22,021 research outputs found

    Condorcet Domains, Median Graphs and the Single Crossing Property

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    Condorcet domains are sets of linear orders with the property that, whenever the preferences of all voters belong to this set, the majority relation has no cycles. We observe that, without loss of generality, such domain can be assumed to be closed in the sense that it contains the majority relation of every profile with an odd number of individuals whose preferences belong to this domain. We show that every closed Condorcet domain is naturally endowed with the structure of a median graph and that, conversely, every median graph is associated with a closed Condorcet domain (which may not be a unique one). The subclass of those Condorcet domains that correspond to linear graphs (chains) are exactly the preference domains with the classical single crossing property. As a corollary, we obtain that the domains with the so-called `representative voter property' (with the exception of a 4-cycle) are the single crossing domains. Maximality of a Condorcet domain imposes additional restrictions on the underlying median graph. We prove that among all trees only the chains can induce maximal Condorcet domains, and we characterize the single crossing domains that in fact do correspond to maximal Condorcet domains. Finally, using Nehring's and Puppe's (2007) characterization of monotone Arrowian aggregation, our analysis yields a rich class of strategy-proof social choice functions on any closed Condorcet domain

    On Visibility Representations of Non-planar Graphs

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    A rectangle visibility representation (RVR) of a graph consists of an assignment of axis-aligned rectangles to vertices such that for every edge there exists a horizontal or vertical line of sight between the rectangles assigned to its endpoints. Testing whether a graph has an RVR is known to be NP-hard. In this paper, we study the problem of finding an RVR under the assumption that an embedding in the plane of the input graph is fixed and we are looking for an RVR that reflects this embedding. We show that in this case the problem can be solved in polynomial time for general embedded graphs and in linear time for 1-plane graphs (i.e., embedded graphs having at most one crossing per edge). The linear time algorithm uses a precise list of forbidden configurations, which extends the set known for straight-line drawings of 1-plane graphs. These forbidden configurations can be tested for in linear time, and so in linear time we can test whether a 1-plane graph has an RVR and either compute such a representation or report a negative witness. Finally, we discuss some extensions of our study to the case when the embedding is not fixed but the RVR can have at most one crossing per edge

    Analogies between the crossing number and the tangle crossing number

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    Tanglegrams are special graphs that consist of a pair of rooted binary trees with the same number of leaves, and a perfect matching between the two leaf-sets. These objects are of use in phylogenetics and are represented with straightline drawings where the leaves of the two plane binary trees are on two parallel lines and only the matching edges can cross. The tangle crossing number of a tanglegram is the minimum crossing number over all such drawings and is related to biologically relevant quantities, such as the number of times a parasite switched hosts. Our main results for tanglegrams which parallel known theorems for crossing numbers are as follows. The removal of a single matching edge in a tanglegram with nn leaves decreases the tangle crossing number by at most n−3n-3, and this is sharp. Additionally, if γ(n)\gamma(n) is the maximum tangle crossing number of a tanglegram with nn leaves, we prove 12(n2)(1−o(1))≤γ(n)<12(n2)\frac{1}{2}\binom{n}{2}(1-o(1))\le\gamma(n)<\frac{1}{2}\binom{n}{2}. Further, we provide an algorithm for computing non-trivial lower bounds on the tangle crossing number in O(n4)O(n^4) time. This lower bound may be tight, even for tanglegrams with tangle crossing number Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2).Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure
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