191 research outputs found

    Mitigating PAPR in cooperative wireless networks with frequency selective channels and relay selection

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    The focus of this thesis is peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction in cooperative wireless networks which exploit orthogonal frequency division multiplexing in transmission. To reduce the PAPR clipping is employed at the source node. The first contribution focuses upon an amplify-and-forward (AF) type network with four relay nodes which exploits distributed closed loop extended orthogonal space frequency block coding to improve end-to-end performance. Oversampling and filtering are used at the source node to reduce out-of-band interference and the iterative amplitude reconstruction decoding technique is used at the destination node to mitigate in-band distortion which is introduced by the clipping process. In addition, by exploiting quantized group feedback and phase rotation at two of the relay nodes, the system achieves full cooperative diversity in addition to array gain. The second contribution area is outage probability analysis in the context of multi-relay selection in a cooperative AF network with frequency selective fading channels. The gains of time domain multi-path fading channels with L paths are modeled with an Erlang distribution. General closed form expressions for the lower and upper bounds of outage probability are derived for arbitrary channel length L as a function of end-to-end signal to noise ratio. This analysis is then extended for the case when single relay selection from an arbitrary number of relay nodes M is performed. The spatial and temporal cooperative diversity gain is then analysed. In addition, exact form of outage probability for multi-path channel length L = 2 and selecting the best single relay from an arbitrary number of relay nodes M is obtained. Moreover, selecting a pair of relays when L = 2 or 3 is additionally analysed. Finally, the third contribution context is outage probability analysis of a cooperative AF network with single and two relay pair selection from M available relay nodes together with clipping at the source node, which is explicitly modelled. MATLAB and Maple software based simulations are employed throughout the thesis to support the analytical results and assess the performance of algorithms and methods

    Improved Hybrid Blind PAPR Reduction Algorithm for OFDM Systems

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    The ever growing demand for high data rate communication services resulted into the development of long-term evolution (LTE) technology. LTE uses orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) as a transmission technology in its PHY layer for down-link (DL) communications. OFDM is spectrally efficient multicarrier modulation technique ideal for high data transmissions over highly time and frequency varying channels. However, the transmitted signal in OFDM can have high peak values in the time domain due to inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) operation. This creates high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) when compared to single carrier systems. PAPR drives the power amplifiers to saturation degrading its efficiency by consuming more power. In this paper a hybrid blind PAPR reduction algorithm for OFDM systems is proposed, which is a combination of distortion technique (Clipping) and distortionless technique (DFT spreading). The DFT spreading is done prior to clipping reducing significantly the probability of having higher peaks in the composite signal prior to transmission. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms unprocessed conventional OFDM transmission by 9 dB. Comparison with existing blind algorithms shows 7 dB improvement at error rate 10–3 and 3 dB improvement at error rate 10–1 when operating in flat fading and doubly dispersive channels, respectively.Keywords:    LTE Systems; OFDM; Peak to Average Power Ratio; DFT spreading; Signal to Noise Power Ratio

    Suppression of Mutual Interference in OFDM Based Overlay Systems

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    A promising appraoch for overcoming spectrum scarcity are overlay systems that share a frequency band with already existing licensed systems by using the spectral gaps left by the licensed systems. Due to its spectral efficiency and flexibility orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is an appropriate modulation technique for overlay systems. To enable a successful co-existence, techniques for suppressing mutual interferences between the overlay and the licensed system are proposed

    RF impairments in multiple antenna OFDM : influence and mitigation

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    Power Line Communication (PLC) Impulsive Noise Mitigation: A Review

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    Power Line Communication (PLC) is a technology which transforms the power line into pathways for the conveyance of broadband data. It has the advantage for it can avoid new installation since the current installation used for electrical power can also be used for data transmission. However, this power line channel presents a harsh environment for data transmission owing to the challenges of impulsive noise, high attenuation, selective fading and etc. Impulsive noise poses a severe challenge as its Power Spectral Density (PSD) is between 10–15dB above background noise. For good performance of the PLC system, this noise must be mitigated.  This paper presents a review of the techniques for the mitigation of impulsive noise in PLC which is classified into four categories, namely time domain, time/frequency domain, error correction code and other techniques. Time domain technique is a memoryless nonlinear technique where the signal's amplitude only changes according to a specified threshold without changing the phase.  Mitigation of impulsive noise is carried out on the received time domain signal before the demodulation FFT operation of the OFDM. Time/Frequency technique is a method of mitigating impulsive noise on the received signal at both before FFT demodulation and after FFT demodulation of the OFDM system. Error correction code technique is the application of forward error correction code by adding redundancy bits to the useful data bits for detection and possibly correction of error occurring during transmission.  Identifying the best performing technique will enhance the deployment of the technique while exploring the PLC channel capacity enhancement in the future. The best performing scheme in each of the category were selected and their BER vs SNR curves were compared with respect to the impulsive noise + awgn curve. Amongst all of these techniques, the error correction code technique had a performance that presents almost an outright elimination of impulsive noise in power line channel. Keywords: Impulsive noise, time domain, time/frequency domain, error correction code, sparse Bayesian learning, recursive detection and modified PLC-DMT
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