41,479 research outputs found

    GNTeam at 2018 n2c2:Feature-augmented BiLSTM-CRF for drug-related entity recognition in hospital discharge summaries

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    Monitoring the administration of drugs and adverse drug reactions are key parts of pharmacovigilance. In this paper, we explore the extraction of drug mentions and drug-related information (reason for taking a drug, route, frequency, dosage, strength, form, duration, and adverse events) from hospital discharge summaries through deep learning that relies on various representations for clinical named entity recognition. This work was officially part of the 2018 n2c2 shared task, and we use the data supplied as part of the task. We developed two deep learning architecture based on recurrent neural networks and pre-trained language models. We also explore the effect of augmenting word representations with semantic features for clinical named entity recognition. Our feature-augmented BiLSTM-CRF model performed with F1-score of 92.67% and ranked 4th for entity extraction sub-task among submitted systems to n2c2 challenge. The recurrent neural networks that use the pre-trained domain-specific word embeddings and a CRF layer for label optimization perform drug, adverse event and related entities extraction with micro-averaged F1-score of over 91%. The augmentation of word vectors with semantic features extracted using available clinical NLP toolkits can further improve the performance. Word embeddings that are pre-trained on a large unannotated corpus of relevant documents and further fine-tuned to the task perform rather well. However, the augmentation of word embeddings with semantic features can help improve the performance (primarily by boosting precision) of drug-related named entity recognition from electronic health records

    Few-Shot Learning for Clinical Natural Language Processing Using Siamese Neural Networks

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    Clinical Natural Language Processing (NLP) has become an emerging technology in healthcare that leverages a large amount of free-text data in electronic health records (EHRs) to improve patient care, support clinical decisions, and facilitate clinical and translational science research. Recently, deep learning has achieved state-of-the-art performance in many clinical NLP tasks. However, training deep learning models usually requires large annotated datasets, which are normally not publicly available and can be time-consuming to build in clinical domains. Working with smaller annotated datasets is typical in clinical NLP and therefore, ensuring that deep learning models perform well is crucial for the models to be used in real-world applications. A widely adopted approach is fine-tuning existing Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs), but these attempts fall short when the training dataset contains only a few annotated samples. Few-Shot Learning (FSL) has recently been investigated to tackle this problem. Siamese Neural Network (SNN) has been widely utilized as an FSL approach in computer vision, but has not been studied well in NLP. Furthermore, the literature on its applications in clinical domains is scarce. In this paper, we propose two SNN-based FSL approaches for clinical NLP, including Pre-Trained SNN (PT-SNN) and SNN with Second-Order Embeddings (SOE-SNN). We evaluated the proposed approaches on two clinical tasks, namely clinical text classification and clinical named entity recognition. We tested three few-shot settings including 4-shot, 8-shot, and 16-shot learning. Both clinical NLP tasks were benchmarked using three PLMs, including BERT,BioBERT, and BioClinicalBERT. The experimental results verified the effectiveness of the proposed SNN-based FSL approaches in both NLP tasks

    Making decisions based on context: models and applications in cognitive sciences and natural language processing

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    It is known that humans are capable of making decisions based on context and generalizing what they have learned. This dissertation considers two related problem areas and proposes different models that take context information into account. By including the context, the proposed models exhibit strong performance in each of the problem areas considered. The first problem area focuses on a context association task studied in cognitive science, which evaluates the ability of a learning agent to associate specific stimuli with an appropriate response in particular spatial contexts. Four neural circuit models are proposed to model how the stimulus and context information are processed to produce a response. The neural networks are trained by modifying the strength of neural connections (weights) using principles of Hebbian learning. Such learning is considered biologically plausible, in contrast to back propagation techniques that do not have a solid neurophysiological basis. A series of theoretical results for the neural circuit models are established, guaranteeing convergence to an optimal configuration when all the stimulus-context pairs are provided during training. Among all the models, a specific model based on ideas from recommender systems trained with a primal-dual update rule, achieves perfect performance in learning and generalizing the mapping from context-stimulus pairs to correct responses. The second problem area considered in the thesis focuses on clinical natural language processing (NLP). A particular application is the development of deep-learning models for analyzing radiology reports. Four NLP tasks are considered including anatomy named entity recognition, negation detection, incidental finding detection, and clinical concept extraction. A hierarchical Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is proposed for anatomy named entity recognition, which is then used to produce a set of features for incidental finding detection of pulmonary nodules. A clinical context word embedding model is obtained, which is used with an RNN to model clinical concept extraction. Finally, feature-enriched RNN and transformer-based models with contextual word embedding are proposed for negation detection. All these models take the (clinical) context information into account. The models are evaluated on different datasets and are shown to achieve strong performance, largely outperforming the state-of-art

    Improving Clinical Document Understanding on COVID-19 Research with Spark NLP

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    Following the global COVID-19 pandemic, the number of scientific papers studying the virus has grown massively, leading to increased interest in automated literate review. We present a clinical text mining system that improves on previous efforts in three ways. First, it can recognize over 100 different entity types including social determinants of health, anatomy, risk factors, and adverse events in addition to other commonly used clinical and biomedical entities. Second, the text processing pipeline includes assertion status detection, to distinguish between clinical facts that are present, absent, conditional, or about someone other than the patient. Third, the deep learning models used are more accurate than previously available, leveraging an integrated pipeline of state-of-the-art pretrained named entity recognition models, and improving on the previous best performing benchmarks for assertion status detection. We illustrate extracting trends and insights, e.g. most frequent disorders and symptoms, and most common vital signs and EKG findings, from the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19). The system is built using the Spark NLP library which natively supports scaling to use distributed clusters, leveraging GPUs, configurable and reusable NLP pipelines, healthcare specific embeddings, and the ability to train models to support new entity types or human languages with no code changes.Comment: Accepted to SDU (Scientific Document Understanding) workshop at AAAI 202
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