3 research outputs found

    Norm violation in online communities -- A study of Stack Overflow comments

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    Norms are behavioral expectations in communities. Online communities are also expected to abide by the rules and regulations that are expressed in the code of conduct of a system. Even though community authorities continuously prompt their users to follow the regulations, it is observed that hate speech and abusive language usage are on the rise. In this paper, we quantify and analyze the patterns of violations of normative behaviour among the users of Stack Overflow (SO) - a well-known technical question-answer site for professionals and enthusiast programmers, while posting a comment. Even though the site has been dedicated to technical problem solving and debugging, hate speech as well as posting offensive comments make the community "toxic". By identifying and minimising various patterns of norm violations in different SO communities, the community would become less toxic and thereby the community can engage more effectively in its goal of knowledge sharing. Moreover, through automatic detection of such comments, the authors can be warned by the moderators, so that it is less likely to be repeated, thereby the reputation of the site and community can be improved. Based on the comments extracted from two different data sources on SO, this work first presents a taxonomy of norms that are violated. Second, it demonstrates the sanctions for certain norm violations. Third, it proposes a recommendation system that can be used to warn users that they are about to violate a norm. This can help achieve norm adherence in online communities.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Using multiclass classification algorithms to improve text categorization tool:NLoN

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    Abstract. Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques have been widely utilized in the mining software repositories (MSR) field in recent years. Separating natural language from source code is a pre-processing step that is needed in both NLP and the MSR domain for better data quality. This paper presents the design and implementation of a multi-class classification approach that is based on the existing open-source R package Natural Language or Not (NLoN). This article also reviews the existing literature on MSR and NLP. The review classified the information sources and approaches of MSR in detail, and also focused on the text representation and classification tasks of NLP. In addition, the design and implementation methods of the original paper are briefly introduced. Regarding the research methodology, since the research goal is technology-oriented, i.e., to improve the design and implementation of existing technologies, this article adopts the design science research methodology and also describes how the methodology was adopted. This research implements an open-source Python library, namely NLoN-PY. This is an open-source library hosted on GitHub, and users can also directly use the tools published to the PyPI library. Since NLoN has achieved comparable performance on two-class classification tasks with the Lasso regression model, this study evaluated other multi-class classification algorithms, i.e., Naive Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbours, and Support Vector Machine. Using 10-fold cross-validation, the expanded classifier achieved AUC performance of 0.901 for the 5-class classification task and the AUC performance of 0.92 for the 2-class task. Although the design of this study did not show a significant performance improvement compared to the original design, the impact of unbalanced data distribution on performance was detected and the category of the classification problem was also refined in the process. These findings on the multi-class classification design can provide a research foundation or direction for future research

    Analyzing the Predictability of Source Code and its Application in Creating Parallel Corpora for English-to-Code Statistical Machine Translation

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    Analyzing source code using computational linguistics and exploiting the linguistic properties of source code have recently become popular topics in the domain of software engineering. In the first part of the thesis, we study the predictability of source code and determine how well source code can be represented using language models developed for natural language processing. In the second part, we study how well English discussions of source code can be aligned with code elements to create parallel corpora for English-to-code statistical machine translation. This work is organized as a “manuscript” thesis whereby each core chapter constitutes a submitted paper. The first part replicates recent works that have concluded that software is more repetitive and predictable, i.e. more natural, than English texts. We find that much of the apparent “naturalness” is artificial and is the result of language specific tokens. For example, the syntax of a language, especially the separators e.g., semi-colons and brackets, make up for 59% of all uses of Java tokens in our corpus. Furthermore, 40% of all 2-grams end in a separator, implying that a model for autocompleting the next token, would have a trivial separator as top suggestion 40% of the time. By using the standard NLP practice of eliminating punctuation (e.g., separators) and stopwords (e.g., keywords) we find that code is less repetitive and predictable than was suggested by previous work. We replicate this result across 7 programming languages. Continuing this work, we find that unlike the code written for a particular project, API code usage is similar across projects. For example a file is opened and closed in the same manner irrespective of domain. When we restrict our n-grams to those contained in the Java API we find that the entropy for 2-grams is significantly lower than the English corpus. This repetition perhaps explains the successful literature on API usage suggestion and autocompletion. We then study the impact of the representation of code on repetition. The n-gram model assumes that the current token can be predicted by the sequence of n previous tokens. When we extract program graphs of size 2, 3, and 4 nodes we see that the abstract graph representation is much more concise and repetitive than the n-gram representations of the same code. This suggests that future work should focus on graphs that include control and data flow dependencies and not linear sequences of tokens. The second part of this thesis focuses cleaning English and code corpora to aid in machine translation. Generating source code API sequences from an English query using Machine Translation (MT) has gained much interest in recent years. For any kind of MT, the model needs to be trained on a parallel corpus. We clean StackOverflow, one of the most popular online discussion forums for programmers, to generate a parallel English-Code corpora. We contrast three data cleaning approaches: standard NLP, title only, and software task. We evaluate the quality of each corpus for MT. We measure the corpus size, percentage of unique tokens, and per-word maximum likelihood alignment entropy. While many works have shown that code is repetitive and predictable, we find that English discussions of code are also repetitive. Creating a maximum likelihood MT model, we find that English words map to a small number of specific code elements which partially explains the success of using StackOverflow for search and other tasks in the software engineering literature and paves the way for MT. Our scripts and corpora are publicly available