1,641 research outputs found

    Validation of a low-cost virtual reality system for training street-crossing. A comparative study in healthy, neglected and non-neglected stroke individuals

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    Unilateral spatial neglect is a common consequence of stroke that directly affects the performance of activities of daily living. This impairment is traditionally assessed with paper-and-pencil tests that can lack correspondence to real life and are easily compensated. Virtual reality can immerse patients in more ecological scenarios, thus providing therapists with new tools to assess and train the effects of this impairment in simulated real tasks. This paper presents the clinical validation and convergent validity of a low-cost virtual reality system for training street-crossing in stroke patients with and without neglect. The performance of neglect patients was significantly worse than the performance of non-neglect and healthy participants. In addition, several correlations between the scores in the system and in the traditional scales were detected.This study was funded in part by Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia Spain, Projects Consolider-C (SEJ2006-14301/PSIC), "CIBER of Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition, an initiative of ISCIII" and the Excellence Research Program PROMETEO (Generalitat Valenciana. Conselleria de Educacion, 2008-157).Navarro, MD.; Llorens RodrĂ­guez, R.; NoĂ©, E.; Ferri, J.; Alcañiz Raya, ML. (2013). Validation of a low-cost virtual reality system for training street-crossing. A comparative study in healthy, neglected and non-neglected stroke individuals. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. 23(4):597-618. https://doi.org/10.1080/09602011.2013.806269S597618234Allegri, R. F. (2000). AtenciĂłn y negligencia: bases neurolĂłgicas, evaluaciĂłn y trastornos. Revista de NeurologĂ­a, 30(05), 491. doi:10.33588/rn.3005.99645Appelros, P., Karlsson, G. M., Seiger, Åke, & Nydevik, I. (2002). Neglect and Anosognosia After First-Ever Stroke: Incidence and Relationship to Disability. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 34(5), 215-220. doi:10.1080/165019702760279206Baheux, K., Yoshizawa, M., & Yoshida, Y. (2007). Simulating hemispatial neglect with virtual reality. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 4(1). doi:10.1186/1743-0003-4-27Boian, R. F., Burdea, G. C., Deutsch, J. E. and Winter, S. H. Street crossing using a virtual environment mobility simulator.Paper presented at 3rd Annual International Workshop on Virtual Reality. Lausanne, Switzerland.Broeren, J., Samuelsson, H., Stibrant-Sunnerhagen, K., Blomstrand, C., & Rydmark, M. (2007). Neglect assessment as an application of virtual reality. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 116(3), 157-163. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0404.2007.00821.xBuxbaum, L. J., Ferraro, M. K., Veramonti, T., Farne, A., Whyte, J., Ladavas, E., 
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    Systematic review of sensory stimulation programs in the rehabilitation of acquired brain injury

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    Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) can lead to sensory deficits and compromise functionality. However, most studies have been focused on motor stimulation in stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Sensory stimulation in stroke and mild/moderate TBI has received reduced interest. The main objective of this review is to know the methodological characteristics and effects of sensory programs in ABI. Studies with the purpose of testing the efficacy of those programs were identified through a literature search, following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) and the Cochrane Collaboration Guidelines. Twenty-three studies were included in this review. The results show that in most studies sensory stimulation started within 12 months after injury and there is no consensus regarding frequency, duration and number of sessions, duration of intervention, and instruments used to assess outcomes. Most programs involved unisensory stimulation, and vision was the predominant target. The most used methods were compensation and somatosensory discrimination training. Most studies used a pre- and post-intervention assessment, with few studies comprising follow-up assessment. Regarding the studies revised, the interventions with positive outcomes in ABI are: compensation, cognitive training, vestibular intervention, somatosensory discrimination training, proprioceptive stimulation with muscle vibration, and sustained attention training with olfactory stimulation. Available findings suggest that sensory stimulation has positive results with immediate and long-term improvements in sensory functioning. This review provides useful information to improve rehabilitation and to design future investigation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring perspectives from stroke survivors, carers and clinicians on virtual reality as a precursor to using telerehabilitation for spatial neglect post-stroke

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    Spatial neglect is a common and severe cognitive consequence of stroke, yet there is currently no effective rehabilitation tool. Virtual Reality (VR) telerehabilitation tools have the potential to provide multisensory and enjoyable therapies and remotely monitor adherence without the presence of a therapist at all times. Researchers and industry need to better understand end-user perspectives about these technologies to ensure these are acceptable and, ultimately, optimize adherence and efficacy. This study aims to explore end-user perspectives on the use of self-administered VR for spatial neglect in a university environment to identify barriers and facilitators prior to extending its use remotely as a telerehabilitation tool. We used a mixed-method design including focus groups, self-administered questionnaires and interviews with stroke survivors (N = 7), their carers (N = 3) and stroke clinicians (N = 6). End-user perspectives identified clarity of instructions, equipment (cost, available resources) and for some, level of experience with technology as barriers of use. Perceived facilitators were performance feedback, engagement and enjoyment, and psychological benefits associated with self-administered VR telerehabilitation. Overall, end-users were positive and interested in using VR telerehabilitation for spatial neglect. These perspectives enabled us to produce practical recommendations to inform development, enhance engagement and uptake of VR telerehabilitation and inform future studies

    Investigating the Comprehensive Inventory of Thriving (CIT) as a rehabilitation outcome measure

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    Reliable and valid outcome measures are needed in community rehabilitation settings following acquired neurological injury. The Comprehensive Inventory of Thriving (CIT) (Su, Tay and Diener, 2013) was investigated for this purpose. The CIT is a 54 item self-report measure that provides 18 subscales and seven main scales of thriving: Relationships, Engagement, Mastery, Autonomy, Meaning, Optimism and Subjective Well-being. Participants (n=76) were administered the CIT on admission to a community rehabilitation service. The mean age of participants was 54.8 (SD = 17.7), with 43% being male. The main diagnostic groups were cerebrovascular disease (28%), traumatic brain injury (17%) and Parkinson's disease (12%). Internal consistency was moderate to high (α =.6 to .9) for all subscales with the exception of Support (Relationships) and Skills (Mastery); and high (α=.79-.93) for all indexes with the exception of Subjective Wellbeing. Correlational analyses supported the scale groupings. However, the subscales of Support (Relationships) and Skills (Mastery) did not correlate significantly with any subscales. Additionally the Subjective Well-being scale should not be calculated, but instead its three subscales (Negative Feelings, Life Satisfaction, Positive Feelings) used individually. In terms of demographic variables, there were no significant gender differences on CIT scales. Age had low correlations with two Relationships subscales only (Trust r=.23, p=.04; Loneliness r=-.25, p=.03). Diagnostic group minimally influenced CIT scores. Significant between-group differences were only found for Accomplishment (Mastery), with post-hoc analyses indicating higher levels for the cerebrovascular group. The CIT shows considerable promise in rehabilitation outcomes as a reliable and valid multi-component measure of wellbeing

    Virtual environments for stroke rehabilitation: examining a novel technology against end-user, clinical and management demands with reference to UK care provision

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    In the field of post-stroke rehabilitation, there appears to be growing interest in the use of virtual reality (VR)-based systems as adjunct technologies to standard therapeutic practices. The limitations and the potentials of this technology are not, however, generally well understood. The present study thus seeks to determine the value of the technology with reference to end-user requirements by surveying and evaluating its application against a variety of parameters: user focus, clinical effectiveness, marketability and contextual meaningfulness, etc. A key theme in the research considers how a technology developed internationally might interface with care provision demands and cultures specific to the United Kingdom. The barriers to innovation entry in this context are thus examined. Further practical study has been conducted in the field with a small sample of post-stroke rehabilitation patients. The data garnered from these enquiries have informed a detailed system analysis, a strategy for innovation and a broad theoretical discussion as to the effectiveness of the technology in delivering VR environments by which the patient can undertake ‘meaningful’ therapeutic activities. The data reveal that there does appear to be clinical value in using this technology, yet establishing its maximal value necessitates greater integrity among clinicians and engineers, and the furthering of progressive channels for innovation by public health administrators
