3 research outputs found

    Named entity recognition for Hungarian using various machine learning algorithms

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    In this paper we introduce a statistical Named Entity recognizer (NER) system for the Hungarian language. We examined three methods for identifying and disambiguating proper nouns (Artificial Neural Network, Support Vector Machine, C4.5 Decision Tree), their combinations and the effects of dimensionality reduction as well. We used a segment of Szeged Corpus [5] for training and validation purposes, which consists of short business news articles collected from MTI (Hungarian News Agency, www.mti.hu). Our results were presented at the Second Conference on Hungarian Computational Linguistics [7]. Our system makes use of both language dependent features (describing the orthography of proper nouns in Hungarian) and other, language independent information such as capitalization. Since we avoided the inclusion of large gazetteers of pre-classified entities, the system remains portable across languages without requiring any major modification, as long as the few specialized orthographical and syntactic characteristics are collected for a new target language. The best performing model achieved an F measure accuracy of 91.95%

    Semantic Similarity of Texts

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou určování sémantické podobnosti textů se zaměřením na škálovatelnost. Součástí zpracování je teoretický přehled nástrojů pro implementaci systému na testovaných datech. Testovaný korpus obsahuje odborné články v anglickém jazyce. Cílem práce je tyto články analyzovat, modifikovat pro snadnější analýzu jejich sémantické obdoby. Jedním z nejdůležitějších využitých nástrojů je reprezentace dat ve vektorovém prostoru. This paper deals with the determination of semantic similarity texts, focusing on scalability. Part of treatment is a theoretical overview of the tools to implement the system on test data. Tested corpus contains expert articles in the English language. The aim is to analyze these articles, modified to facilitate the analysis of their semantic analogues. One of the most utilized tools is a representation of data in a vector space model.

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 17. Number 3.

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