3 research outputs found

    Classification Calibration for Long-tail Instance Segmentation

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    Remarkable progress has been made in object instance detection and segmentation in recent years. However, existing state-of-the-art methods are mostly evaluated with fairly balanced and class-limited benchmarks, such as Microsoft COCO dataset [8]. In this report, we investigate the performance drop phenomenon of state-of-the-art two-stage instance segmentation models when processing extreme long-tail training data based on the LVIS [5] dataset, and find a major cause is the inaccurate classification of object proposals. Based on this observation, we propose to calibrate the prediction of classification head to improve recognition performance for the tail classes. Without much additional cost and modification of the detection model architecture, our calibration method improves the performance of the baseline by a large margin on the tail classes. Codes will be available. Importantly, after the submission, we find significant improvement can be further achieved by modifying the calibration head, which we will update later.Comment: This report presents our winning solution to LVIS 2019 challeng

    The Devil is in Classification: A Simple Framework for Long-tail Object Detection and Instance Segmentation

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    Most existing object instance detection and segmentation models only work well on fairly balanced benchmarks where per-category training sample numbers are comparable, such as COCO. They tend to suffer performance drop on realistic datasets that are usually long-tailed. This work aims to study and address such open challenges. Specifically, we systematically investigate performance drop of the state-of-the-art two-stage instance segmentation model Mask R-CNN on the recent long-tail LVIS dataset, and unveil that a major cause is the inaccurate classification of object proposals. Based on such an observation, we first consider various techniques for improving long-tail classification performance which indeed enhance instance segmentation results. We then propose a simple calibration framework to more effectively alleviate classification head bias with a bi-level class balanced sampling approach. Without bells and whistles, it significantly boosts the performance of instance segmentation for tail classes on the recent LVIS dataset and our sampled COCO-LT dataset. Our analysis provides useful insights for solving long-tail instance detection and segmentation problems, and the straightforward \emph{SimCal} method can serve as a simple but strong baseline. With the method we have won the 2019 LVIS challenge. Codes and models are available at https://github.com/twangnh/SimCal.Comment: LVIS 2019 challenge winner, performance significantly improved after challenge submission, accepted at ECCV 202

    Background Splitting: Finding Rare Classes in a Sea of Background

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    We focus on the real-world problem of training accurate deep models for image classification of a small number of rare categories. In these scenarios, almost all images belong to the background category in the dataset (>95% of the dataset is background). We demonstrate that both standard fine-tuning approaches and state-of-the-art approaches for training on imbalanced datasets do not produce accurate deep models in the presence of this extreme imbalance. Our key observation is that the extreme imbalance due to the background category can be drastically reduced by leveraging visual knowledge from an existing pre-trained model. Specifically, the background category is "split" into smaller and more coherent pseudo-categories during training using a pre-trained model. We incorporate background splitting into an image classification model by adding an auxiliary loss that learns to mimic the predictions of the existing, pre-trained image classification model. Note that this process is automatic and requires no additional manual labels. The auxiliary loss regularizes the feature representation of the shared network trunk by requiring it to discriminate between previously homogeneous background instances and reduces overfitting to the small number of rare category positives. We also show that BG splitting can be combined with other background imbalance methods to further improve performance. We evaluate our method on a modified version of the iNaturalist dataset where only a small subset of rare category labels are available during training (all other images are labeled as background). By jointly learning to recognize ImageNet categories and selected iNaturalist categories, our approach yields performance that is 42.3 mAP points higher than a fine-tuning baseline when 99.98% of the data is background, and 8.3 mAP points higher than SotA baselines when 98.30% of the data is background