24,233 research outputs found

    Class-based probability estimation using a semantic hierarchy

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    This article concerns the estimation of a particular kind of probability, namely, the probability of a noun sense appearing as a particular argument of a predicate. In order to overcome the accompanying sparse-data problem, the proposal here is to define the probabilities in terms of senses from a semantic hierarchy and exploit the fact that the senses can be grouped into classes consisting of semantically similar senses. There is a particular focus on the problem of how to determine a suitable class for a given sense, or, alternatively, how to determine a suitable level of generalization in the hierarchy. A procedure is developed that uses a chi-square test to determine a suitable level of generalization. In order to test the performance of the estimation method, a pseudo-disambiguation task is used, together with two alternative estimation methods. Each method uses a different generalization procedure; the first alternative uses the minimum description length principle, and the second uses Resnik's measure of selectional preference. In addition, the performance of our method is investigated using both the standard Pearson chi-square statistic and the log-likelihood chi-square statistic

    On Horizontal and Vertical Separation in Hierarchical Text Classification

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    Hierarchy is a common and effective way of organizing data and representing their relationships at different levels of abstraction. However, hierarchical data dependencies cause difficulties in the estimation of "separable" models that can distinguish between the entities in the hierarchy. Extracting separable models of hierarchical entities requires us to take their relative position into account and to consider the different types of dependencies in the hierarchy. In this paper, we present an investigation of the effect of separability in text-based entity classification and argue that in hierarchical classification, a separation property should be established between entities not only in the same layer, but also in different layers. Our main findings are the followings. First, we analyse the importance of separability on the data representation in the task of classification and based on that, we introduce a "Strong Separation Principle" for optimizing expected effectiveness of classifiers decision based on separation property. Second, we present Hierarchical Significant Words Language Models (HSWLM) which capture all, and only, the essential features of hierarchical entities according to their relative position in the hierarchy resulting in horizontally and vertically separable models. Third, we validate our claims on real-world data and demonstrate that how HSWLM improves the accuracy of classification and how it provides transferable models over time. Although discussions in this paper focus on the classification problem, the models are applicable to any information access tasks on data that has, or can be mapped to, a hierarchical structure.Comment: Full paper (10 pages) accepted for publication in proceedings of ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR'16

    Finding Temporally Consistent Occlusion Boundaries in Videos using Geometric Context

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    We present an algorithm for finding temporally consistent occlusion boundaries in videos to support segmentation of dynamic scenes. We learn occlusion boundaries in a pairwise Markov random field (MRF) framework. We first estimate the probability of an spatio-temporal edge being an occlusion boundary by using appearance, flow, and geometric features. Next, we enforce occlusion boundary continuity in a MRF model by learning pairwise occlusion probabilities using a random forest. Then, we temporally smooth boundaries to remove temporal inconsistencies in occlusion boundary estimation. Our proposed framework provides an efficient approach for finding temporally consistent occlusion boundaries in video by utilizing causality, redundancy in videos, and semantic layout of the scene. We have developed a dataset with fully annotated ground-truth occlusion boundaries of over 30 videos ($5000 frames). This dataset is used to evaluate temporal occlusion boundaries and provides a much needed baseline for future studies. We perform experiments to demonstrate the role of scene layout, and temporal information for occlusion reasoning in dynamic scenes.Comment: Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2015 IEEE Winter Conference o

    Occlusion Handling using Semantic Segmentation and Visibility-Based Rendering for Mixed Reality

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    Real-time occlusion handling is a major problem in outdoor mixed reality system because it requires great computational cost mainly due to the complexity of the scene. Using only segmentation, it is difficult to accurately render a virtual object occluded by complex objects such as trees, bushes etc. In this paper, we propose a novel occlusion handling method for real-time, outdoor, and omni-directional mixed reality system using only the information from a monocular image sequence. We first present a semantic segmentation scheme for predicting the amount of visibility for different type of objects in the scene. We also simultaneously calculate a foreground probability map using depth estimation derived from optical flow. Finally, we combine the segmentation result and the probability map to render the computer generated object and the real scene using a visibility-based rendering method. Our results show great improvement in handling occlusions compared to existing blending based methods