14 research outputs found

    The Nature of Retrograde Analysis for Chinese Chess

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    Retrograde analysis has been successfully applied to solve Awari and construct 6-piece Western chess endgame databases. However, its application to Chinese chess is limited because of the special rules about indefinite move sequences. Problems caused by the most influential rule, checking indefinitely were successfully solved in practical cases, with 5050 selected endgame databases constructed in accord with this rule, where the 60-move-rule was ignored. Other special rules have much less impact on contaminating the databases, as verified by the rule-tolerant algorithms. For constructing complete endgame databases, we need rigorous algorithms. There are two rule sets in Chinese chess: Asian rule set and Chinese rule set. In this paper, an algorithm is successfully developed to construct endgame databases in accord with the Asian rule set. The graph-theoretical properties are also explored as well

    A Survey of Monte Carlo Tree Search Methods

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    Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) is a recently proposed search method that combines the precision of tree search with the generality of random sampling. It has received considerable interest due to its spectacular success in the difficult problem of computer Go, but has also proved beneficial in a range of other domains. This paper is a survey of the literature to date, intended to provide a snapshot of the state of the art after the first five years of MCTS research. We outline the core algorithm's derivation, impart some structure on the many variations and enhancements that have been proposed, and summarize the results from the key game and nongame domains to which MCTS methods have been applied. A number of open research questions indicate that the field is ripe for future work

    The Exchange: A Novel

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    The Exchange is a fiction novel Xavier Savvy Kowalski, one of the most promising American chess prodigies and rumored up-and-comer for the international fame as a potential challenger for the world chess crown. After he loses the junior world chess championship in Venice, Italy, he retires to Las Vegas, Nevada, where he hopes to start his life over. Savvy\u27s father and the chess world at large conspire against him and he finds himself returning to competitive chess again after three years away. He assembles a new team to train him for a return to the world championship, and he also falls in love with a young prodigy he met during his retirement. Together they travel the United States and Europe as Savvy attempts to win back his reputation as America\u27s premier chess player while encountering various rivals, including his own father. The story culminates with Savvy\u27s final championship game, and with his dad

    Artificial intelligence: a light approach

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    Heuristics, Concepts, and Cognitive Architecture: Toward Understanding How The Mind Works

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    Heuristics are often invoked in the philosophical, psychological, and cognitive science literatures to describe or explain methodological techniques or shortcut mental operations that help in inference, decision-making, and problem-solving. Yet there has been surprisingly little philosophical work done on the nature of heuristics and heuristic reasoning, and a close inspection of the way(s) in which heuristic is used throughout the literature reveals a vagueness and uncertainty with respect to what heuristics are and their role in cognition. This dissertation seeks to remedy this situation by motivating philosophical inquiry into heuristics and heuristic reasoning, and then advancing a theory of how heuristics operate in cognition. I develop a positive working characterization of heuristics that is coherent and robust enough to account for a broad range of phenomena in reasoning and inference, and makes sense of empirical data in a systematic way. I then illustrate the work this characterization does by considering the sorts of problems that many philosophers believe heuristics solve, namely those resulting from the so-called frame problem. Considering the frame problem motivates the need to gain a better understanding of how heuristics work and the cognitive structures over which they operate. I develop a general theory of cognition which I argue underwrites the heuristic operations that concern this dissertation. I argue that heuristics operate over highly organized systems of knowledge, and I offer a cognitive architecture to accommodate this view. I then provide an account of the systems of knowledge that heuristics are supposed to operate over, in which I suggest that such systems of knowledge are concepts. The upshot, then, is that heuristics operate over concepts. I argue, however, that heuristics do not operate over conceptual content, but over metainformational relations between activated and primed concepts and their contents. Finally, to show that my thesis is empirically adequate, I consider empirical evidence on heuristic reasoning and argue that my account of heuristics explains the data

    Recognising and responding to English article usage errors : an ICALL based approach

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    Obiter Dicta

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    "Stitched together over five years of journaling, Obiter Dicta is a commonplace book of freewheeling explorations representing the transcription of a dozen notebooks, since painstakingly reimagined for publication. Organized after Theodor Adorno’s Minima Moralia, this unschooled exercise in aesthetic thought—gleefully dilettantish, oftentimes dangerously close to the epigrammatic—interrogates an array of subject matter (although inescapably circling back to the curiously resemblant histories of Western visual art and instrumental music) through the lens of drive-by speculation. Erick Verran’s approach to philosophical inquiry follows the brute-force literary technique of Jacques Derrida to exhaustively favor the material grammar of a signifier over hand-me-down meaning, juxtaposing outer semblances with their buried systems and our etched-in-stone intuitions about color and illusion, shape and value, with lessons stolen from seemingly unrelatable disciplines. Interlarded with extracts of Ludwig Wittgenstein but also Wallace Stevens, Cormac McCarthy as well as Roland Barthes, this cache of incidental remarks eschews what’s granular for the biggest picture available, leaving below the hyper-specialized fields of academia for a bird’s-eye view of their crop circles. Obiter Dicta is an unapologetic experiment in intellectual dot-connecting that challenges much long-standing wisdom about everything from illuminated manuscripts to Minecraft and the evolution of European music with lyrical brevity; that is, before jumping to the next topic.

    Automatic creation of boundary-representation models from single line drawings

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    This thesis presents methods for the automatic creation of boundary-representation models of polyhedral objects from single line drawings depicting the objects. This topic is important in that automated interpretation of freehand sketches would remove a bottleneck in current engineering design methods. The thesis does not consider conversion of freehand sketches to line drawings or methods which require manual intervention or multiple drawings. The thesis contains a number of novel contributions to the art of machine interpretation of line drawings. Line labelling has been extended by cataloguing the possible tetrahedral junctions and by development of heuristics aimed at selecting a preferred labelling from many possible. The ”bundling” method of grouping probably-parallel lines, and the use of feature detection to detect and classify hole loops, are both believed to be original. The junction-line-pair formalisation which translates the problem of depth estimation into a system of linear equations is new. Treating topological reconstruction as a tree-search is not only a new approach but tackles a problem which has not been fully investigated in previous work