221 research outputs found

    Positive contraction mappings for classical and quantum Schrodinger systems

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    The classical Schrodinger bridge seeks the most likely probability law for a diffusion process, in path space, that matches marginals at two end points in time; the likelihood is quantified by the relative entropy between the sought law and a prior, and the law dictates a controlled path that abides by the specified marginals. Schrodinger proved that the optimal steering of the density between the two end points is effected by a multiplicative functional transformation of the prior; this transformation represents an automorphism on the space of probability measures and has since been studied by Fortet, Beurling and others. A similar question can be raised for processes evolving in a discrete time and space as well as for processes defined over non-commutative probability spaces. The present paper builds on earlier work by Pavon and Ticozzi and begins with the problem of steering a Markov chain between given marginals. Our approach is based on the Hilbert metric and leads to an alternative proof which, however, is constructive. More specifically, we show that the solution to the Schrodinger bridge is provided by the fixed point of a contractive map. We approach in a similar manner the steering of a quantum system across a quantum channel. We are able to establish existence of quantum transitions that are multiplicative functional transformations of a given Kraus map, but only for the case of uniform marginals. As in the Markov chain case, and for uniform density matrices, the solution of the quantum bridge can be constructed from the fixed point of a certain contractive map. For arbitrary marginal densities, extensive numerical simulations indicate that iteration of a similar map leads to fixed points from which we can construct a quantum bridge. For this general case, however, a proof of convergence remains elusive.Comment: 27 page

    A complete family of separability criteria

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    We introduce a new family of separability criteria that are based on the existence of extensions of a bipartite quantum state ρ\rho to a larger number of parties satisfying certain symmetry properties. It can be easily shown that all separable states have the required extensions, so the non-existence of such an extension for a particular state implies that the state is entangled. One of the main advantages of this approach is that searching for the extension can be cast as a convex optimization problem known as a semidefinite program (SDP). Whenever an extension does not exist, the dual optimization constructs an explicit entanglement witness for the particular state. These separability tests can be ordered in a hierarchical structure whose first step corresponds to the well-known Positive Partial Transpose (Peres-Horodecki) criterion, and each test in the hierarchy is at least as powerful as the preceding one. This hierarchy is complete, in the sense that any entangled state is guaranteed to fail a test at some finite point in the hierarchy, thus showing it is entangled. The entanglement witnesses corresponding to each step of the hierarchy have well-defined and very interesting algebraic properties that in turn allow for a characterization of the interior of the set of positive maps. Coupled with some recent results on the computational complexity of the separability problem, which has been shown to be NP-hard, this hierarchy of tests gives a complete and also computationally and theoretically appealing characterization of mixed bipartite entangled states.Comment: 21 pages. Expanded introduction. References added, typos corrected. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Matrix Product Density Operators: when do they have a local parent Hamiltonian?

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    We study whether one can write a Matrix Product Density Operator (MPDO) as the Gibbs state of a quasi-local parent Hamiltonian. We conjecture this is the case for generic MPDO and give supporting evidences. To investigate the locality of the parent Hamiltonian, we take the approach of checking whether the quantum conditional mutual information decays exponentially. The MPDO we consider are constructed from a chain of 1-input/2-output (`Y-shaped') completely-positive maps, i.e. the MPDO have a local purification. We derive an upper bound on the conditional mutual information for bistochastic channels and strictly positive channels, and show that it decays exponentially if the correctable algebra of the channel is trivial. We also introduce a conjecture on a quantum data processing inequality that implies the exponential decay of the conditional mutual information for every Y-shaped channel with trivial correctable algebra. We additionally investigate a close but nonequivalent cousin: MPDO measured in a local basis. We provide sufficient conditions for the exponential decay of the conditional mutual information of the measured states, and numerically confirmed they are generically true for certain random MPDO.Comment: Added Github code for Propostion III.6; added few names in acknowledgement after discussion with them about DPI for CM

    Strict Positivity and DD-Majorization

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    Motivated by quantum thermodynamics we first investigate the notion of strict positivity, that is, linear maps which map positive definite states to something positive definite again. We show that strict positivity is decided by the action on any full-rank state, and that the image of non-strictly positive maps lives inside a lower-dimensional subalgebra. This implies that the distance of such maps to the identity channel is lower bounded by one. The notion of strict positivity comes in handy when generalizing the majorization ordering on real vectors with respect to a positive vector dd to majorization on square matrices with respect to a positive definite matrix DD. For the two-dimensional case we give a characterization of this ordering via finitely many trace norm inequalities and, moreover, investigate some of its order properties. In particular it admits a unique minimal and a maximal element. The latter is unique as well if and only if minimal eigenvalue of DD has multiplicity one.Comment: Supersedes arXiv:2003.0416

    Quantum entanglement

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    All our former experience with application of quantum theory seems to say: {\it what is predicted by quantum formalism must occur in laboratory}. But the essence of quantum formalism - entanglement, recognized by Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen and Schr\"odinger - waited over 70 years to enter to laboratories as a new resource as real as energy. This holistic property of compound quantum systems, which involves nonclassical correlations between subsystems, is a potential for many quantum processes, including ``canonical'' ones: quantum cryptography, quantum teleportation and dense coding. However, it appeared that this new resource is very complex and difficult to detect. Being usually fragile to environment, it is robust against conceptual and mathematical tools, the task of which is to decipher its rich structure. This article reviews basic aspects of entanglement including its characterization, detection, distillation and quantifying. In particular, the authors discuss various manifestations of entanglement via Bell inequalities, entropic inequalities, entanglement witnesses, quantum cryptography and point out some interrelations. They also discuss a basic role of entanglement in quantum communication within distant labs paradigm and stress some peculiarities such as irreversibility of entanglement manipulations including its extremal form - bound entanglement phenomenon. A basic role of entanglement witnesses in detection of entanglement is emphasized.Comment: 110 pages, 3 figures, ReVTex4, Improved (slightly extended) presentation, updated references, minor changes, submitted to Rev. Mod. Phys

    The Principle of Locality. Effectiveness, fate and challenges

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    The Special Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics merge in the key principle of Quantum Field Theory, the Principle of Locality. We review some examples of its ``unreasonable effectiveness'' (which shows up best in the formulation of Quantum Field Theory in terms of operator algebras of local observables) in digging out the roots of Global Gauge Invariance in the structure of the local observable quantities alone, at least for purely massive theories; but to deal with the Principle of Local Gauge Invariance is still a problem in this frame. This problem emerges also if one attempts to figure out the fate of the Principle of Locality in theories describing the gravitational forces between elementary particles as well. Spacetime should then acquire a quantum structure at the Planck scale, and the Principle of Locality is lost. It is a crucial open problem to unravel a replacement in such theories which is equally mathematically sharp and reduces to the Principle of Locality at larger scales. Besides exploring its fate, many challenges for the Principle of Locality remain; among them, the analysis of Superselection Structure and Statistics also in presence of massless particles, and to give a precise mathematical formulation to the Measurement Process in local and relativistic terms; for which we outline a qualitative scenario which avoids the EPR Paradox.Comment: 36 pages. Survey partially based on a talk delivered at the Meeting "Algebraic Quantum Field Theory: 50 years", Goettingen, July 29-31, 2009, in honor of Detlev Buchholz. Submitted to Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Linear maps as sufficient criteria for entanglement depth and compatibility in many-body systems

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    Physical transformations are described by linear maps that are completely positive and trace preserving (CPTP). However, maps that are positive (P) but not completely positive (CP) are instrumental to derive separability/entanglement criteria. Moreover, the properties of such maps can be linked to entanglement properties of the states they detect. Here, we extend the results presented in [Phys. Rev A 93, 042335 (2016)], where sufficient separability criteria for bipartite systems were derived. In particular, we analyze the entanglement depth of an NN-qubit system by proposing linear maps that, when applied to any state, result in a bi-separable state for the 1:(N−1)1:(N-1) partitions, i.e., (N−1)(N-1)-entanglement depth. Furthermore, we derive criteria to detect arbitrary (N−n)(N-n)-entanglement depth tailored to states in close vicinity of the completely depolarized state (the normalized identity matrix). We also provide separability (or 11- entanglement depth) conditions in the symmetric sector, including for diagonal states. Finally, we suggest how similar map techniques can be used to derive sufficient conditions for a set of expectation values to be compatible with separable states or local-hidden-variable theories. We dedicate this paper to the memory of the late Andrzej Kossakowski, our spiritual and intellectual mentor in the field of linear maps.Comment: 11 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1512.0827
