24 research outputs found

    Heat equation on the hypergraph containing vertices with given data

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    This paper is concerned with the Cauchy problem of a multivalued ordinary differential equation governed by the hypergraph Laplacian, which describes the diffusion of ``heat'' or ``particles'' on the vertices of hypergraph. We consider the case where the heat on several vertices are manipulated internally by the observer, namely, are fixed by some given functions. This situation can be reduced to a nonlinear evolution equation associated with a time-dependent subdifferential operator, whose solvability has been investigated in numerous previous researches. In this paper, however, we give an alternative proof of the solvability in order to avoid some complicated calculations arising from the chain rule for the time-dependent subdifferential. As for results which cannot be assured by the known abstract theory, we also discuss the continuous dependence of solution on the given data and the time-global behavior of solution.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Hypergraphs with Edge-Dependent Vertex Weights: p-Laplacians and Spectral Clustering

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    We study p-Laplacians and spectral clustering for a recently proposed hypergraph model that incorporates edge-dependent vertex weights (EDVW). These weights can reflect different importance of vertices within a hyperedge, thus conferring the hypergraph model higher expressivity and flexibility. By constructing submodular EDVW-based splitting functions, we convert hypergraphs with EDVW into submodular hypergraphs for which the spectral theory is better developed. In this way, existing concepts and theorems such as p-Laplacians and Cheeger inequalities proposed under the submodular hypergraph setting can be directly extended to hypergraphs with EDVW. For submodular hypergraphs with EDVW-based splitting functions, we propose an efficient algorithm to compute the eigenvector associated with the second smallest eigenvalue of the hypergraph 1-Laplacian. We then utilize this eigenvector to cluster the vertices, achieving higher clustering accuracy than traditional spectral clustering based on the 2-Laplacian. More broadly, the proposed algorithm works for all submodular hypergraphs that are graph reducible. Numerical experiments using real-world data demonstrate the effectiveness of combining spectral clustering based on the 1-Laplacian and EDVW

    Sparse Cuts in Hypergraphs from Random Walks on Simplicial Complexes

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    There are a lot of recent works on generalizing the spectral theory of graphs and graph partitioning to hypergraphs. There have been two broad directions toward this goal. One generalizes the notion of graph conductance to hypergraph conductance [LM16, CLTZ18]. In the second approach one can view a hypergraph as a simplicial complex and study its various topological properties [LM06, MW09, DKW16, PR17] and spectral properties [KM17, DK17, KO18a, KO18b, Opp20]. In this work, we attempt to bridge these two directions of study by relating the spectrum of up-down walks and swap-walks on the simplicial complex to hypergraph expansion. In surprising contrast to random-walks on graphs, we show that the spectral gap of swap-walks can not be used to infer any bounds on hypergraph conductance. For the up-down walks, we show that spectral gap of walks between levels m,lm, l satisfying 1<m<l1 < m < l can not be used to bound hypergraph expansion. We give a Cheeger-like inequality relating the spectral of walks between level 1 and ll to hypergraph expansion. Finally, we also give a construction to show that the well-studied notion of link expansion in simplicial complexes can not be used to bound hypergraph expansion in a Cheeger like manner.Comment: 25 page

    Hypergraph Clustering Based on PageRank

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    A hypergraph is a useful combinatorial object to model ternary or higher-order relations among entities. Clustering hypergraphs is a fundamental task in network analysis. In this study, we develop two clustering algorithms based on personalized PageRank on hypergraphs. The first one is local in the sense that its goal is to find a tightly connected vertex set with a bounded volume including a specified vertex. The second one is global in the sense that its goal is to find a tightly connected vertex set. For both algorithms, we discuss theoretical guarantees on the conductance of the output vertex set. Also, we experimentally demonstrate that our clustering algorithms outperform existing methods in terms of both the solution quality and running time. To the best of our knowledge, ours are the first practical algorithms for hypergraphs with theoretical guarantees on the conductance of the output set.Comment: KDD 202

    Nearly Tight Spectral Sparsification of Directed Hypergraphs

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    Equivariant Hypergraph Diffusion Neural Operators

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    Hypergraph neural networks (HNNs) using neural networks to encode hypergraphs provide a promising way to model higher-order relations in data and further solve relevant prediction tasks built upon such higher-order relations. However, higher-order relations in practice contain complex patterns and are often highly irregular. So, it is often challenging to design an HNN that suffices to express those relations while keeping computational efficiency. Inspired by hypergraph diffusion algorithms, this work proposes a new HNN architecture named ED-HNN, which provably represents any continuous equivariant hypergraph diffusion operators that can model a wide range of higher-order relations. ED-HNN can be implemented efficiently by combining star expansions of hypergraphs with standard message passing neural networks. ED-HNN further shows great superiority in processing heterophilic hypergraphs and constructing deep models. We evaluate ED-HNN for node classification on nine real-world hypergraph datasets. ED-HNN uniformly outperforms the best baselines over these nine datasets and achieves more than 2\%↑\uparrow in prediction accuracy over four datasets therein.Comment: Code: https://github.com/Graph-COM/ED-HN