7 research outputs found

    Users Satisfaction Through Better Indexing

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    Understanding Mobile Search: A Survey of Smartphone Users' Location, Social Context, Search Activity and Search Motivation

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    The behaviour of mobile phone searchers is changing. Traditionally, mobile phone search has meant on the move, limited time and a high failure rate for finding relevant information. However, due to the fast development of smartphones, improved mobile broadband, low cost mobile internet and the blooming of social networks, smartphones have become a primary device for information access in more stationary and familiar locations, such as at home or at work. This changing behaviour could significantly influence the mobile phone search domain. In order to improve the design of mobile search for mobile phone users, a deeper understanding of mobile information needs, behaviours, underlying motivations and associated interaction challenges is a fundamental task. The aim of this study is to understand the current change in mobile information needs, behaviours and motivations, and their impact for future mobile phone search. We present the results from an online survey involving 256 users over a 4 week period, focusing on when, where, what and how people use the mobile phone search. We discuss these findings to present a picture of how location, social context and current work task impact mobile phone search, and analyses the relationship between search activity, search motivation and key contextual factors

    Benefits of the application of web-mining methods and techniques for the field of analytical customer relationship management of the marketing function in a knowledge management perspective

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    Le Web Mining (WM) reste une technologie relativement méconnue. Toutefois, si elle est utilisée adéquatement, elle s'avère être d'une grande utilité pour l'identification des profils et des comportements des clients prospects et existants, dans un contexte internet. Les avancées techniques du WM améliorent grandement le volet analytique de la Gestion de la Relation Client (GRC). Cette étude suit une approche exploratoire afin de déterminer si le WM atteint, à lui seul, tous les objectifs fondamentaux de la GRC, ou le cas échéant, devrait être utilisé de manière conjointe avec la recherche marketing traditionnelle et les méthodes classiques de la GRC analytique (GRCa) pour optimiser la GRC, et de fait le marketing, dans un contexte internet. La connaissance obtenue par le WM peut ensuite être administrée au sein de l'organisation dans un cadre de Gestion de la Connaissance (GC), afin d'optimiser les relations avec les clients nouveaux et/ou existants, améliorer leur expérience client et ultimement, leur fournir de la meilleure valeur. Dans un cadre de recherche exploratoire, des entrevues semi-structurés et en profondeur furent menées afin d'obtenir le point de vue de plusieurs experts en (web) data rnining. L'étude révéla que le WM est bien approprié pour segmenter les clients prospects et existants, pour comprendre les comportements transactionnels en ligne des clients existants et prospects, ainsi que pour déterminer le statut de loyauté (ou de défection) des clients existants. Il constitue, à ce titre, un outil d'une redoutable efficacité prédictive par le biais de la classification et de l'estimation, mais aussi descriptive par le biais de la segmentation et de l'association. En revanche, le WM est moins performant dans la compréhension des dimensions sous-jacentes, moins évidentes du comportement client. L'utilisation du WM est moins appropriée pour remplir des objectifs liés à la description de la manière dont les clients existants ou prospects développent loyauté, satisfaction, défection ou attachement envers une enseigne sur internet. Cet exercice est d'autant plus difficile que la communication multicanale dans laquelle évoluent les consommateurs a une forte influence sur les relations qu'ils développent avec une marque. Ainsi le comportement en ligne ne serait qu'une transposition ou tout du moins une extension du comportement du consommateur lorsqu'il n'est pas en ligne. Le WM est également un outil relativement incomplet pour identifier le développement de la défection vers et depuis les concurrents ainsi que le développement de la loyauté envers ces derniers. Le WM nécessite toujours d'être complété par la recherche marketing traditionnelle afin d'atteindre ces objectives plus difficiles mais essentiels de la GRCa. Finalement, les conclusions de cette recherche sont principalement dirigées à l'encontre des firmes et des gestionnaires plus que du côté des clients-internautes, car ces premiers plus que ces derniers possèdent les ressources et les processus pour mettre en œuvre les projets de recherche en WM décrits.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Web mining, Gestion de la connaissance, Gestion de la relation client, Données internet, Comportement du consommateur, Forage de données, Connaissance du consommateu

    Multi-modal surrogates for retrieving and making sense of videos: is synchronization between the multiple modalities optimal?

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    Video surrogates can help people quickly make sense of the content of a video before downloading or seeking more detailed information. Visual and audio features of a video are primary information carriers and might become important components of video retrieval and video sense-making. In the past decades, most research and development efforts on video surrogates have focused on visual features of the video, and comparatively little work has been done on audio surrogates and examining their pros and cons in aiding users' retrieval and sense-making of digital videos. Even less work has been done on multi-modal surrogates, where more than one modality are employed for consuming the surrogates, for example, the audio and visual modalities. This research examined the effectiveness of a number of multi-modal surrogates, and investigated whether synchronization between the audio and visual channels is optimal. A user study was conducted to evaluate six different surrogates on a set of six recognition and inference tasks to answer two main research questions: (1) How do automatically-generated multi-modal surrogates compare to manually-generated ones in video retrieval and video sense-making? and (2) Does synchronization between multiple surrogate channels enhance or inhibit video retrieval and video sense-making? Forty-eight participants participated in the study, in which the surrogates were measured on the the time participants spent on experiencing the surrogates, the time participants spent on doing the tasks, participants' performance accuracy on the tasks, participants' confidence in their task responses, and participants' subjective ratings on the surrogates. On average, the uncoordinated surrogates were more helpful than the coordinated ones, but the manually-generated surrogates were only more helpful than the automatically-generated ones in terms of task completion time. Participants' subjective ratings were more favorable for the coordinated surrogate C2 (Magic A + V) and the uncoordinated surrogate U1 (Magic A + Storyboard V) with respect to usefulness, usability, enjoyment, and engagement. The post-session questionnaire comments demonstrated participants' preference for the coordinated surrogates, but the comments also revealed the value of having uncoordinated sensory channels

    Client-Side Monitoring for Web Mining

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    “Garbage in. garbage out ” is a well-known phrase in computer analysis, and one that comes to mind when mining Web data to draw conclusions about Web users. The challenge is that data analysts wish to infer patterns of client-side behavior from server-side data. However, because only a fraction of the user’s actions ever reaches the Web server, analysts must rely on incomplete data. In this paper, we propose a client-side monitoring system that is unobtrusive and supports flexible data collection. Moreover, the proposed framework encompasses client-side applications beyond the Web browser. Expanding monitoring beyond the browser to incorporate standard office productivity tools enables analysts to derive a much richer and more accurate picture of user behavior on the Web. Imagine a library where the librarians know not only which books have been checked out, but also which books patrons have pulled from the shelves. For each book pulled from the shelf, the library staff knows whether the reader simply skimmed the text and returned it to the shelf, or carefully read two of the chapters. If the copier were used to copy pages from a journal, the staff would know which issues and which pages were copied and how they were used. With suc