3 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Attention Mechanism and Spiking Neural Networks on sMRI Data for Suicide Ideation Assessment

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had a substantial detrimental impact on mental health, especially depression, and this has led to a high incidence of suicidal ideation (SI) around the globe, with the pandemic's post-peak period seeing the highest incidence in young adults. This study aims to propose an effective non-intrusive method for early detection of SI in young adults utilizing depression as a biomarker in structural magnetic resonance imaging. This paper introduces a hybrid machine learning approach utilizing attention mechanisms and spiking neural networks to differentiate between depression patients without SI and healthy controls. The hybrid method successfully completed the classification task after stratified 5-fold cross-validation, achieving test accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and area under curve of 94%, 100%, 92%, and 0.96, respectively. The proposed algorithms offer an objective tool for identifying early SI risk in depressed patients without suicidal thoughts, alongside clinical assessment

    Automated Malignant Melanoma Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    This research is proposed a design of architecture for melanoma (a kind of skin cancer) recognition by using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), work that will be useful for researchers in future projects in areas like biomedicine, machine learning, and others related moving forward with their studies and improving this proposal. CNN is mostly used in computer vision (a branch of artificial intelligence), applied to pattern recognition in skin moles and to determine the existence of malignant melanoma, or not, with a limited dataset. The CNN classifier designed and trained in this case was built through a couple of layers of convolution and pooling stacked to form a neural network of 6 layers followed by the fully connected to complete the architecture with an output classifier. The proposed database to train our CNN is the largest publicly collection of dermoscopic images of melanomas and other skin lesions, provided by the International Skin Imaging Collaboration (ISIC), sponsored by International Society for Digital Imaging of the Skin (ISDIS), an international effort to improve melanoma diagnosis. The purpose of this research was to design a Convolutional Neural Network with a high level of accuracy to help professionals in medicine with a melanoma diagnosis, in this case, it was possible to get accuracy up to 88.75 %

    Automated Malignant Melanoma Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    This research is proposed a design of architecture for melanoma (a kind of skin cancer) recognition by using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), work that will be useful for researchers in future projects in areas like biomedicine, machine learning, and others related moving forward with their studies and improving this proposal. CNN is mostly used in computer vision (a branch of artificial intelligence), applied to pattern recognition in skin moles and to determine the existence of malignant melanoma, or not, with a limited dataset. The CNN classifier designed and trained in this case was built through a couple of layers of convolution and pooling stacked to form a neural network of 6 layers followed by the fully connected to complete the architecture with an output classifier. The proposed database to train our CNN is the largest publicly collection of dermoscopic images of melanomas and other skin lesions, provided by the International Skin Imaging Collaboration (ISIC), sponsored by International Society for Digital Imaging of the Skin (ISDIS), an international effort to improve melanoma diagnosis. The purpose of this research was to design a Convolutional Neural Network with a high level of accuracy to help professionals in medicine with a melanoma diagnosis, in this case, it was possible to get accuracy up to 88.75 %.En esta investigaci贸n se propone un dise帽o de arquitectura para el reconocimiento de melanoma (un tipo de c谩ncer de piel) mediante el uso de una CNN (Red Neuronal Convolucional), trabajo que ser谩 de utilidad para investigadores en futuros proyectos en 谩reas como biomedicina, aprendizaje autom谩tico, y otras relacionadas avanzando en sus estudios y mejorando esta propuesta.La CNN se utiliza principalmente en visi贸n por computador (una rama de la inteligencia artificial), aplicada al reconocimiento de patrones en lunares de la piel y para determinar la existencia de melanoma maligno, o no, con un conjunto de datos limitado. El clasificador CNN dise帽ado y entrenado en este caso se construy贸 mediante un par de capas de convoluci贸n y acumulaci贸n para formar una red neuronal de seis capas seguida de la totalmente conectada para completar la arquitectura con un clasificador de salida. La base de datos propuesta para entrenar nuestra CNN es la mayor colecci贸n p煤blica de im谩genes dermatosc贸picas de melanomas y otras lesiones cut谩neas, proporcionada por la International Skin Imaging Collaboration (ISIC), patrocinada por la International Society for Digital Imaging of the Skin (ISDIS), un esfuerzo internacional para mejorar el diagn贸stico del melanoma. El prop贸sito de esta investigaci贸n fue dise帽ar una Red Neuronal Convolucional con un alto nivel de precisi贸n para ayudar a los profesionales de la medicina con un diagn贸stico de melanoma, en este caso, fue posible obtener una precisi贸n hasta del 88,75 %