152 research outputs found

    The Role of Dimension in the Online Chasing Problem

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    Let (X,d)(X, d) be a metric space and C2X\mathcal{C} \subseteq 2^X -- a collection of special objects. In the (X,d,C)(X,d,\mathcal{C})-chasing problem, an online player receives a sequence of online requests {Bt}t=1TC\{B_t\}_{t=1}^T \subseteq \mathcal{C} and responds with a trajectory {xt}t=1T\{x_t\}_{t=1}^T such that xtBtx_t \in B_t. This response incurs a movement cost t=1Td(xt,xt1)\sum_{t=1}^T d(x_t, x_{t-1}), and the online player strives to minimize the competitive ratio -- the worst case ratio over all input sequences between the online movement cost and the optimal movement cost in hindsight. Under this setup, we call the (X,d,C)(X,d,\mathcal{C})-chasing problem chaseable\textit{chaseable} if there exists an online algorithm with finite competitive ratio. In the case of Convex Body Chasing (CBC) over real normed vector spaces, (Bubeck et al. 2019) proved the chaseability of the problem. Furthermore, in the vector space setting, the dimension of the ambient space appears to be the factor controlling the size of the competitive ratio. Indeed, recently, (Sellke 2020) provided a dd-competitive online algorithm over arbitrary real normed vector spaces (Rd,)(\mathbb{R}^d, ||\cdot||), and we will shortly present a general strategy for obtaining novel lower bounds of the form Ω(dc),c>0\Omega(d^c), \enspace c > 0, for CBC in the same setting. In this paper, we also prove that the doubling\textit{doubling} and Assouad\textit{Assouad} dimensions of a metric space exert no control on the hardness of ball chasing over the said metric space. More specifically, we show that for any large enough ρR\rho \in \mathbb{R}, there exists a metric space (X,d)(X,d) of doubling dimension Θ(ρ)\Theta(\rho) and Assouad dimension ρ\rho such that no online selector can achieve a finite competitive ratio in the general ball chasing regime

    Metrical Service Systems with Transformations

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    We consider a generalization of the fundamental online metrical service systems (MSS) problem where the feasible region can be transformed between requests. In this problem, which we call T-MSS, an algorithm maintains a point in a metric space and has to serve a sequence of requests. Each request is a map (transformation) : → between subsets and of the metric space. To serve it, the algorithm has to go to a point ∈ , paying the distance from its previous position. Then, the transformation is applied, modifying the algorithm’s state to ( ). Such transformations can model, e.g., changes to the environment that are outside of an algorithm’s control, and we therefore do not charge any additional cost to the algorithm when the transformation is applied. The transformations also allow to model requests occurring in the -taxi problem. We show that for -Lipschitz transformations, the competitive ratio is Θ()−2 on -point metrics. Here, the upper bound is achieved by a deterministic algorithm and the lower bound holds even for randomized algorithms. For the -taxi problem, we prove a competitive ratio of Õ(( log )2). For chasing convex bodies, we show that even with contracting transformations no competitive algorithm exists. The problem T-MSS has a striking connection to the following deep mathematical question: Given a finite metric space M, what is the required cardinality of an extension M̂ ⊇ M where each partial isometry on M extends to an automorphism? We give partial answers for special cases

    Online learning for robust voltage control under uncertain grid topology

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    Voltage control generally requires accurate information about the grid's topology in order to guarantee network stability. However, accurate topology identification is challenging for existing methods, especially as the grid is subject to increasingly frequent reconfiguration due to the adoption of renewable energy. Further, running existing control mechanisms with incorrect network information may lead to unstable control. In this work, we combine a nested convex body chasing algorithm with a robust predictive controller to achieve provably finite-time convergence to safe voltage limits in the online setting where the network topology is initially unknown. Specifically, the online controller does not know the true network topology and line parameters, but instead learns them over time by narrowing down the set of network topologies and line parameters that are consistent with its observations and adjusting reactive power generation accordingly to keep voltages within desired safety limits. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in a case study on a Southern California Edison 56-bus distribution system. Our experiments show that in practical settings, the controller is indeed able to narrow the set of consistent topologies quickly enough to make control decisions that ensure stability in both linearized and realistic non-linear models of the distribution grid.Comment: under submission. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2206.1436

    Better Bounds for Online Line Chasing

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    We study online competitive algorithms for the line chasing problem in Euclidean spaces R^d, where the input consists of an initial point P_0 and a sequence of lines X_1, X_2, ..., X_m, revealed one at a time. At each step t, when the line X_t is revealed, the algorithm must determine a point P_t in X_t. An online algorithm is called c-competitive if for any input sequence the path P_0, P_1..., P_m it computes has length at most c times the optimum path. The line chasing problem is a variant of a more general convex body chasing problem, where the sets X_t are arbitrary convex sets. To date, the best competitive ratio for the line chasing problem was 28.1, even in the plane. We improve this bound by providing a simple 3-competitive algorithm for any dimension d. We complement this bound by a matching lower bound for algorithms that are memoryless in the sense of our algorithm, and a lower bound of 1.5358 for arbitrary algorithms. The latter bound also improves upon the previous lower bound of sqrt{2}~=1.412 for convex body chasing in 2 dimensions