518 research outputs found

    Nonlinear control for Two-Link flexible manipulator

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    Recently the use of robot manipulators has been increasing in many applications such as medical applications, automobile, construction, manufacturing, military, space, etc. However, current rigid manipulators have high inertia and use actuators with large energy consumption. Moreover, rigid manipulators are slow and have low payload-to arm-mass ratios because link deformation is not allowed. The main advantages of flexible manipulators over rigid manipulators are light in weight, higher speed of operation, larger workspace, smaller actuator, lower energy consumption and lower cost. However, there is no adequate closed-form solutions exist for flexible manipulators. This is mainly because flexible dynamics are modeled with partial differential equations, which give rise to infinite dimensional dynamical systems that are, in general, not possible to represent exactly or efficiently on a computer which makes modeling a challenging task. In addition, if flexibility nature wasn\u27t considered, there will be calculation errors in the calculated torque requirement for the motors and in the calculated position of the end-effecter. As for the control task, it is considered as a complex task since flexible manipulators are non-minimum phase system, under-actuated system and Multi-Input/Multi-Output (MIMO) nonlinear system. This thesis focuses on the development of dynamic formulation model and three control techniques aiming to achieve accurate position control and improving dynamic stability for Two-Link Flexible Manipulators (TLFMs). LQR controller is designed based on the linearized model of the TLFM; however, it is applied on both linearized and nonlinear models. In addition to LQR, Backstepping and Sliding mode controllers are designed as nonlinear control approaches and applied on both the nonlinear model of the TLFM and the physical system. The three developed control techniques are tested through simulation based on the developed dynamic formulation model using MATLAB/SIMULINK. Stability and performance analysis were conducted and tuned to obtain the best results. Then, the performance and stability results obtained through simulation are compared. Finally, the developed control techniques were implemented and analyzed on the 2-DOF Serial Flexible Link Robot experimental system from Quanser and the results are illustrated and compared with that obtained through simulation

    Sliding mode control of a three-DOF robotic system driven by DC motors

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    U ovom radu, predloženo je upravljanje u kliznom režimu kretanjem robotskog sistema sa 3 stepena slobode pogonjen jednosmernim motorima. Prvenstveno je projektovan kontroler u kliznom režimu i koji je baziran na PD kliznoj površi. Numeričke simulacije su sprovedene sa ciljem ilustrovanja osobina robusnosti predloženog sistema upravljanja kao i značaja smanjenja izlaznih oscilacija chattering-free datog robotskog sistema. Konačno, simulacioni primer pokazuje izvodljivost i efikasnost predloženog pristupa.This paper proposes a sliding mode control of a 3-DOF robotic system driven by DC motors. Primarily, a conventional sliding mode controller based on a pd sliding surface is designed. Numerical simulations have been carried out to show the proposed control system's robustness properties as well as the significance of the proposed control which resulted in reducing output oscillations (chattering-free) of the given robot. Finally, a simulation example shows the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Sliding mode control of a three-DOF robotic system driven by DC motors

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    U ovom radu, predloženo je upravljanje u kliznom režimu kretanjem robotskog sistema sa 3 stepena slobode pogonjen jednosmernim motorima. Prvenstveno je projektovan kontroler u kliznom režimu i koji je baziran na PD kliznoj površi. Numeričke simulacije su sprovedene sa ciljem ilustrovanja osobina robusnosti predloženog sistema upravljanja kao i značaja smanjenja izlaznih oscilacija chattering-free datog robotskog sistema. Konačno, simulacioni primer pokazuje izvodljivost i efikasnost predloženog pristupa.This paper proposes a sliding mode control of a 3-DOF robotic system driven by DC motors. Primarily, a conventional sliding mode controller based on a pd sliding surface is designed. Numerical simulations have been carried out to show the proposed control system's robustness properties as well as the significance of the proposed control which resulted in reducing output oscillations (chattering-free) of the given robot. Finally, a simulation example shows the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Design New Online Tuning Intelligent Chattering Free Fuzzy Compensator

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    Sliding mode control of robotics systems actuated by pneumatic muscles.

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    This dissertation is concerned with investigating robust approaches for the control of pneumatic muscle systems. Pneumatic muscle is a novel type of actuator. Besides having a high ratio of power to weight and flexible control of movement, it also exhibits many analogical behaviors to natural skeletal muscle, which makes them the ideal candidate for applications of anthropomorphic robotic systems. In this dissertation, a new phenomenological model of pneumatic muscle developed in the Human Sensory Feedback Laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base is investigated. The closed loop stability of a one-link planar arm actuated by two pneumatic muscles using linear state feedback is proved. Robotic systems actuated by pneumatic muscles are time-varying and nonlinear due to load variations and uncertainties of system parameters caused by the effects of heat. Sliding mode control has the advantage that it can provide robust control performance in the presence of model uncertainties. Therefore, it is mainly utilized and further complemented with other control methods in this dissertation to design the appropriate controller to perform the tasks commanded by system operation. First, a sliding mode controller is successfully proposed to track the elbow angle with bounded error in a one-Joint limb system with pneumatic muscles in bicep/tricep configuration. Secondly, fuzzy control, which aims to dynamically adjust the sliding surface, is used along with sliding mode control. The so-called fuzzy sliding mode control method is applied to control the motion of the end-effector in a two-Joint planar arm actuated by four groups of pneumatic muscles. Through computer simulation, the fuzzy sliding mode control shows very good tracking accuracy superior to nonfuzzy sliding mode control. Finally, a two-joint planar arm actuated by four groups of pneumatic muscles operated in an assumed industrial environment is presented. Based on the model, an integral sliding mode control scheme is proposed as an ultimate solution to the control of systems actuated by pneumatic muscles. As the theoretical proof and computer simulations show, the integral sliding mode controller, with strong robustness to model uncertainties and external perturbations, is superior for performing the commanded control assignment. Based on the investigation in this dissertation, integral sliding mode control proposed here is a very promising robust control approach to handle systems actuated by pneumatic muscles

    Design of an Integral Suboptimal Second-Order Sliding Mode Controller for the Robust Motion Control of Robot Manipulators

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    The formulation of an integral suboptimal second-order sliding mode ((ISSOSM) control algorithm, oriented to solve motion control problems for robot manipulators, is presented in this paper. The proposed algorithm is designed so that the so-called reaching phase, normally present in the evolution of a system controlled via the sliding mode approach, is reduced to a minimum. This fact makes the algorithm more suitable to be applied to a real industrial robot, since it enhances its robustness, by extending it also to time intervals during which the classical sliding mode is not enforced. Moreover, since the algorithm generates second-order sliding modes, while the model of the controlled electromechanical system has a relative degree equal to one, the control action actually fed into the plant is continuous, which provides a positive chattering alleviation effect. The assessment of the proposal has been carried out by experimentally testing it on a COMAU SMART3-S2 anthropomorphic industrial robot manipulator. The satisfactory experimental results, also compared with those obtained with a standard proportional-derivative controller and with the original suboptimal algorithm, confirm that the new algorithm can actually be used in an industrial context

    A supervisory sliding mode control approach for cooperative robotic system of systems

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    This paper deals with the formulation of a supervisory sliding mode (SM) control approach oriented to deal with the interesting class of system of systems of robotic nature. This class of systems is characterized by the fact of being inherently distributed, cooperative, and, possibly, heterogeneous. In this paper, we propose a modular and composable approach relying on basic modules featuring a multilevel functional architecture, including a supervisor and a couple of hybrid position/force control schemes associated with a couple of cooperative robotic manipulators. In principle, the overall robotic system we are referring to can be viewed as a collection of basic modules of that type. In this paper, we focus on the design of the basic module. The hybrid position/force control schemes therein included are based on position and force controllers. The proposed position and force controllers are of SM type, to assure suitable robustness to perform a satisfactory trajectory tracking even in presence of unavoidable modeling uncertainties and external disturbances. The verification and the validation of our proposal have been performed by simulating the supervisor and the hybrid control scheme applied to one of the two robotic manipulators while experimentally testing the position control on the other arm. The experimental part of the tests has been carried out on a COMAU SMART3-S2 anthropomorphic industrial robotic manipulator