10 research outputs found

    Scalable Reliable SD Erlang Design

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    This technical report presents the design of Scalable Distributed (SD) Erlang: a set of language-level changes that aims to enable Distributed Erlang to scale for server applications on commodity hardware with at most 100,000 cores. We cover a number of aspects, specifically anticipated architecture, anticipated failures, scalable data structures, and scalable computation. Other two components that guided us in the design of SD Erlang are design principles and typical Erlang applications. The design principles summarise the type of modifications we aim to allow Erlang scalability. Erlang exemplars help us to identify the main Erlang scalability issues and hypothetically validate the SD Erlang design

    Simulation de profils de gravure et de dépôt à l’échelle du motif pour l’étude des procédés de microfabrication utilisant une source plasma de haute densité à basse pression

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    En lien avec l’avancée rapide de la réduction de la taille des motifs en microfabrication, des processus physiques négligeables à plus grande échelle deviennent dominants lorsque cette taille s’approche de l’échelle nanométrique. L’identification et une meilleure compréhension de ces différents processus sont essentielles pour améliorer le contrôle des procédés et poursuivre la «nanométrisation» des composantes électroniques. Un simulateur cellulaire à l’échelle du motif en deux dimensions s’appuyant sur les méthodes Monte-Carlo a été développé pour étudier l’évolution du profil lors de procédés de microfabrication. Le domaine de gravure est discrétisé en cellules carrées représentant la géométrie initiale du système masque-substrat. On insère les particules neutres et ioniques à l’interface du domaine de simulation en prenant compte des fonctions de distribution en énergie et en angle respectives de chacune des espèces. Le transport des particules est effectué jusqu’à la surface en tenant compte des probabilités de réflexion des ions énergétiques sur les parois ou de la réémission des particules neutres. Le modèle d’interaction particule-surface tient compte des différents mécanismes de gravure sèche telle que la pulvérisation, la gravure chimique réactive et la gravure réactive ionique. Le transport des produits de gravure est pris en compte ainsi que le dépôt menant à la croissance d’une couche mince. La validité du simulateur est vérifiée par comparaison entre les profils simulés et les observations expérimentales issues de la gravure par pulvérisation du platine par une source de plasma d’argon.With the reduction of feature dimensions, otherwise negligible processes are becoming dominant in microfabricated profile evolution. Improved understanding of these different processes is essential to improve the control of the microfabrication processes and to further decrease of the feature size. To help attaining such control, a 2D feature scale cellular simulator using Monte-Carlo techniques was developed. The calculation domain is discretized in square cells representing empty space, substrate or mask of the initial system. Neutral and ion species are inserted at simulation interface from their respective angular and energy distributions functions. Particles transport to the feature surface is calculated while taking into account ion reflection on sidewall and neutral reemission. The particles-surface interaction model includes the different etching mechanisms such as sputtering, reactive etching and reactive ion etching. Etch product transport is also taken into account as is their deposition leading to thin film growth. Simulation validity is confirmed by comparison between simulated profiles and experimental observations issued from sputtering of platinum in argon plasma source

    Digital assistance design for analog systems : digital baseband for outphasing power amplifiers

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 145-150).Digital assistance is among many aspects that can be leveraged to help analog/mixed-signal designers keep up with the technology scaling. It usually takes the form of predistorter or compensator in an analog/mixed-signal system and helps compensate the nonidealities in the system. Digital assistance takes advantage of the process scaling with faster speed and a higher level of integration. When a digital system is co-optimized with system modeling techniques, digital assistance usually becomes a key enabling block for the high performance of the overall system. This thesis presents the design of digital assistances through the digital baseband design for outphasing power amplifiers. In the digital baseband design, this thesis conveys two major points: the importance of the use of the reduced-complexity system modeling techniques, and the communications between hardware design and system modeling. These points greatly help the success in the design of the energy-efficient baseband. The first part of the baseband design is to realize the nonlinear signal processing unit required by the modulation scheme. Conventional approaches of implementing this functionality do not scale well to meet the throughput, area and energy-efficiency targets. We propose a novel fixed-point piece-wise linear approximation technique for the nonlinear function computations involved in the signal processing unit. The new technique allows us to achieve an energy and area-efficient design with a throughput of 3.4Gsamples/s. Compared to the projected previous designs, our design shows 2x improvement in energy-efficiency and 25x in area-efficiency. The second part of the baseband design devotes to the nonlinear compensator design, aiming to improve the linearity performance of the outphasing power amplifier. We first explore the feasibility of a working compensator by use of an off-line iterative solving scheme. With the confirmation that a compensator does exist, we analyze the structure of the nonlinear baseband-equivalent PA system and create a dynamical real-time compensator model. The resulting compensator provides the overall PA system with around 10dB improvement in ACPR and up to 2.5% in EVM.by Yan Li.Ph.D

    Clock Generator Circuits for Low-Power Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip

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    In this work concepts and circuits for local clock generation in low-power heterogeneous multiprocessor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs) are researched and developed. The targeted systems feature a globally asynchronous locally synchronous (GALS) clocking architecture and advanced power management functionality, as for example fine-grained ultra-fast dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS). To enable this functionality compact clock generators with low chip area, low power consumption, wide output frequency range and the capability for ultra-fast frequency changes are required. They are to be instantiated individually per core. For this purpose compact all digital phase-locked loop (ADPLL) frequency synthesizers are developed. The bang-bang ADPLL architecture is analyzed using a numerical system model and optimized for low jitter accumulation. A 65nm CMOS ADPLL is implemented, featuring a novel active current bias circuit which compensates the supply voltage and temperature sensitivity of the digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) for reduced digital tuning effort. Additionally, a 28nm ADPLL with a new ultra-fast lock-in scheme based on single-shot phase synchronization is proposed. The core clock is generated by an open-loop method using phase-switching between multi-phase DCO clocks at a fixed frequency. This allows instantaneous core frequency changes for ultra-fast DVFS without re-locking the closed loop ADPLL. The sensitivity of the open-loop clock generator with respect to phase mismatch is analyzed analytically and a compensation technique by cross-coupled inverter buffers is proposed. The clock generators show small area (0.0097mm2 (65nm), 0.00234mm2 (28nm)), low power consumption (2.7mW (65nm), 0.64mW (28nm)) and they provide core clock frequencies from 83MHz to 666MHz which can be changed instantaneously. The jitter performance is compliant to DDR2/DDR3 memory interface specifications. Additionally, high-speed clocks for novel serial on-chip data transceivers are generated. The ADPLL circuits have been verified successfully by 3 testchip implementations. They enable efficient realization of future low-power MPSoCs with advanced power management functionality in deep-submicron CMOS technologies.In dieser Arbeit werden Konzepte und Schaltungen zur lokalen Takterzeugung in heterogenen Multiprozessorsystemen (MPSoCs) mit geringer Verlustleistung erforscht und entwickelt. Diese Systeme besitzen eine global-asynchrone lokal-synchrone Architektur sowie Funktionalität zum Power Management, wie z.B. das feingranulare, schnelle Skalieren von Spannung und Taktfrequenz (DVFS). Um diese Funktionalität zu realisieren werden kompakte Taktgeneratoren benötigt, welche eine kleine Chipfläche einnehmen, wenig Verlustleitung aufnehmen, einen weiten Bereich an Ausgangsfrequenzen erzeugen und diese sehr schnell ändern können. Sie sollen individuell pro Prozessorkern integriert werden. Dazu werden kompakte volldigitale Phasenregelkreise (ADPLLs) entwickelt, wobei eine bang-bang ADPLL Architektur numerisch modelliert und für kleine Jitterakkumulation optimiert wird. Es wird eine 65nm CMOS ADPLL implementiert, welche eine neuartige Kompensationsschlatung für den digital gesteuerten Oszillator (DCO) zur Verringerung der Sensitivität bezüglich Versorgungsspannung und Temperatur beinhaltet. Zusätzlich wird eine 28nm CMOS ADPLL mit einer neuen Technik zum schnellen Einschwingen unter Nutzung eines Phasensynchronisierers realisiert. Der Prozessortakt wird durch ein neuartiges Phasenmultiplex- und Frequenzteilerverfahren erzeugt, welches es ermöglicht die Taktfrequenz sofort zu ändern um schnelles DVFS zu realisieren. Die Sensitivität dieses Frequenzgenerators bezüglich Phasen-Mismatch wird theoretisch analysiert und durch Verwendung von kreuzgekoppelten Taktverstärkern kompensiert. Die hier entwickelten Taktgeneratoren haben eine kleine Chipfläche (0.0097mm2 (65nm), 0.00234mm2 (28nm)) und Leistungsaufnahme (2.7mW (65nm), 0.64mW (28nm)). Sie stellen Frequenzen von 83MHz bis 666MHz bereit, welche sofort geändert werden können. Die Schaltungen erfüllen die Jitterspezifikationen von DDR2/DDR3 Speicherinterfaces. Zusätzliche können schnelle Takte für neuartige serielle on-Chip Verbindungen erzeugt werden. Die ADPLL Schaltungen wurden erfolgreich in 3 Testchips erprobt. Sie ermöglichen die effiziente Realisierung von zukünftigen MPSoCs mit Power Management in modernsten CMOS Technologien