15 research outputs found

    A Comparative Analysis of Opinion Mining and Sentiment Classification in Non-english Languages

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    In the past decade many opinion mining and sentiment classification studies have been carried out for opinions in English. However, the amount of work done for non-English text opinions is very limited.In this review, we investigate opinion mining and sentiment classification studies in three non-English languages to find the classification methods and the efficiency of each algorithm used in these methods. It is found that most of the research conducted for non-English has followed the methods used in the English language with onlylimited usage of language specific properties, such as morphological variations. The application domains seem to be restricted to particular fields and significantly less research has been conducted in cross domains. Keywords—Natural Language processing, Text mining, Machine Learning

    Visualising Arabic sentiments and association rules in financial text

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    Text mining methods involve various techniques, such as text categorization, summarisation, information retrieval, document clustering, topic detection, and concept extraction. In addition, because of the difficulties involved in text mining, visualisation techniques can play a paramount role in the analysis and pre-processing of textual data. This paper will present two novel frameworks for the classification and extraction of the association rules and the visualisation of financial Arabic text in order to realize both the general structure and the sentiment within an accumulated corpus. However, mining unstructured data with natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques can be arduous, especially where the Arabic language is concerned, because of limited research in this area. The results show that our frameworks can readily classify Arabic tweets. Furthermore, they can handle many antecedent text association rules for the positive class and the negative class

    Fuzzy Sugeno Method for Opinion Classification Regarding Policy of PPKM and Covid-19 Vaccination

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    The Indonesian government has implemented various interventions to overcome the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, including those written in Minister of Home Affairs Instructions on PPKM (Community Activities Restrictions Enforcement) and Covid-19 vaccination policies. This policy are not at least reaping the pros and cons, so it is necessary to monitor public opinion to be able to provide solutions or become an evaluation of future policies. The aim of this study is to determine the polarity of public opinion regarding PPKM and Covid-19 vaccinations policies on Twitter, as well as to determine the implementation of FIS Sugeno in classifying textual data. There are several stages carried out, i.e. data collection, data pre-processing, data labeling, data weighting, identification of membership functions, determination of fuzzy sets, formation of a classification system, and evaluation of classification results. In this study, the performance of FIS Sugeno in classifying tweets was quite good with an average accuracy of 89.13%. Meanwhile, public opinion regarding the PPKM and Covid-19 vaccination policies tends to be balanced with 36.92% of tweets classified as a positive sentiments, 22.85% being negative sentiments, and another 40.23% belonging to neutral sentiments

    COVID-19 Vaccination and PPKM Policy with the Implementation of the Fuzzy Sugeno Method to Income Classification

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of Fuzzy Sugeno in classifying textual data obtained from Twitter so as to determine the polarity of public opinion regarding PPKM policies and Covid-19 vaccinations. This study uses primary data via Twitter related to COVID-19 vaccination and PPKM policies in Indonesia starting from February 9, 2021 to January 17, 2022. There are several stages carried out, namely data collection, data pre-processing, data labeling, data weighting. , identification of membership functions, determination of fuzzy sets, formation of classification systems, and evaluation of classification results. The results of this study explain that Fuzzy Sugeno's performance in classifying tweets is quite good with an average accuracy of 89.13%. Meanwhile, public opinion regarding PPKM policies and Covid-19 vaccinations tends to be balanced with 36.92% of tweets classified as positive sentiments, 22.85% negative sentiments, and another 40.23% classified as neutral sentiments. In addition, the fuzzy set that is formed based on the data observation method is very well done because it is able to adjust the frequency of the data in each category. This really helps improve the performance of the built classification system.

    Sentiment analysis of Arabic tweets in e-learning

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    In this study, we present the design and implementation of Arabic text classification in regard to university students' opinions through different algorithms such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naive Bayes (NB). The aim of the study is to develop a framework to analyse Twitter "tweets" as having negative, positive or neutral sentiments in education or, in other words, to illustrate the relationship between the sentiments conveyed in Arabic tweets and the students' learning experiences at universities. Two experiments were carried out, one using negative and positive classes only and the other one with a neutral class. The results show that in Arabic, a sentiments SVM with an n-gram feature achieved higher accuracy than NB both with using negative and positive classes only and with the neutral class

    Fine-Grained Emotion Analysis Based on Mixed Model for Product Review

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    Nowadays, with the rapid development of B2C e-commerce and the popularity of online shopping, the Web storages huge number of product reviews comment by customers. A large number of reviews made it difficult for manufacturers or potential customers to track the comments and suggestions that customers made. This paper presents a method for extracting emotional elements containing emotional objects and emotional words and their tendencies from product reviews based on mixed model. First we constructed conditional random fields to extract emotional elements, lead-in semantic and word meaning as features to improve the robustness of feature template and used rules for hierarchical filtering errors. Then we constructed support vector machine to classify the emotional tendency of the fine-grained elements to achieve key information from product reviews. Deep semantic information imported based on neural network to improve the traditional bag of word model. Experimental results show that the proposed model with deep features efficiently improved the F-Measure

    Tuning of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) via Customer Experience Management (CEM) using sentiment analysis on aspects level

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    This study proposes a framework that combines a supervised machine learning and a semantic orientation approach to tune Customer Relationship Management (CRM) via Customer Experience Management (CEM). The framework extracts data from social media first and then integrates CRM and CEM by tuning and optimising CRM to reflect the needs and expectations of users on social media. In other words, in order to reduce the gap between the users' predicted opinions in CRM and their opinions on social media, the existing data from CEM will be applied to determine the similar behavioural patterns of customers towards similar outcomes within CRM. CRM data and extracted data from social media will be consolidated by the unsupervised data mining method (association). The framework will lead to a quantitative approach to uncover relationships between the extracted data from social media and the CRM data. The results show that changing some aspects of the e-learning criteria that were required by students in their social media posts can help to enhance the classification accuracy in the learning management system (LMS) data and to understand more students' studying statuses. Furthermore, the results show matching between students' opinions in CRM and CEM, especially in the negative and neutral classes

    Main Concepts, State of the Art and Future Research Questions in Sentiment Analysis.

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    This article has multiple objectives. First of all, the fundamental concepts and challenges of the research field known as Sentiment Analysis (SA) are presented. Secondly, a summary of a chronological account of the research performed in SA is provided as well as some bibliometric indicators that shed some light on the most frequently used techniques for addressing the central aspects of SA. The geographical locations of where the research took place are also given. In closing, it is argued that there is no hard evidence that fuzzy sets or hybrid approaches encompassing unsupervised learning, fuzzy sets and a solid psychological background of emotions could not be at least as effective as supervised learning techniques