66,964 research outputs found

    Conformal-thin-sandwich initial data for a single boosted or spinning black hole puncture

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    Sequences of initial-data sets representing binary black holes in quasi-circular orbits have been used to calculate what may be interpreted as the innermost stable circular orbit. These sequences have been computed with two approaches. One method is based on the traditional conformal-transverse-traceless decomposition and locates quasi-circular orbits from the turning points in an effective potential. The second method uses a conformal-thin-sandwich decomposition and determines quasi-circular orbits by requiring the existence of an approximate helical Killing vector. Although the parameters defining the innermost stable circular orbit obtained from these two methods differ significantly, both approaches yield approximately the same initial data, as the separation of the binary system increases. To help understanding this agreement between data sets, we consider the case of initial data representing a single boosted or spinning black hole puncture of the Bowen-York type and show that the conformal-transverse-traceless and conformal-thin-sandwich methods yield identical data, both satisfying the conditions for the existence of an approximate Killing vector.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Binary Neutron Stars in General Relativity: Quasi-Equilibrium Models

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    We perform fully relativistic calculations of binary neutron stars in quasi-equilibrium circular orbits. We integrate Einstein's equations together with the relativistic equation of hydrostatic equilibrium to solve the initial value problem for equal-mass binaries of arbitrary separation. We construct sequences of constant rest mass and identify the innermost stable circular orbit and its angular velocity. We find that the quasi-equilibrium maximum allowed mass of a neutron star in a close binary is slightly larger than in isolation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTe

    Quasi-circular Orbits for Spinning Binary Black Holes

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    Using an effective potential method we examine binary black holes where the individual holes carry spin. We trace out sequences of quasi-circular orbits and locate the innermost stable circular orbit as a function of spin. At large separations, the sequences of quasi-circular orbits match well with post-Newtonian expansions, although a clear signature of the simplifying assumption of conformal flatness is seen. The position of the ISCO is found to be strongly dependent on the magnitude of the spin on each black hole. At close separations of the holes, the effective potential method breaks down. In all cases where an ISCO could be determined, we found that an apparent horizon encompassing both holes forms for separations well inside the ISCO. Nevertheless, we argue that the formation of a common horizon is still associated with the breakdown of the effective potential method.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, submitted to PR

    Relativistic Models for Binary Neutron Stars with Arbitrary Spins

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    We introduce a new numerical scheme for solving the initial value problem for quasiequilibrium binary neutron stars allowing for arbitrary spins. The coupled Einstein field equations and equations of relativistic hydrodynamics are solved in the Wilson-Mathews conformal thin sandwich formalism. We construct sequences of circular-orbit binaries of varying separation, keeping the rest mass and circulation constant along each sequence. Solutions are presented for configurations obeying an n=1 polytropic equation of state and spinning parallel and antiparallel to the orbital angular momentum. We treat stars with moderate compaction ((m/R) = 0.14) and high compaction ((m/R) = 0.19). For all but the highest circulation sequences, the spins of the neutron stars increase as the binary separation decreases. Our zero-circulation cases approximate irrotational sequences, for which the spin angular frequencies of the stars increases by 13% (11%) of the orbital frequency for (m/R) = 0.14 ((m/R) = 0.19) by the time the innermost circular orbit is reached. In addition to leaving an imprint on the inspiral gravitational waveform, this spin effect is measurable in the electromagnetic signal if one of the stars is a pulsar visible from Earth.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures. A few explanatory sentences added and some typos corrected. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Numerical models of irrotational binary neutron stars in general relativity

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    We report on general relativistic calculations of quasiequilibrium configurations of binary neutron stars in circular orbits with zero vorticity. These configurations are expected to represent realistic situations as opposed to corotating configurations. The Einstein equations are solved under the assumption of a conformally flat spatial 3-metric (Wilson-Mathews approximation). The velocity field inside the stars is computed by solving an elliptical equation for the velocity scalar potential. Results are presented for sequences of constant baryon number (evolutionary sequences). Although the central density decreases much less with the binary separation than in the corotating case, it still decreases. Thus, no tendency is found for the stars to individually collapse to black hole prior to merger.Comment: Minor corrections, improved figure, 5 pages, REVTeX, Phys. Rev. Lett. in pres

    The Innermost Stable Circular Orbit of Binary Black Holes

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    We introduce a new method to construct solutions to the constraint equations of general relativity describing binary black holes in quasicircular orbit. Black hole pairs with arbitrary momenta can be constructed with a simple method recently suggested by Brandt and Bruegmann, and quasicircular orbits can then be found by locating a minimum in the binding energy along sequences of constant horizon area. This approach produces binary black holes in a "three-sheeted" manifold structure, as opposed to the "two-sheeted" structure in the conformal-imaging approach adopted earlier by Cook. We focus on locating the innermost stable circular orbit and compare with earlier calculations. Our results confirm those of Cook and imply that the underlying manifold structure has a very small effect on the location of the innermost stable circular orbit.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, RevTex, submitted to PR

    Various features of quasiequilibrium sequences of binary neutron stars in general relativity

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    Quasiequilibrium sequences of binary neutron stars are numerically calculated in the framework of the Isenberg-Wilson-Mathews (IWM) approximation of general relativity. The results are presented for both rotation states of synchronized spins and irrotational motion, the latter being considered as the realistic one for binary neutron stars just prior to the merger. We assume a polytropic equation of state and compute several evolutionary sequences of binary systems composed of different-mass stars as well as identical-mass stars with adiabatic indices gamma=2.5, 2.25, 2, and 1.8. From our results, we propose as a conjecture that if the turning point of binding energy (and total angular momentum) locating the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) is found in Newtonian gravity for some value of the adiabatic index gamma_0, that of the ADM mass (and total angular momentum) should exist in the IWM approximation of general relativity for the same value of the adiabatic index.Comment: Text improved, some figures changed or deleted, new table, 38 pages, 31 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Binary neutron stars: Equilibrium models beyond spatial conformal flatness

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    Equilibria of binary neutron stars in close circular orbits are computed numerically in a waveless formulation: The full Einstein-relativistic-Euler system is solved on an initial hypersurface to obtain an asymptotically flat form of the 4-metric and an extrinsic curvature whose time derivative vanishes in a comoving frame. Two independent numerical codes are developed, and solution sequences that model inspiraling binary neutron stars during the final several orbits are successfully computed. The binding energy of the system near its final orbit deviates from earlier results of third post-Newtonian and of spatially conformally flat calculations. The new solutions may serve as initial data for merger simulations and as members of quasiequilibrium sequences to generate gravitational wave templates, and may improve estimates of the gravitational-wave cutoff frequency set by the last inspiral orbit.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, revised version, PRL in pres

    General Relativistic Models of Binary Neutron Stars in Quasiequilibrium

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    We perform fully relativistic calculations of binary neutron stars in corotating, circular orbit. While Newtonian gravity allows for a strict equilibrium, a relativistic binary system emits gravitational radiation, causing the system to lose energy and slowly spiral inwards. However, since inspiral occurs on a time scale much longer than the orbital period, we can treat the binary to be in quasiequilibrium. In this approximation, we integrate a subset of the Einstein equations coupled to the relativistic equation of hydrostatic equilibrium to solve the initial value problem for binaries of arbitrary separation. We adopt a polytropic equation of state to determine the structure and maximum mass of neutron stars in close binaries for polytropic indices n=1, 1.5 and 2. We construct sequences of constant rest-mass and locate turning points along energy equilibrium curves to identify the onset of orbital instability. In particular, we locate the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) and its angular velocity. We construct the first contact binary systems in full general relativity. These arise whenever the equation of state is sufficiently soft >= 1.5. A radial stability analysis reveals no tendency for neutron stars in close binaries to collapse to black holes prior to merger.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, RevTe