7,141 research outputs found

    Linear preservers and quantum information science

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    Let m,n2m,n\ge 2 be positive integers, MmM_m the set of m×mm\times m complex matrices and MnM_n the set of n×nn\times n complex matrices. Regard MmnM_{mn} as the tensor space MmMnM_m\otimes M_n. Suppose |\cdot| is the Ky Fan kk-norm with 1kmn1 \le k \le mn, or the Schatten pp-norm with 1p1 \le p \le \infty (p2p\ne 2) on MmnM_{mn}. It is shown that a linear map ϕ:MmnMmn\phi: M_{mn} \rightarrow M_{mn} satisfying AB=ϕ(AB)|A\otimes B| = |\phi(A\otimes B)| for all AMmA \in M_m and BMnB \in M_n if and only if there are unitary U,VMmnU, V \in M_{mn} such that ϕ\phi has the form ABU(φ1(A)φ2(B))VA\otimes B \mapsto U(\varphi_1(A) \otimes \varphi_2(B))V, where φi(X)\varphi_i(X) is either the identity map XXX \mapsto X or the transposition map XXtX \mapsto X^t. The results are extended to tensor space Mn1...MnmM_{n_1} \otimes ... \otimes M_{n_m} of higher level. The connection of the problem to quantum information science is mentioned.Comment: 13 page

    Entropic trade-off relations for quantum operations

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    Spectral properties of an arbitrary matrix can be characterized by the entropy of its rescaled singular values. Any quantum operation can be described by the associated dynamical matrix or by the corresponding superoperator. The entropy of the dynamical matrix describes the degree of decoherence introduced by the map, while the entropy of the superoperator characterizes the a priori knowledge of the receiver of the outcome of a quantum channel Phi. We prove that for any map acting on a N--dimensional quantum system the sum of both entropies is not smaller than ln N. For any bistochastic map this lower bound reads 2 ln N. We investigate also the corresponding R\'enyi entropies, providing an upper bound for their sum and analyze entanglement of the bi-partite quantum state associated with the channel.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    An Overview of Polynomially Computable Characteristics of Special Interval Matrices

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    It is well known that many problems in interval computation are intractable, which restricts our attempts to solve large problems in reasonable time. This does not mean, however, that all problems are computationally hard. Identifying polynomially solvable classes thus belongs to important current trends. The purpose of this paper is to review some of such classes. In particular, we focus on several special interval matrices and investigate their convenient properties. We consider tridiagonal matrices, {M,H,P,B}-matrices, inverse M-matrices, inverse nonnegative matrices, nonnegative matrices, totally positive matrices and some others. We focus in particular on computing the range of the determinant, eigenvalues, singular values, and selected norms. Whenever possible, we state also formulae for determining the inverse matrix and the hull of the solution set of an interval system of linear equations. We survey not only the known facts, but we present some new views as well

    Split Quaternions and Particles in (2+1)-Space

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    It is known that quaternions represent rotations in 3D Euclidean and Minkowski spaces. However, product by a quaternion gives rotation in two independent planes at once and to obtain single-plane rotations one has to apply by half-angle quaternions twice from the left and on the right (with its inverse). This 'double cover' property is potential problem in geometrical application of split quaternions, since (2+2)-signature of their norms should not be changed for each product. If split quaternions form proper algebraic structure for microphysics, representation of boosts in (2+1)-space leads to the interpretation of the scalar part of quaternions as wavelength of particles. Invariance of space-time intervals and some quantum behavior, like noncommutativity and fundamental spinor representation, probably also are algebraic properties. In our approach the Dirac equation represents the Cauchy-Riemann analyticity condition and the two fundamental physical parameters (speed of light and Planck's constant) appear from the requirement of positive definiteness of quaternionic norms.Comment: The version published in Eur. Phys. J.

    Tsirelson's problem and Kirchberg's conjecture

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    Tsirelson's problem asks whether the set of nonlocal quantum correlations with a tensor product structure for the Hilbert space coincides with the one where only commutativity between observables located at different sites is assumed. Here it is shown that Kirchberg's QWEP conjecture on tensor products of C*-algebras would imply a positive answer to this question for all bipartite scenarios. This remains true also if one considers not only spatial correlations, but also spatiotemporal correlations, where each party is allowed to apply their measurements in temporal succession; we provide an example of a state together with observables such that ordinary spatial correlations are local, while the spatiotemporal correlations reveal nonlocality. Moreover, we find an extended version of Tsirelson's problem which, for each nontrivial Bell scenario, is equivalent to the QWEP conjecture. This extended version can be conveniently formulated in terms of steering the system of a third party. Finally, a comprehensive mathematical appendix offers background material on complete positivity, tensor products of C*-algebras, group C*-algebras, and some simple reformulations of the QWEP conjecture.Comment: 57 pages, to appear in Rev. Math. Phy