10 research outputs found

    Characterizations of Veronese and Segre varieties

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    We survey the known and recent characterizations of Segre varieties and Veronesea varieties

    A characterization of the finite Veronesean by intersection properties

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    A combinatorial characterization of the Veronese variety of all quadrics in PG(n, q) by means of its intersection properties with respect to subspaces is obtained. The result relies on a similar combinatorial result on the Veronesean of all conics in the plane PG(2, q) by Ferri, Hirschfeld and Thas, and Thas and Van Maldeghem, and a structural characterization of the quadric Veronesean by Thas and Van Maldeghem

    On four codes with automorphism group P Sigma L(3,4) and pseudo-embeddings of the large Witt designs

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    A pseudo-embedding of a point-line geometry is a representation of the geometry into a projective space over the field F-2 such that every line corresponds to a frame of a subspace. Such a representation is called homogeneous if every automorphism of the geometry lifts to an automorphism of the projective space. In this paper, we determine all homogeneous pseudo-embeddings of the three Witt designs that arise by extending the projective plane PG(2, 4). Along our way, we come across some codes with automorphism group P Sigma L(3, 4) and sets of points of PG(2, 4) that have a particular intersection pattern with Baer subplanes or hyperovals

    Classification of finite Veronesean caps

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    AbstractWe show that all Veronesean caps in finite projective spaces, as defined by Mazzocca and Melone (Discrete Math. 48 (1984) 243), are projections of quadric Veroneseans. In fact we prove a slightly stronger result by weakening one of the conditions of Mazzocca and Melone