7 research outputs found

    Classification of Postponement Strategies and Performance Metrics Framework

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    Analyzing the postponement of time production systems in maketostock and seasonal demand

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    The supply chain management, postponement and demand management functions are of strategic importance to the economic success of organizations because they influence the production process, when viewed in isolation and empirically may hinder understanding of their behavior. The aim of this paper is to analyze the influence of the postponement in an enterprise production system with make-to-stock and with seasonal demand. The research method used was a case study, the instruments of data collection were semi-structured interviews, documentary analysis and site visits. This research is restricted to analysis of the influence that different levels of delay and the company's position in the supply chain have on the practice of demand management in the productive segment graphic, product spiral notebook and also in relation to geographical focus (region of the state São Paulo), in which it will seek to interview the managers and directors. As a way to support the research on the analysis of case study and the final considerations will be discussed the following issues: supply chain management, postponement, demand management and production system make-to-stock. The demand management can be understood as a practice that allows you to manage and coordinate the supply chain in reverse, i.e. the consumer to the supplier, in which consumers trigger actions for the supply of products can make the process more efficient. The purpose of managing the supply chain is able to allow the addition of value, exceeding the expectations of consumers, it is necessary to develop a relationship with suppliers and customers win-win. The postponement strategy must fit the characteristics of the turbulent environment within the markets along with demands that require variety of customized products and services and reasonable costs, aiming to support decision making. The postponement of time can be a way to soften the increase in inventory of finished product in the company, which may have a high value, being necessary to reduce the lead time and also suppliers to change their production strategy of make- to-stock to make-to-order. The production system make-to-stock shows enough interest to organizations that are operating in markets with high demand variability, i.e. variations in seasonal as a way of trying to protect their production and be more responsive to market needs

    Application of a mathematical model for the minimization of costs in a micro-company of the graphic sector

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    Supply chain management, postponement and demand management are one of the operations of strategic importance for the economic success of organizations, in times of economic crisis or not. The objective of this article is to analyze the influence that a mathematical model focused on the management of raw material stocks in a microenterprise with seasonal demand. The research method adopted was of an applied nature, with a quantitative approach and with an exploratory and descriptive objective. The technical procedures adopted were the bibliographical survey, documentary analysis and mathematical modeling. The development of mathematical models for solving inventory management problems may allow managers to observe deviations in trading methods, as well as to support rapid decisions for possible unforeseen market or economic variability

    Information-shared postponement strategies in supply chain management

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    Método para seleção de um portfólio de estratégias de postergação em redes logísticas

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis, 2015.Este estudo busca desenvolver um método para seleção de um portfólio de estratégias de postergação para redes logísticas industriais. No atual contexto competitivo, a competição acirrada tem levado ao aumento da variedade de produtos oferecidos aos clientes. Como consequência, fatores como o excesso de inventário e o aumento da incerteza da demanda tem afetado o desempenho da rede logística em termos de sua eficiência e eficácia. Para lidar com esse problema, considerou-se a postergação com base no tempo, que compreende adiar (ou postergar) os processos da rede logística até o último momento no tempo, após o recebimento do pedido do cliente. Inicialmente, o método proposto foi legitimado por um grupo de especialistas e gestores. Em seguida, o método foi testado empiricamente na forma de dois estudos de casos em redes logísticas com características operacionais contrastantes. Para a seleção das estratégias de postergação, foi utilizada uma abordagem integrada, composta de uma análise estática (analítica), seguida de uma análise dinâmica (simulação). Como resultado desse estudo, foram identificados os pontos de penetração de pedidos (OPP) para diferentes cenários em função ao tempo de entrega aceito pelo cliente. As configurações de rede com os melhores desempenhos em: (1) custo total; (2) tempo de entrega; e (3) nível de serviço, identificados na otimização analítica, foram então confirmadas através de um modelo de simulação computacional. Ao final, as configurações da rede confirmadas na etapa de simulação, permitiu a seleção de um portfólio de estratégias de postergação, para diferentes segmentos de produtos-clientes, com propostas de valor específicas para ambas as redes logísticas.Abstract : This study aims to develop a method for selecting a portfolio of postponement strategies for industrial logistics networks. The current competitive environment, fierce competition has led to increased variety of products offered to customers. Consequently, factors such as excess inventory and increased demand uncertainty has affected the logistics network performance in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. To address this problem, it was considered the postponement based on time, comprising postpone (or delay) the logistics network processes until the last moment in time and after receiving the client's request. Initially, the proposed method was legitimized by a group of specialists and managers. Then the method was tested empirically in the form of two case studies in logistics networks with contrasting operational characteristics. For the selection of postponement strategies, an integrated approach composed of a static analysis (analytical), then a dynamic analysis was used (simulation). As a result of this study, applications for order penetration point was identified (OPP) for different scenarios depending on the delivery time accepted by the customer. Network configurations with the best performance of: (1) the total cost; (2) Delivery time; and (3) service level, identified in analytical optimization, were then confirmed through a computer simulation model. In the end, the network settings confirmed in the simulation step, allows the selection of a portfolio of postponement strategies for different product segments customers, with specific value propositions for both logistics networks