft resides at the first Lagrangian point about one million miles from Earth. A polychromatic imaging camera onboard delivers nearly hourly observations of the entire sunlit face of the Earth. Many images contain unexpected bright flashes of light over both ocean and land. We construct a yearlong time series of flash latitudes, scattering angles, and oxygen absorption to demonstrate conclusively that the flashes over land are specular reflections off tiny ice platelets floating in the air nearly horizontally. Such deep space detection of tropospheric ice can be used to constrain the likelihood of oriented crystals and their contribution to Earth albedo. These glint observations also support proposals for detecting starlight glints off faint companions in our search for habitable exoplanets