415,154 research outputs found

    Service Value Delivery System Based on Time-Based Competition

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    In this paper, the necessary conditions and the components of the operation of service value delivery system are analyzed; the every node enterprise to make clear that the function of each of them in service value creation and addition is discussed. The processes and model of market-driven value delivery system are discussed in this paper, and the processes content and model are presented, we firstly discuss the operational flowchart and classification of the service value delivery under the time-based competition environment. Secondly, we analyze the tactics of time-based competition in supply chain system and the marketing system, both of which compose the whole service value delivery system


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    In recent years, the use of various social media applications has received growing attention from local government agencies. This is because social media applications have the potential to offer public value to those agencies as well as citizens through enhancing public engagement and public services innovation. Despite the growth in the literature on social media, there is still a limited understanding of how the key stakeholders of local government agencies, around the world in general and Saudi Arabia in particular, can receive public value created through us-ing various social media applications. To address this concern, this proposed study is initiated to develop a model for investigating public value creation using social media applications. The model is influenced by multiple theoretical lenses (e.g. trust in social media, social media capability, public engagement, public services innovation, public value theory, and stakeholder theory). This proposed research is based on a qualitative methodology with several phases of research (e.g. pilot study, multiple-case study and domain expert panel) for the Saudi Arabian local government context. The expected contribution of this research is a model with constructive associations between several variables identified from multiple streams of literature (e.g. social media, information systems literature and public administration literature). Furthermore, a classification of public services innovation associated with four types of public value are proposed. The findings of the study are expected to benefit public managers as well as citizens to better utilise social media for public value creation. Keywords: Trust in social media, social media capability, public engagement, public service innovation, public value, stakeholder theory

    Integrating Kano’s Model and SERVQUAL to Improve Healthcare Service Quality

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    The purpose of this research is focus on customer relationship management (CRM) strategies and relationship between service attributes and customer satisfaction through Kano’s model especially on healthcare service at the private hospital. The paper specifically investigates the applicability of the model and the key factors in the hospital service business. The hospital service quality much depends on the performance of the attributes that define a service. The aim of this paper is first to investigate the attribute of service quality using Servqual perspective, thus the management is able to adjust the relationship between performance of service attributes and customer satisfaction, and second, through a case study in the private hospital to prove that the importance of a service attribute is a function of the performance of that attribute. An empirical study using questionnaires with a focus on service enquiring about the performance of service key attributes and overall customer satisfaction was conducted using Servqual perspective including 5 parameters i.e. Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy. The data were fed into the Kano customer satisfaction model which used Five-level Kano questionnaire for analysis and comparison between one attribute to the others. This research found that there are three of the total 26 service quality attributes have been categorized as “attractive”. Four service quality attributes have been categorized as “must be”, and sixteen of them as “one-dimensional”. However, there is no service quality attribute can be categorized as “reverse” and “questionable”. It can be predicted that offering customers “must be” or expected quality attributes will not be enough for customer satisfaction in few next days cause of the contemporary world and the environment changing. Hence, companies should focus on “attractive” quality attributes instead of “must be” or “one-dimensional” attributes in order to satisfy customers and to achieve competitive advantage. The research limitations is the Kano model of customer satisfaction needs to be extended to other customer behavior variables and also management strategic response to increase customer loyalty; which not include in this paper. The implication is the methodology employed here can be easily applied by hospital management to evaluate customer behaviors and service quality performance

    The applicability of a use value-based file retention method

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    The determination of the relative value of files is important for an organization while determining a retrieval service level for its files and a corresponding file retention policy. This paper discusses via a literature review methods for developing file retention policies based on the use values of files. On basis of these results we propose an enhanced version of one of them. In a case study, we demonstrate how one can develop a customized file retention policy by testing causal relations between file parameters and the use value of files. This case shows that, contrary to suggestions of previous research, the file type has no significant relation with the value of a file and thus should be excluded from a retention policy in this case. The case study also shows a strong relation between the position of a file user and the value of this file. Furthermore, we have improved the Information Value Questionnaire (IVQ) for subjective valuation of files. However, the resulting method needs software to be efficient in its application. Therefore, we developed a prototype for the automatic execution of a file retention policy. We conclude with a discussio

    Creating Open Source Geodemographic Classifications for Higher Education Applications

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    This paper explores the use of geodemographic classifications to investigate the social, economic and spatial dimensions of participation in higher education. Education is a public service that confers very significant and tangible benefits upon receiving individuals: as such, we argue that understanding the geodemography of educational opportunity requires an application-specific classification, that exploits under-used educational data sources. We develop a classification for the UK higher education sector, and apply it to the Gospel Oak area of London. We discuss the wider merits of sector specific applications of geodemographics, with particular reference to issues of public service provision

    WebPicker: Knowledge Extraction from Web Resources

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    We show how information distributed in several web resources and represented in different restricted languages can be extracted from its original sources and transformed into a common knowledge model represented in XML using WebPicker. This information, which has been built to cover different needs and functionalities, can be later imported into WebODE, integrated, enriched and exported into different representation formats using WebODE specific modules. We show a case study in the e-commerce domain, using products and services standards from several organizations and/or joint initiatives of industrial and services companies, and a product catalogue from an e-commerce platform

    Contextual impacts on industrial processes brought by the digital transformation of manufacturing: a systematic review

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    The digital transformation of manufacturing (a phenomenon also known as "Industry 4.0" or "Smart Manufacturing") is finding a growing interest both at practitioner and academic levels, but is still in its infancy and needs deeper investigation. Even though current and potential advantages of digital manufacturing are remarkable, in terms of improved efficiency, sustainability, customization, and flexibility, only a limited number of companies has already developed ad hoc strategies necessary to achieve a superior performance. Through a systematic review, this study aims at assessing the current state of the art of the academic literature regarding the paradigm shift occurring in the manufacturing settings, in order to provide definitions as well as point out recurring patterns and gaps to be addressed by future research. For the literature search, the most representative keywords, strict criteria, and classification schemes based on authoritative reference studies were used. The final sample of 156 primary publications was analyzed through a systematic coding process to identify theoretical and methodological approaches, together with other significant elements. This analysis allowed a mapping of the literature based on clusters of critical themes to synthesize the developments of different research streams and provide the most representative picture of its current state. Research areas, insights, and gaps resulting from this analysis contributed to create a schematic research agenda, which clearly indicates the space for future evolutions of the state of knowledge in this field

    Analysis and evaluation of SafeDroid v2.0, a framework for detecting malicious Android applications

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    Android smartphones have become a vital component of the daily routine of millions of people, running a plethora of applications available in the official and alternative marketplaces. Although there are many security mechanisms to scan and filter malicious applications, malware is still able to reach the devices of many end-users. In this paper, we introduce the SafeDroid v2.0 framework, that is a flexible, robust, and versatile open-source solution for statically analysing Android applications, based on machine learning techniques. The main goal of our work, besides the automated production of fully sufficient prediction and classification models in terms of maximum accuracy scores and minimum negative errors, is to offer an out-of-the-box framework that can be employed by the Android security researchers to efficiently experiment to find effective solutions: the SafeDroid v2.0 framework makes it possible to test many different combinations of machine learning classifiers, with a high degree of freedom and flexibility in the choice of features to consider, such as dataset balance and dataset selection. The framework also provides a server, for generating experiment reports, and an Android application, for the verification of the produced models in real-life scenarios. An extensive campaign of experiments is also presented to show how it is possible to efficiently find competitive solutions: the results of our experiments confirm that SafeDroid v2.0 can reach very good performances, even with highly unbalanced dataset inputs and always with a very limited overhead
