243 research outputs found

    Categories of lattices, and their global structure in terms of almost split sequences

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    A major part of Iyama’s characterization of Auslander-Reiten quivers of representation-finite orders Λ consists of an induction via rejective subcategories of Λ-lattices, which amounts to a resolution of Λ as an isolated singularity. Despite of its useful applications (proof of Solomon’s second conjecture and the finiteness of representation dimension of any artinian algebra), rejective induction cannot be generalized to higher dimensional Cohen-Macaulay orders Λ. Our previous characterization of finite Auslander-Reiten quivers of Λ in terms of additive functions [22] was proved by means of L-functors, but we still had to rely on rejective induction. In the present article, this dependence will be eliminated

    Factorizations of Elements in Noncommutative Rings: A Survey

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    We survey results on factorizations of non zero-divisors into atoms (irreducible elements) in noncommutative rings. The point of view in this survey is motivated by the commutative theory of non-unique factorizations. Topics covered include unique factorization up to order and similarity, 2-firs, and modular LCM domains, as well as UFRs and UFDs in the sense of Chatters and Jordan and generalizations thereof. We recall arithmetical invariants for the study of non-unique factorizations, and give transfer results for arithmetical invariants in matrix rings, rings of triangular matrices, and classical maximal orders as well as classical hereditary orders in central simple algebras over global fields.Comment: 50 pages, comments welcom

    The Auslander bijections: How morphisms are determined by modules

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    Let A be an artin algebra. In his seminal Philadelphia Notes published in 1978, M. Auslander introduced the concept of morphisms being determined by modules. Auslander was very passionate about these ivestigations (they also form part of the final chapter of the Auslander-Reiten-Smaloe book and could and should be seen as its culmination), but the feedback until now seems to be somewhat meager. The theory presented by Auslander has to be considered as an exciting frame for working with the category of A-modules, incorporating all what is known about irreducible maps (the usual Auslander-Reiten theory), but the frame is much wider and allows for example to take into account families of modules - an important feature of module categories. What Auslander has achieved is a clear description of the poset structure of the category of A-modules as well as a blueprint for interrelating individual modules and families of modules. Auslander has subsumed his considerations under the heading of "morphisms being determined by modules". Unfortunately, the wording in itself seems to be somewhat misleading, and the basic definition may look quite technical and unattractive, at least at first sight. This could be the reason that for over 30 years, Auslander's powerful results did not gain the attention they deserve. The aim of this survey is to outline the general setting for Auslander's ideas and to show the wealth of these ideas by exhibiting many examples