552 research outputs found

    A Survey of Methods for Encrypted Traffic Classification and Analysis

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    With the widespread use of encrypted data transport network traffic encryption is becoming a standard nowadays. This presents a challenge for traffic measurement, especially for analysis and anomaly detection methods which are dependent on the type of network traffic. In this paper, we survey existing approaches for classification and analysis of encrypted traffic. First, we describe the most widespread encryption protocols used throughout the Internet. We show that the initiation of an encrypted connection and the protocol structure give away a lot of information for encrypted traffic classification and analysis. Then, we survey payload and feature-based classification methods for encrypted traffic and categorize them using an established taxonomy. The advantage of some of described classification methods is the ability to recognize the encrypted application protocol in addition to the encryption protocol. Finally, we make a comprehensive comparison of the surveyed feature-based classification methods and present their weaknesses and strengths.Šifrování síťového provozu se v dnešní době stalo standardem. To přináší vysoké nároky na monitorování síťového provozu, zejména pak na analýzu provozu a detekci anomálií, které jsou závislé na znalosti typu síťového provozu. V tomto článku přinášíme přehled existujících způsobů klasifikace a analýzy šifrovaného provozu. Nejprve popisujeme nejrozšířenější šifrovací protokoly, a ukazujeme, jakým způsobem lze získat informace pro analýzu a klasifikaci šifrovaného provozu. Následně se zabýváme klasifikačními metodami založenými na obsahu paketů a vlastnostech síťového provozu. Tyto metody klasifikujeme pomocí zavedené taxonomie. Výhodou některých popsaných klasifikačních metod je schopnost rozeznat nejen šifrovací protokol, ale také šifrovaný aplikační protokol. Na závěr porovnáváme silné a slabé stránky všech popsaných klasifikačních metod

    A Novel Feature Set for Application Identification

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    Classifying Internet traffic into applications is vital to many areas, from quality of service (QoS) provisioning, to network management and security. The task is challenging as network applications are rather dynamic in nature, tend to use a web front-end and are typically encrypted, rendering traditional port-based and deep packet inspection (DPI) method unusable. Recent classification studies proposed two alternatives: using the statistical properties of traffic or inferring the behavioural patterns of network applications, both aiming to describe the activity within and among network flows in order to understand application usage and behaviour. The aim of this paper is to propose and investigate a novel feature to define application behaviour as seen through the generated network traffic by considering the timing and pattern of user events during application sessions, leading to an extended traffic feature set based on burstiness. The selected features were further used to train and test a supervised C5.0 machine learning classifier and led to a better characterization of network applications, with a traffic classification accuracy ranging between 90- 98%

    Independent comparison of popular DPI tools for traffic classification

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    Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is the state-of-the-art technology for traffic classification. According to the conventional wisdom, DPI is the most accurate classification technique. Consequently, most popular products, either commercial or open-source, rely on some sort of DPI for traffic classification. However, the actual performance of DPI is still unclear to the research community, since the lack of public datasets prevent the comparison and reproducibility of their results. This paper presents a comprehensive comparison of 6 well-known DPI tools, which are commonly used in the traffic classification literature. Our study includes 2 commercial products (PACE and NBAR) and 4 open-source tools (OpenDPI, L7-filter, nDPI, and Libprotoident). We studied their performance in various scenarios (including packet and flow truncation) and at different classification levels (application protocol, application and web service). We carefully built a labeled dataset with more than 750 K flows, which contains traffic from popular applications. We used the Volunteer-Based System (VBS), developed at Aalborg University, to guarantee the correct labeling of the dataset. We released this dataset, including full packet payloads, to the research community. We believe this dataset could become a common benchmark for the comparison and validation of network traffic classifiers. Our results present PACE, a commercial tool, as the most accurate solution. Surprisingly, we find that some open-source tools, such as nDPI and Libprotoident, also achieve very high accuracy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Machine learning approach for detection of nonTor traffic

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    Intrusion detection has attracted a considerable interest from researchers and industry. After many years of research the community still faces the problem of building reliable and efficient intrusion detection systems (IDS) capable of handling large quantities of data with changing patterns in real time situations. The Tor network is popular in providing privacy and security to end user by anonymizing the identity of internet users connecting through a series of tunnels and nodes. This work identifies two problems; classification of Tor traffic and nonTor traffic to expose the activities within Tor traffic that minimizes the protection of users in using the UNB-CIC Tor Network Traffic dataset and classification of the Tor traffic flow in the network. This paper proposes a hybrid classifier; Artificial Neural Network in conjunction with Correlation feature selection algorithm for dimensionality reduction and improved classification performance. The reliability and efficiency of the propose hybrid classifier is compared with Support Vector Machine and naïve Bayes classifiers in detecting nonTor traffic in UNB-CIC Tor Network Traffic dataset. Experimental results show the hybrid classifier, ANN-CFS proved a better classifier in detecting nonTor traffic and classifying the Tor traffic flow in UNB-CIC Tor Network Traffic dataset