9 research outputs found

    Understanding the Roles of IS Leadership

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    Business Intelligence

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    Business Intelligence

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    Business intelligence systems combine operational data with analytical tools to present complex and competitive information to planners and decision makers. The objective is to improve the timeliness and quality of inputs to the decision process. Business Intelligence is used to understand the capabilities available in the firm; the state of the art, trends, and future directions in the markets, the technologies, and the regulatory environment in which the firm competes; and the actions of competitors and the implications of these actions. The emergence of the data warehouse as a repository, advances in data cleansing, increased capabilities of hardware and software, and the emergence of the web architecture all combine to create a richer business intelligence environment than was available previously. Although business intelligence systems are widely used in industry, research about them is limited. This paper, in addition to being a tutorial, proposes a BI framework and potential research topics. The framework highlights the importance of unstructured data and discusses the need to develop BI tools for its acquisition, integration, cleanup, search, analysis, and delivery. In addition, this paper explores a matrix for BI data types (structured vs. unstructured) and data sources (internal and external) to guide research

    Organizational ambidexterity: using project portfolio management to support project-level ambidexterity

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    The aim of this study is to assess the ability of project portfolio management practices to support the pursuit of ambidexterity at the project level through engagement with specific dimensions and mechanisms. The focus is on examining the operating/business model and challenges that are imposed on the firms, but deemed resolvable through the simultaneous pursuit of multiple projects emphasizing contradictory strategic goals. Data are obtained from multiple exploratory interviews of senior executives involved in project-level activities who were drawn from 12 case organizations in the Middle East. The study finds evidence of four forms of ambidexterity dimensions and mechanisms. Analysis undertaken against operating/business model and challenges of these dimensions and mechanisms of ambidexterity suggests that they are not only inter-related, but do so at various organizational levels

    A Importância da Inteligência Competitiva no Desenvolvimento de Produtos de Higiene Pessoal e Cosméticos

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Farmácia.Com o avanço da tecnologia e a globalização, é possível verificar o crescimento da concorrência e a sedenta necessidade de as empresas buscarem uma vantagem competitiva, melhorando a sua posição relativa de mercado e apresentando o diferencial da sua oferta frente aos seus concorrentes por meio de estratégias de marketing, sendo a inteligência competitiva uma ferramenta que proporciona a tomada de decisão empresarial mais assertiva. Devido à necessidade de rápido desenvolvimento de produtos no setor de higiene pessoal, perfumaria e cosméticos, a utilização da IC com o objetivo de fornecer informações preciosas, minimizando os riscos e incertezas, garantindo a agilidade no lançamento, antecipação das tendências e a rápida tomada de decisões frente aos concorrentes se faz muito importante no setor. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar os conceitos de Inteligência de Negócios (Business Intelligence), Inteligência Competitiva (Competitive Intelligence) e Marketing Estratégico (Strategic Marketing), identificando ferramentas oferecidas no mercado, e como objetivos específicos elencar suas principais funções e aplicações no processo de desenvolvimento de novos produtos, por meio de uma revisão de literatura. Os resultados mostraram que um setor de Inteligência dentro de uma indústria de bens de consumo, proporciona oportunidades de negócios diferenciadas, gerando uma rápida ação e sobrevivência frente ao cenário de competição, por meio do desenvolvimento de produtos inovadores e tomada de decisão com base em dados.With the progress of technology and globalization, it is possible to check the growth of competition and the necessity for companies to seek a competitive advantage, improving their relative market position and presenting the differential of their offer in front of their competitor through marketing strategies, with competitive intelligence being a tool that provides more assertive business decision making. Due to the need for fast product development in the beauty and personal care industry, the use of CI to provide precious information, minimizing risks and uncertainties, guaranteeing agility in the launch, the anticipation of trends, and fast decision making in relation to competitors is essential in this industry. The objective of this work is to evaluate the concepts of Business Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence and Strategic Marketing, identifying tools offered in the market, and as specific goals to list their main functions and applications in the development process of new products using a literature review. The results showed that an Intelligence department within a consumer goods industry provides differentiated business opportunities, generating quick action and survival in the competitive scenario through developing innovative products and data-driven decision-making

    Enhancing the Knowledge-Sharing Culture in Managing Competitive Intelligence in Latvian Enterprises

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    Nowadays, organisations work in a very dynamic environment; in the economic context of the 21st century, rapid development of information occurs, and knowledge becomes an essential issue. Consequently, in order to ensure a competitive advantage, organisations should be capable of improving their internal processes in order to accumulate and analyse the necessary information, and make managerial decisions.However, formal activities do not encourage knowledge sharing within the organisation, which has been demonstrated in various ways in a number of prior studies.Thus, the main objective of this dissertation is to identify the organisation's factors that affect the creation and sharing of knowledge within organisations as well as within the process of competitive intelligence. An important aspect is the attitudes of supervisors and subordinates toward operational activities a) within a group as well as b) interaction with other groups within an organisation. It is necessary to reduce the difference of opinions by 1) improving communication and 2) related management processes in order for the organisation to have higher probabilities of competitive success.This dissertation explores the values of an organisational culture and the factors affecting implementation of knowledge sharing in enterprises, accounting for the scale of values and the social value system of both employees and supervisors in the organisation. Values and corresponding behaviour should be reflected in any aspect of group structures, systems and processes.A mixed research design was used, in order to leverage data gathered by and analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative research. The results showed that the knowledge-sharing culture in managing competitive Intelligence in Latvian enterprises is affected by several factors. Employees are willing to share knowledge with people whom they trust. However, the findings revealed contradictions in the views of employees and supervisors regarding the role of organisational trust with regard to knowledge sharing. In order to effectively develop the CI process, it is important to identify the desired distribution of cultural values. Leaders in the enterprise should be aware of which values of organisational relationships will contribute to the smooth progress of CI

    Assessing Some Models For City E-government Implementation: A Case Study

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    The concept of the 'Smart City' calls for the use of information technology to improve administrative decision making, provide services to the citizenry and support other city government organisational changes necessary for better performance. Towards implementing the Smart City concept, the literature on city e-government proposes five models aiming to guide the implementation process. This paper describes a case study on e-government implementation and derived knowledge to assess the usefulness of the proposed implementation models. The results confirm the benefits and limitations of such models and propose a success factor approach representing a major paradigm shift to study and assist e-government implementation. This new approach is expected to produce results more helpful to city administrators attempting to use information technology to improve city government. 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