547 research outputs found

    Cross-layer design of multi-hop wireless networks

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    MULTI -hop wireless networks are usually defined as a collection of nodes equipped with radio transmitters, which not only have the capability to communicate each other in a multi-hop fashion, but also to route each others’ data packets. The distributed nature of such networks makes them suitable for a variety of applications where there are no assumed reliable central entities, or controllers, and may significantly improve the scalability issues of conventional single-hop wireless networks. This Ph.D. dissertation mainly investigates two aspects of the research issues related to the efficient multi-hop wireless networks design, namely: (a) network protocols and (b) network management, both in cross-layer design paradigms to ensure the notion of service quality, such as quality of service (QoS) in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) for backhaul applications and quality of information (QoI) in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for sensing tasks. Throughout the presentation of this Ph.D. dissertation, different network settings are used as illustrative examples, however the proposed algorithms, methodologies, protocols, and models are not restricted in the considered networks, but rather have wide applicability. First, this dissertation proposes a cross-layer design framework integrating a distributed proportional-fair scheduler and a QoS routing algorithm, while using WMNs as an illustrative example. The proposed approach has significant performance gain compared with other network protocols. Second, this dissertation proposes a generic admission control methodology for any packet network, wired and wireless, by modeling the network as a black box, and using a generic mathematical 0. Abstract 3 function and Taylor expansion to capture the admission impact. Third, this dissertation further enhances the previous designs by proposing a negotiation process, to bridge the applications’ service quality demands and the resource management, while using WSNs as an illustrative example. This approach allows the negotiation among different service classes and WSN resource allocations to reach the optimal operational status. Finally, the guarantees of the service quality are extended to the environment of multiple, disconnected, mobile subnetworks, where the question of how to maintain communications using dynamically controlled, unmanned data ferries is investigated

    Store and Haul: Improving Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Connectivity through Repeated Controlled Flooding

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    This work investigates the benefits and drawbacks of repeating controlled flooding at different intervals in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) to overcome episodic connectivity. Specifically, the thesis examines the efficiencies in repeating transmissions by quantifying the packet delivery ratio (PDR) and recording the resulting delays in different types of MANET scenarios. These scenarios mainly focus on partitions within the simulated networks by varying node density and mobility. The nodes store transmitted data and haul it across the MANET in the hope that it will come in range of a node that leads to the destination. A customized version of the Network Simulator 2 (ns-2) is used to create the simulations. A qualitative analysis follows and shows the cost and benefits of increased transmissions at varied time intervals

    Surveying Position Based Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor and Ad-hoc Networks

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    A focus of the scientific community is to design network oriented position-based routing protocols and this has resulted in a very high number of algorithms, different in approach and performance and each suited only to particular applications. However, though numerous, very few position-based algorithms have actually been adopted for commercial purposes. This article is a survey of almost 50 position-based routing protocols and it comes as an aid in the implementation of this type of routing in various applications which may need to consider the advantages and pitfalls of position-based routing. An emphasis is made on geographic routing, whose notion is clarified as a more restrictive and more efficient type of position-based routing. The protocols are therefore divided into geographic and non-geographic routing protocols and each is characterized according to a number of network design issues and presented in a comparative manner from multiple points of view. The main requirements of current general applications are also studied and, depending on these, the survey proposes a number of protocols for use in particular application areas. This aims to help both researchers and potential users assess and choose the protocol best suited to their interest

    Opportunistic communication schemes for unmanned vehicles in urban search and rescue

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    In urban search and rescue (USAR) operations, there is a considerable amount of danger faced by rescuers. The use of mobile robots can alleviate this issue. Coordinating the search effort is made more difficult by the communication issues typically faced in these environments, such that communication is often restricted. With small numbers of robots, it is necessary to break communication links in order to explore the entire environment. The robots can be viewed as a broken ad hoc network, relying on opportunistic contact in order to share data. In order to minimise overheads when exchanging data, a novel algorithm for data exchange has been created which maintains the propagation speed of flooding while reducing overheads. Since the rescue workers outside of the structure need to know the location of any victims, the task of finding their locations is two parted: 1) to locate the victims (Search Time), and 2) to get this data outside the structure (Delay Time). Communication with the outside is assumed to be performed by a static robot designated as the Command Station. Since it is unlikely that there will be sufficient robots to provide full communications coverage of the area, robots that discover victims are faced with the difficult decision of whether they should continue searching or return with the victim data. We investigate a variety of search techniques and see how the application of biological foraging models can help to streamline the search process, while we have also implemented an opportunistic network to ensure that data are shared whenever robots come within line of sight of each other or the Command Station. We examine this trade-off between performing a search and communicating the results

    Developing Android Mobile Map Application with standard navigation tools for pedestrians

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    Advanced features of modern mobile devices have made it possible to develop and use maps and map based applications for navigation purposes. Since most mobile map applications nowadays are developed for motor vehicles, there is a demand for portable pedestrian navigation applications. In this thesis the Android mobile map application with standard navigation tools for pedestrian navigation was developed, as a platform for facilitating the Lund Challenge location based demonstrator of the HaptiMap project. The pivotal aim of the Lund Challenge demonstrator is to make the sights of Lund city more accessible. The mobile phone application is being designed as a touristic, historical location based game which will also assist tourists to navigate themselves in the city. To enable exploration of historical and current sites of Lund the demonstrator should contain basic components of exploring and way finding. Prior to the development the OpenStreetMap (OSM) road network data and Swedish National Road Database (NVDB) were introduced. The main advantage of using the OSM data over the NVDB dataset is the completeness of the OSM data in terms of pedestrian paths. The datasets were imported to PostgreSQL spatially extended PostGIS database, where different routing algorithms provided by pgRouting were used for routing calculations. As the Lund Challenge demonstrator is intended not only for general users but also for visually impaired users, the problem of user navigation in the parks and open areas were also discussed and the feasibility study was performed. The limitation of the developed application was the problem of the user navigation in the parks and open areas. It is therefore necessary to upgrade the road database with possible path in the open areas and parks in order to implement this application.Advanced features of modern devices have made it possible to develop and use maps and map-based applications for navigation purposes. Since most mobile map applications are currently developed for motor vehicles, there is a demand for portable pedestrian navigation applications. In this thesis, a mobile map application was developed with standard navigation tools for pedestrians, which can be used with mobile phones running Android Operating System. The application will be used as a platform for facilitating the Lund Challenge location based demonstrator. Lund Challenge location based demonstrator is designed to make historical and actual maps of Lund more accessible and is a part of the HaptiMap project. This project aims to create maps and develop location-based services for all users, including elderly and visually impaired. The goal of the Lund Challenge location based demonstrator (also known as The Lund Time Machine) is to minimize the efforts of pedestrians, especially tourists, with finding interesting sites around the city. Initially, it is being designed as a historical location based game which will assist tourists to navigate themselves around the city. In order to further explore historical and current sites, the Lund Challenge should be enhanced with the basic features of exploration and navigation included in this thesis. The road network data was chosen from two available sources: 1) data from OpenStreetMap (OSM) project which provides free geographic data, and 2) The Swedish National Road Database (NVDB) authorized by the Swedish government, which includes all Swedish road network and selected cycle paths. For this thesis, analysis was performed on the datasets using different shortest path algorithms for routing calculations. A primary advantage of using OSM over NVDB is the completeness of data relating to pedestrian paths. As a result, the determination was made that the OSM option was more appropriate for the purpose of this thesis. Since the Lund Challenge location based demonstrator is intended for both general and visually impaired users, the problem of user navigation in parks and open areas was also discussed and a feasibility study was performed. This study revealed a limitation in the application with user navigation in parks and open areas. To resolve this, it is necessary to upgrade the road network with all possible pedestrian paths for parks and open areas

    Service Provisioning in Mobile Networks Through Distributed Coordinated Resource Management

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    The pervasiveness of personal computing platforms offers an unprecedented opportunity to deploy large-scale services that are distributed over wide physical spaces. Two major challenges face the deployment of such services: the often resource-limited nature of these platforms, and the necessity of preserving the autonomy of the owner of these devices. These challenges preclude using centralized control and preclude considering services that are subject to performance guarantees. To that end, this thesis advances a number of new distributed resource management techniques that are shown to be effective in such settings, focusing on two application domains: distributed Field Monitoring Applications (FMAs), and Message Delivery Applications (MDAs). In the context of FMA, this thesis presents two techniques that are well-suited to the fairly limited storage and power resources of autonomously mobile sensor nodes. The first technique relies on amorphous placement of sensory data through the use of novel storage management and sample diffusion techniques. The second approach relies on an information-theoretic framework to optimize local resource management decisions. Both approaches are proactive in that they aim to provide nodes with a view of the monitored field that reflects the characteristics of queries over that field, enabling them to handle more queries locally, and thus reduce communication overheads. Then, this thesis recognizes node mobility as a resource to be leveraged, and in that respect proposes novel mobility coordination techniques for FMAs and MDAs. Assuming that node mobility is governed by a spatio-temporal schedule featuring some slack, this thesis presents novel algorithms of various computational complexities to orchestrate the use of this slack to improve the performance of supported applications. The findings in this thesis, which are supported by analysis and extensive simulations, highlight the importance of two general design principles for distributed systems. First, a-priori knowledge (e.g., about the target phenomena of FMAs and/or the workload of either FMAs or DMAs) could be used effectively for local resource management. Second, judicious leverage and coordination of node mobility could lead to significant performance gains for distributed applications deployed over resource-impoverished infrastructures

    Mobility in wireless sensor networks : advantages, limitations and effects

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    The primary aim of this thesis is to study the benefits and limitations of using a mobile base station for data gathering in wireless sensor networks. The case of a single mobile base station and mobile relays are considered. A cluster-based algorithm to determine the trajectory of a mobile base station for data gathering within a specified delay time is presented. The proposed algorithm aims for an equal number of sensors in each cluster in order to achieve load balance among the cluster heads. It is shown that there is a tradeoff between data-gathering delay and balancing energy consumption among sensor nodes. An analytical solution to the problem is provided in terms of the speed of the mobile base station. Simulation is performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm against the static case and to evaluate the distribution of energy consumption among the cluster heads. It is demonstrated that the use of clustering with a mobile base station can improve the network lifetime and that the proposed algorithm balances energy consumption among cluster heads. The effect of the base station velocity on the number of packet losses is studied and highlights the limitation of using a mobile base station for a large-scale network. We consider a scenario where a number of mobile relays roam through the sensing field and have limited energy resources that cannot reach each other directly. A routing scheme based on the multipath protocol is proposed, and explores how the number of paths and spread of neighbour nodes used by the mobile relays to communicate affects the network overhead. We introduce the idea of allowing the source mobile relay to cache multiple routes to the destination through its neighbour nodes in order to provide redundant paths to destination. An analytical model of network overhead is developed and verified by simulation. It is shown that the desirable number of routes is dependent on the velocity of the mobile relays. In most cases the network overhead is minimized when the source mobile relay caches six paths via appropriately distributed neighbours at the destination. A new technique for estimating routing-path hop count is also proposed. An analytical model is provided to estimate the hop count between source-destination pairs in a wireless network with an arbitrary node degree when the network nodes are uniformly distributed in the sensing field. The proposed model is a significant improvement over existing models, which do not correctly address the low-node density situation

    Optimization based energy-efficient control inmobile communication networks

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    In this work we consider how best to control mobility and transmission for the purpose of datatransfer and aggregation in a network of mobile autonomous agents. In particular we considernetworks containing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). We first consider a single link betweena mobile transmitter-receiver pair, and show that the total amount of transmittable data isbounded. For certain special, but not overly restrictive cases, we can determine closed-formexpressions for this bound, as a function of relevant mobility and communication parameters.We then use nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) to jointly optimize mobility and trans-mission schemes of all networked nodes for the purpose of minimizing the energy expenditureof the network. This yields a novel nonlinear optimal control problem for arbitrary networksof autonomous agents, which we solve with state-of-the-art nonlinear solvers. Numerical re-sults demonstrate increased network capacity and significant communication energy savingscompared to more na ̈ıve policies. All energy expenditure of an autonomous agent is due tocommunication, computation, or mobility and the actual computation of the NMPC solutionmay be a significant cost in both time and computational resources. Furthermore, frequentbroadcasting of control policies throughout the network can require significant transmit andreceive energies. Motivated by this, we develop an event-triggering scheme which accounts forthe accuracy of the optimal control solution, and provides guarantees of the minimum timebetween successive control updates. Solution accuracy should be accounted for in any triggeredNMPC scheme where the system may be run in open loop for extended times based on pos-sibly inaccurate state predictions. We use this analysis to trade-off the cost of updating ourtransmission and locomotion policies, with the frequency by which they must be updated. Thisgives a method to trade-off the computation, communication and mobility related energies ofthe mobile autonomous network.Open Acces
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