449,448 research outputs found

    Next Generation Paper Chart

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    Throughout the ages, the navigation chart has adapted to meet the requirements of the mariner to ensure safety of navigation. The portrayal of chart information and its physical presentation on manuscript materials have also changed through innovation and human factors. In more recent times, the work of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) has established various standards to provide consistency to charting products to meet a truly global requirement. The transition from a manuscript to a digital electronic navigation world continues at a rapid pace. A new generation of users are more familiar and comfortable with electronic technology. One of the challenges facing the IHO is the future of the paper nautical chart. The ongoing need for paper charts is not the issue discussed in this paper. What is discussed, however, is the portrayal of chart data and the way in which paper charts may be generated in the future. The issue requires careful consideration to reduce Hydrographic Office (HO) production burdens, maintain relevance and meet the customers' expectations. "In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” Thomas Jefferson.A través de los tiempos, la carta de navegación se ha adaptado para satisfacer los requisitos del navegante con el fin de garantizar la seguridad de la navegación. La representación de información cartográfica y su presentación física en materiales manuscritos han cambiado también mediante la innovación y los factores humanos. En tiempos más recientes, el trabajo de la Organización Hidrográfica Internacional (OHI) ha consistido en establecer varias normas con el fin de proporcionar coherencia a los productos cartográficos para que satisfagan realmente un requisito global. La transición de un manuscrito a un mundo digital de navegación electrónica sigue avanzando a un ritmo rápido. Una nueva generación de usuarios se siente más familiarizada y cómoda con la tecnología electrónica. Uno de los desafíos a los que se enfrenta la OHI es el futuro de la carta náutica de papel. La necesidad continua de cartas de papel no es el tema que se trata en este artículo. Sin embargo, de lo que se trata, es de la representación de los datos de las cartas y del modo en el que podrán generarse las cartas de papel en el futuro. Este tema merece una cuidadosa consideración para reducir los gastos de producción del Servicio Hidrográfico (SH), mantener su pertinencia y satisfacer las expectativas de los usuarios. "En cuestiones de estilo, nada con la corriente; en cuestiones de principio, mantente firme como una roca.” Thomas Jefferson.Au cours des siècles, la carte de navigation a évolué pour répondre aux besoins du navigateur afin d’assurer la sécurité de la navigation. La visualisation des renseignements cartographiques et leur présentation physique sur les supports papier ont également changé du fait des innovations et des facteurs humains. Plus récemment, les travaux de l’Organisation hydrographique internationale (OHI) ont établi différentes normes pour rendre cohérents les produits cartographiques en vue de répondre à un besoin véritablement global. La transition de la navigation avec des documents papier au monde de la navigation électronique numérique se poursuit à un rythme soutenu. La nouvelle génération d’utilisateurs est plus familiarisée et plus à l’aise avec la technologie électronique. Un des défis auxquels l’OHI doit faire face est l’avenir de la carte marine papier. Le besoin continu de cartes papier n’est pas le sujet de cet article. Ce qui y est abordé, cependant, est la visualisation des données cartographiques et la façon dont les cartes papier pourront être produites à l’avenir. Cette question requiert un examen minutieux afin de diminuer les coûts de production des Services hydrographiques (SH), de préserver la pertinence et de répondre aux attentes des clients. « Sur les questions de style, nage avec le courant, sur les questions de principe, soit solide comme un roc ». Thomas Jefferson

    Seven Generation Family Chart

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    This seven-generation family tree was part of a file assembled by Ruth Kline Lee in June of 1976. The file was titled, Notestein Family Data . The first page of this document is the full family tree, with the subsequent pages displaying a typed version of the first page. The top of the chart lists Johann Jacob Nothstein, who married Barbara Weiss (nee Roth) in May of 1676. The family tree ends with Sky Kashi, who was born in November of 1970. On the typed pages of the family tree, there are handwritten notes and corrections.https://openworks.wooster.edu/notestein_family/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Division Charts as Granules and Their Merging Algorithm for Rule Generation in Nondeterministic Data

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    We have been proposing a framework rough Nondeterministic information analysis, which considers granular computing concepts in tables with incomplete and nondeterministic information, as well as rule generation. We have recently defined an expression named division chart with respect to an implication and a subset of objects. Each division chart takes the role of the minimum granule for rule generation, and it takes the role of contingency table in statistics. In this paper, we at first define a division chart in deterministic information systems (DISs) and clarify the relation between a division chart and a corresponding implication. We also consider a merging algorithm for two division charts and extend the relation in DISs to nondeterministic information systems. The relation gives us the foundations of rule generation in tables with nondeterministic information

    An evaluation on the comprehensibility of UML activity and state chart diagrams with regard to manual test generation

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    The activity and state chart diagrams are the most frequently used UML diagrams for testing a system based on its specification. One of the key important qualities of the UML diagrams is their comprehensibility. The content analysis of previous studies highlighted the lack of experts’ evaluation of the comprehensibility of activity and state chart diagrams with regard to test case generation. Thus, the main objective of this study is to evaluate the comprehensibility of the UML activity and state chart diagrams for test case generation. First, a content analysis was performed to identify the comprehensibility criteria. The criteria are perceived difficulty and subjective confidence. Next, a set of evaluation questions was designed based on the content analysis. Then, test cases were generated from activity and state chart diagrams manually of an adapted case study. An interview was conducted with five experts to validate the evaluation questions. The experts evaluated the comprehensibility of the activity and state chart diagrams by using the evaluation questions. The result of the study provided specific details of the different characteristics of activity and state chart diagrams. Further, it suggested that the activity diagram is more comprehensible than the state chart diagram in the aspect of test case generation. The finding of this study could assist software testers in choosing the appropriate UML diagrams for software testing

    The Generations Defined Through a U.S. Lens

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    Diversity in the workplace is an opportunity for learning and growth. One lens of diversity for leaders and organizations to consider is generational diversity, as now five generations comprise the U.S. workforce. Understanding the backgrounds of generational cohorts helps organizations create inclusive environments and address one aspect of intersectionality. Definitions of generational cohorts are not intended to stereotype individuals or groups. The Generations Defined Through a U.S. Lens Chart was developed over the past 14 years from a review of research and input from members of different generations. The Chart outlines both domestic and global influences impacting five generations: Veterans, Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. The Chart also describes major characteristics for each generation including work and leadership preferences, as well as motivation in the workplace. The authors, one Boomer and one Gen Z, built on earlier versions of the Chart to include current research, expanded influences, and validate the content from experience. The goal of the Chart is to assist organizations in creating a workplace to celebrate and engage generational diversity

    Grassmannian flows and applications to nonlinear partial differential equations

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    We show how solutions to a large class of partial differential equations with nonlocal Riccati-type nonlinearities can be generated from the corresponding linearized equations, from arbitrary initial data. It is well known that evolutionary matrix Riccati equations can be generated by projecting linear evolutionary flows on a Stiefel manifold onto a coordinate chart of the underlying Grassmann manifold. Our method relies on extending this idea to the infinite dimensional case. The key is an integral equation analogous to the Marchenko equation in integrable systems, that represents the coodinate chart map. We show explicitly how to generate such solutions to scalar partial differential equations of arbitrary order with nonlocal quadratic nonlinearities using our approach. We provide numerical simulations that demonstrate the generation of solutions to Fisher--Kolmogorov--Petrovskii--Piskunov equations with nonlocal nonlinearities. We also indicate how the method might extend to more general classes of nonlinear partial differential systems.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure