27 research outputs found

    A survey of scan-capture power reduction techniques

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    With the advent of sub-nanometer geometries, integrated circuits (ICs) are required to be checked for newer defects. While scan-based architectures help detect these defects using newer fault models, test data inflation happens, increasing test time and test cost. An automatic test pattern generator (ATPG) exercise’s multiple fault sites simultaneously to reduce test data which causes elevated switching activity during the capture cycle. The switching activity results in an IR drop exceeding the devices under test (DUT) specification. An increase in IR-drop leads to failure of the patterns and may cause good DUTs to fail the test. The problem is severe during at-speed scan testing, which uses a functional rated clock with a high frequency for the capture operation. Researchers have proposed several techniques to reduce capture power. They used various methods, including the reduction of switching activity. This paper reviews the recently proposed techniques. The principle, algorithm, and architecture used in them are discussed, along with key advantages and limitations. In addition, it provides a classification of the techniques based on the method used and its application. The goal is to present a survey of the techniques and prepare a platform for future development in capture power reduction during scan testing

    Clock-Gating-Aware Low Launch WSA Test Pattern Generation for At-Speed Testing

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    Capture power management has become a necessity to avoid at-speed scan testing yield loss, especially for modern complex and low power designs. This paper proposes a test pattern generation methodology that utilizes the available clock-gating mechanism, a popular low power design technique, to reduce the launch cycle weighted switching activity (WSA) for at-speed scan testing. Compared to previous techniques that consider clock-gating, a significant launch cycle WSA reduction is achieved without severe test pattern inflation.2011 IEEE International Test Conference, 20-22 September 2011, Anaheim, CA, US

    CAT: A Critical-Area-Targeted Test Set Modification Scheme for Reducing Launch Switching Activity in At-Speed Scan Testing

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    Reducing excessive launch switching activity (LSA) is now mandatory in at-speed scan testing for avoiding test-induced yield loss, and test set modification is preferable for this purpose. However, previous low-LSA test set modification methods may be ineffective since they are not targeted at reducing launch switching activity in the areas around long sensitized paths, which are spatially and temporally critical for test-induced yield loss. This paper proposes a novel CAT (Critical-Area-Targeted) low-LSA test modification scheme, which uses long sensitized paths to guide launch-safety checking, test relaxation, and X-filling. As a result, launch switching activity is reduced in a pinpoint manner, which is more effective for avoiding test-induced yield loss. Experimental results on industrial circuits demonstrate the advantage of the CAT scheme for reducing launch switching activity in at-speed scan testing.2009 Asian Test Symposium, 23-26 November 2009, Taichung, Taiwa

    A novel scan segmentation design method for avoiding shift timing failure in scan testing

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    ITC : 2011 IEEE International Test Conference , 20-22 Sep. 2011 , Anaheim, CA, USAHigh power consumption in scan testing can cause undue yield loss which has increasingly become a serious problem for deep-submicron VLSI circuits. Growing evidence attributes this problem to shift timing failures, which are primarily caused by excessive switching activity in the proximities of clock paths that tends to introduce severe clock skew due to IR-drop-induced delay increase. This paper is the first of its kind to address this critical issue with a novel layout-aware scheme based on scan segmentation design, called LCTI-SS (Low-Clock-Tree-Impact Scan Segmentation). An optimal combination of scan segments is identified for simultaneous clocking so that the switching activity in the proximities of clock trees is reduced while maintaining the average power reduction effect on conventional scan segmentation. Experimental results on benchmark and industrial circuits have demonstrated the advantage of the LCTI-SS scheme

    A fast and accurate per-cell dynamic IR-drop estimation method for at-speed scan test pattern validation

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    ITC : 2012 IEEE International Test Conference , 5-8 Nov. 2012 , Anaheim, CA, USAIn return for increased operating frequency and reduced supply voltage in nano-scale designs, their vulnerability to IR-drop-induced yield loss grew increasingly apparent. Therefore, it is necessary to consider delay increase effect due to IR-drop during at-speed scan testing. However, it consumes significant amounts of time for precise IR-drop analysis. This paper addresses this issue with a novel per-cell dynamic IR-drop estimation method. Instead of performing time-consuming IR-drop analysis for each pattern one by one, the proposed method uses global cycle average power profile for each pattern and dynamic IR-drop profiles for a few representative patterns, thus total computation time is effectively reduced. Experimental results on benchmark circuits demonstrate that the proposed method achieves both high accuracy and high time-efficiency

    CTX: A Clock-Gating-Based Test Relaxation and X-Filling Scheme for Reducing Yield Loss Risk in At-Speed Scan Testing

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    At-speed scan testing is susceptible to yield loss risk due to power supply noise caused by excessive launch switching activity. This paper proposes a novel two-stage scheme, namely CTX (Clock-Gating-Based Test Relaxation and X-Filling), for reducing switching activity when test stimulus is launched. Test relaxation and X-filling are conducted (1) to make as many FFs inactive as possible by disabling corresponding clock-control signals of clock-gating circuitry in Stage-1 (Clock-Disabling), and (2) to make as many remaining active FFs as possible to have equal input and output values in Stage-2 (FF-Silencing). CTX effectively reduces launch switching activity, thus yield loss risk, even with a small number of donpsilat care (X) bits as in test compression, without any impact on test data volume, fault coverage, performance, and circuit design.2008 17th Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2008), 24-27 November 2008, Sapporo, Japa

    A Novel Scan Segmentation Design Method for Avoiding Shift Timing Failure in Scan Testing

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    High power consumption in scan testing can cause undue yield loss which has increasingly become a serious problem for deep-submicron VLSI circuits. Growing evidence attributes this problem to shift timing failures, which are primarily caused by excessive switching activity in the proximities of clock paths that tends to introduce severe clock skew due to IR-drop-induced delay increase. This paper is the first of its kind to address this critical issue with a novel layout-aware scheme based on scan segmentation design, called LCTI-SS (Low-Clock-Tree-Impact Scan Segmentation). An optimal combination of scan segments is identified for simultaneous clocking so that the switching activity in the proximities of clock trees is reduced while maintaining the average power reduction effect on conventional scan segmentation. Experimental results on benchmark and industrial circuits have demonstrated the advantage of the LCTI-SS scheme.2011 IEEE International Test Conference, 20-22 September 2011, Anaheim, CA, US

    Logic/Clock-Path-Aware At-Speed Scan Test Generation for Avoiding False Capture Failures and Reducing Clock Stretch

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    IR-drop induced by launch switching activity (LSA) in capture mode during at-speed scan testing increases delay along not only logic paths (LPs) but also clock paths (Cps). Excessive extra delay along LPs compromises test yields due to false capture failures, while excessive extra delay along CPs compromises test quality due to test clock stretch. This paper is the first to mitigate the impact of LSA on both LPs and CPs with a novel LCPA (Logic/Clock Path-Aware) at-speed scan test generation scheme, featuring (1) a new metric for assessing the risk of false capture failures based on the amount of LSA around both LPs and CPs, (2) a procedure for avoiding false capture failures by reducing LSA around LPs or masking uncertain test responses, and (3) a procedure for reducing test clock stretch by reducing LSA around CPs. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the LCPA scheme in improving test yields and test quality.2015 IEEE 24th Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 22-25 November 2015, Mumbai, Indi

    On pinpoint capture power management in at-speed scan test generation

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    This paper proposes a novel scheme to manage capture power in a pinpoint manner for achieving guaranteed capture power safety, improved small-delay test capability, and minimal test cost impact in at-speed scan test generation. First, switching activity around each long path sensitized by a test vector is checked to characterize it as hot (with excessively-high switching activity), warm (with normal/functional switching activity), or cold (with excessively-low switching activity). Then, X-restoration/X-filling-based rescue is conducted on the test vector to reduce switching activity around hot paths. If the rescue is insufficient to turn a hot path into a warm path, mask is then conducted on expected test response data to instruct the tester to ignore the potentially-false test response value from the hot path, thus achieving guaranteed capture power safety. Finally, X-restoration/X-filling-based warm-up is conducted on the test vector to increase switching activity around cold paths for improving their small-delay test capability. This novel approach of pinpoint capture power management has significant advantages over the conventional approach of global capture power management, as demonstrated by evaluation results on large ITC\u2799 benchmark circuits and detailed path delay analysis.2012 IEEE International Test Conference, 5-8 November 2012, Anaheim, CA, US

    Scan Chain Grouping for Mitigating IR-Drop-Induced Test Data Corruption

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    Loading and unloading test patterns during scan testing causes many scan flip-flops to trigger simultaneously. This instantaneous switching activity during shift in turn may cause excessive IR-drop that can disrupt the states of some scan flip-flops and corrupt test stimuli or responses. A common design technique to even out these instantaneous power surges is to design multiple scan chains and shift only a group of the scan chains at a same time. This paper introduces a novel algorithm to optimally group scan chains so as to minimize the probability of test data corruption caused by excessive instantaneous IR-drop on scan flip-flops. The experiments show optimal results on all large ITC\u2799 benchmark circuits.2017 IEEE 26th Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 27-30 November 2017, Taipei, Taiwa